Lesson Plan for Teachers: How to Swear in EnglishСтр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒ Lesson Plan for Teachers: How to Swear in English Swearing in English: Warm-up Questions 1 Does your native language have many swear words? Are they stronger than those in English? 2 Brainstorm: What other words mean jerk? (E. g. He is a jerk (an annoying person). ) 3 Brainstorm: What other verbs do you know that mean have sex? Swearing in English: What would you say in the following situations if you were angry? 1 Someone tells you that you are ugly. 2 You get home and find your partner cheating on you with another person. 3 You step in dog poop. 4 Someone phones you at 6 AM to sell you something. 5 You lock your car keys in your car. Swearing in English: Replace the underlined expressions with a word from the below box.
Swearing in English: Some Similar Expressions Go away! = get lost / go to hell / fuck off! Jerk = dick / dickhead / prick / fucker / motherfucker / asshole / cunt Have sex = do it / shag / bang / screw / fuck * Bonus Question: Which of the above words mean penis? Swearing in English: How do you make these expressions stronger? (answers at end of pg. 2) Darn it. à What the heck. à Oh my gosh. à