


Случайная статья

Deny Posture


Conzeptualizing Crisis Communikation

Crisis Management has three Phases:

  1. pre crisis
  2. crisis response
  3. post crisis


Crisis communication is composed of:

    • crisis knowledge management
    • stakeholder reaction management


Pre-crisis: composed of actions organizations take before crisis over occurs:

1) prevention: identify and reduce risk.

Form of risk:  

  • eliminate the risk
  • reduce the like hood f a risk
  • reduce the treat of the risk

2) preparation: CMPlan, exercises that simulate a crisis experience

Team must to create a crises sing network (knowledge network)


Crisis response: when crisis hits:

  • Form: how organization should respond
  • Content: what organization says and does


The 4 keys features of form: 1. be quick 2. avoid”no Comment” 3. be accurate 4. be consistent (speak with one voice)


1. be quick: Org. must get its message very fast. Silence and passive response allow other to tell the story and to control the discussion of crisis.

2. avoid”no Comment”: if you don’t have an answer to a question, say that you don’t have the information and promise to answer the question when you get the relevant Information.

4. be consistent (speak with one voice): all who speak for the organization have the same knowledge. It helps to create the consistent message.

Content: what the crisis massage should communicate. The central goals of crisis response comm.:

  • preventing or minimizing damage
  •  maintaining the organizations operations (business continuity)
  • reputation repair


Post-crisis strategies:

1) Instruction information say what to do protect themselves from crisis. Organization must warn customers of any danger.  

2) adjusting information: psychological stress as effect from crisis. Crisis managers should provide a summary of the event and outline of what actions are being taken.

3) reputation repair


Value of Reputation: favorable and unfavorable

Corporate Apologia: 4 strategies:

  • denial (опроверже́ ние): there is no wrongdoing or person uninvolved in wrongdoing.
  • bolstering: connects the individual to something the audience would view positively
  • differentiation : to take the action out of its current negative context.
  • transcendence: to place the action in a new, broader context to make the action seem more favorable.
  • 3 dissociations (Hearit):

1) opinion: that its just opinion and don’t match the facts of the situation. People will see that is no crisis or connection to the organization.

 2) individual group: tries to defect some responsibility from the organization by blaming only a part of the organization for the crisis.

3) act essence: accept the reasonability but says that crisis doesn’t represent really org.


Impression management:

- excuse, avoiding responsibility

- justification, accept responsibility for the act but not the consequence of the act

- ingratiation, try to build stakeholder support or approval

- intimidation, threat of action again a person or group  

- apology, accept responsibility and accept a punishment

- denouncement, claim some other party is responsible

- factual distortion, inf. is untrue


Image Restoration Theory:

- corporate communication is conceptualized as a goal directed activity

- maintain a positive reputation


Benoit’s (1995) Image Restoration Strategies

1) Denial:

Simple Denial: there is no crisis

Shift the blame: so other agent is responsible for crisis

2) Evading Responsibility:

Provocation: crisis was the result of response to some one else’s action

Defeasibility: lack of information about events leading to the crisis situation

Accidental: lack of control over events leading to the crisis situation

Good intention: organization meant to do well

3) Reducing Offensiveness

Bolstering: remind stakeholders of the organization’s positive qualities

Minimize: try to reduce the perceived offensiveness of crisis by saying it was minor

Differentiation: try to offensiveness of crisis by comparing to similar, more serious one

Transcendence: place fact in a different more favorable context

Attack Accuser: attack those who claim a crisis exists

Compensation: organization offers money or goods to victims

4) Corrective Action: organization tries to restore the situation to pre act status and/or promise change prevent a repeat of the act

5) Mortification: organization admits responsibility, asks for forgiveness and expresses regret (
сожале́ ть о чём-ли́ бо)


SCCT Crisis Response Strategies by Posture

Deny Posture

Attack the accuser обвини́ тель: crisis manager confronts the person or group clamming something wrong with the org.

“The org. threatened to sue the people who claim a crisis occurred”

Denial: manager says that crisis is no crisis

“The org. said that no crisis event occurred”

Scapegoal: someone else outside blames for crisis.



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