3.110 facts about Australia ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 3. 1. Area – территория 2. landboundaries – сухопутные границы 3. coastline – береговая линия 4. maritimeclaims – морское требование 5. contiguouszone – прилежащая зона 6. arableland – пахотные земли 7. meadows and pastures – луга и пастбища 8. irrigated land – орошаемыеземли 9. overgrazing – чрезмерныйвыпасскота 10. desertification – опустынивание 11. drought – засуха 3. 110 facts about Australia 1) The coast of the continent is washed by the seas of the Indian and Pacific oceans. 2) Australia is the only continent without an active volcano. 3) Australia is the only state in the world covering the territory of the entire continent. 4) Official name of the country Australian Union. 5) Capital of Australia – Canberra. 6) The largest island of Tasmania lies south of the continent. 7) Out of 12 thousand species of vegetation, more than 9 thousand are endemic. 8) Australia is the only continent where there are no ungulates or monkeys. 9) Australia has no borders with any state. 10) Australia a state in the southern hemisphere.
Australians are people living in Australia. Kiwi is an endemic bird. Australia surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, the Indian ocean, and the Southern Ocean. There is common way to abbreviate Australia – AU. Australia's problems are depletion and desertification Australia is a state in the Southern Hemisphere, located on the mainland of the same name. The capital of Australia is Canberra, an artificially created city. In terms of population, the country takes 50th place in the world. 3. 3Comprehension Check: 1) T. 2) F. (A threatening natural phenomenon is drought. ) 3) F. (The largest country is Russia) 4) F.. (No) 5) T. 6) T. 7) T. 8) F. (Australia is the smallest continent. ) 9) F. (The capital of Canberra) 10) F. (Aboriginal Indigenous рeople) 4. 4 1. The capital is Canberra city. 2. The population was 18 508 000 people in 1997 in Australia. 3. The prison colony was created by British. 4. The rate of population doubling occurs every 99 years. 5. Aborigines are the original inhabitants of Australia. 6. Australia consists of 6 States. 7. The official name of Australia is the Commonwealth of Australia. 8. The country covers an area of approximately 3 million square miles. 4. 1 1. Purnululu National Park is part of the Kimberley region. Also National Park is one of Australia's 500 best sites with amazing sandy structures. Australia's popular attraction The Great Barrier Reef, it includes 3000 individual reefs and many small islands built from Churals and sand. This is one of the most impressive creations of nature, some calls are 2000 years old. New Zealand has a skyline dominated by mountains. Tallest of all is Mount Cook. 2. There are 6 states and 2 mainland territories in Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory. «TESTS»