Интересные факты. ШАГ 5. КОНЕЦ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Интересные факты Каждый шаг 1-3 предложения. Исключение для нетворческих людей: Если хотите в части написать 6 предложений – пишите, блин! Дебилы! ШАГ 5. КОНЕЦ
38. 1 Nowadays many people think that studying humanities is very valuable. The aim of the project I am currently working on is to find out more about it. As part of my project, I have found and analyzed some data on the most popular disciplines of humanities among students in Zetland.
According to the data, the students in Zetland have quite a wide range of human disciplines to study. Obviously, the most popular of them is Native language, 31% of the respondents have chosen it. Also, closely the same number of the students (29%) name Literature as their favourite subject. Moreover, Social studies is chosen by 20% of the respondents.
It is worth mentioning that Foreign languages are twice less popular than Native language. To my mind, the main reason is that students have not enough practice studying Foreign languages, so it is more difficult for them. At the same time Native language is spoken every day.
Statistics reveal one problem connected with studying humanities, only 5% of the respondents prefer History to other subjects. Lack of interest to learning about the past is a great problem nowadays. One solution to it is to include visiting museums and historical monuments, watching historical films and plays to the educational programme. All these can make it easy to understand the past.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that studying humanities is very important for students in Zetland. I thinkallthesesubjectsbroadentheirhorizons. (241 words)