Euronews.Moscow on the move. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 8 из 8 Euronews. Moscow on the move. Before you watch… How do you prefer exploring your native city? What means of transport can you name that provide a good view of the city? What other merits do they have? Watch the video and choose the best way of going about Moscow from the listed there. Explain your decision. Answer the questions. 1. Why is choosing the right means for exploring Moscow vital? 2. What does the narrator compare Moscow metro stations to? Why? 3. What memorable pages of Russian history can be seen in the metro? 4. What superstition is connected to a certain metro statue? 5. 6. Into what two groups does Alexis divide the travelers? 7. Why did Alexis choose a bike for his excursions? 8. Are the bikers rare in Moscow? What service exists for them? 9. Why does S. Lavrentyev prefer double-deckers as an ideal means for excursions? 10. What tour did Moscow ethnographer Natalya Leonova create? 11. What role did the river play in the construction of Moscow?