0 conditionalsentences( составьте по смыслу предложения и напишите рядом их перевод) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 0 conditionalsentences( составьте по смыслу предложения и напишите рядом их перевод)
1 conditionalsentences Exercise 1, match: ( соотнесите по смыслу, записать только цифру и букву)
Exercise 2, choose( выбираем правильную грамматическую форму, написать перевод предложений 3, 5, 6, 8) 1) If I pass / will pass the exam, I will be very happy. 2) You won't / don't learn anything if you don't listen. 3) If you call me before lunch, I will let / let you know. 4) You get / will get a cold if you don't take your jacket. 5) If the weather is good tomorrow, we go / will go for a picnic. 5) If the train will arrive / arrives on time, I will be there for 5. 30. 6) Your insurance will cost / costs more if you crash your car. 7) If you feel ill, go / will go to bed early. 8) What will you do / do you do if you get lost? Exercise 3, fillin (заполнитьпропуски. Писатьтолькограмматическую форму) 1) If she ______________ (not hurry), she ______________ (miss) the bus. Например: 1, are not hurry, will miss 2) If I still ______________ (not feel) well tomorrow, I ______________ (stay) at home. 3) If I _____________ (can get) a ticket, I _____________ (go) to the concert. 4) We _____________ (buy) this car, if we _____________ (have) money. 5) If you _____________ (cook) dinner, I _____________ (wash) the dishes. 6) Let's _____________ (go) to the park if it _____________ (be) sunny.