7. Which process is theorized to be critical for sleep's role in maintaining health? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Watch the video https: //youtu. be/dqONk48l5vY and answer the questions: 1. Losing sleep has been linked to: a) Increasedinflammation b) High blood pressure c) Obesity d) All of the above e) Noneoftheabove
2. By the end of Randy Gardner's experiment, he experienced: a) Hallucinations b) c) Short-termmemoryproblems d) Paranoia e) Alloftheabove
3. How much sleep do adolescents need? a) 5-6 hours b) 9-10 hours c) 7-8 hours d) 12-13 hours e) 2-3 hours
4. Studies show that approximately _____ percent of adolescents are sleep deprived a) 95 b) 66 c) 75 d) 80 e) 30
5. Which substance mentioned in the video builds up and causes 'sleep pressure'? a) Adenosine b) Glutamine c) Histaminen d) Glycine e) Noneoftheabove
6. Explain how the stimulant caffeine can keep our brain alert. 7. Which process is theorized to be critical for sleep's role in maintaining health? 8. What are some of the cognitive effects of sleeplessness?