Let’s talk about ACCIDENTS. Conversation cards. The Top 6 Accidents-Waiting-to-Happen in Your Home. 3. Falling down the stairs.. 4. Getting burned while cooking.. 5. Falling out of windows.. 6. Electrocution.Стр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ Let’s talk about ACCIDENTS
Conversation cards
The Top 6 Accidents-Waiting-to-Happen in Your Home Every year, nearly 20, 000 people die and 21 million medical visits are needed due to home accidents in the United States, says the U. S. Home Safety Council. Those most at risk are children and the elderly -- a recent report from Harvard Medical School found that the chance of dying from a home accident increases dramatically after the age of 65. In fact, people over the age of 75 are four times more likely to die from a home accident than those aged 65 to 74. Of course, people of all ages can be hurt by an accident (you've likely got at least one home-accident story of your own by now). The irony is that most home accidents are the result of human error and could almost always have been prevented. 1. Cutting yourself with a knife. (Pie charts taken from anther online report)
3. Falling down the stairs. 4. Getting burned while cooking. 5. Falling out of windows. 6. Electrocution.