


Случайная статья

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38. 1 Imagine that you are doing a project on the most popular disciplines of humanities among students in Zetland. You have collected some data on the subject  — the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).


Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.


Discipline       Percentage (%)

Native language         31

Literature      29

Social studies 20

Foreign languages     15

History 5


Write 200− 250 words. Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

— select and report 2− 3 facts;

— make 1− 2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

— outline the problem that can arise with studying humanities and suggest a way of solving it;

— conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of studying humanities for students in Zetland.


Как написать сочинение по английскому?

Шаг 1. Читаните задание, разберитесь, чо им надо от вас.

Шаг 2 . В любом случае пишитесвоеЖАЛКОЕВСТУПЛЕНИЕ.


Nowadaysmanypeoplethinkthat…Здесьлюбое, чтопридетвголову, например (studyinghumanities) …is very valuable.

The aim of the project I am currently working on is to find out more about it.

As part of my project, I have found and analyzed some data… about something or on the most etc. …

Браво, Гений! Просто перепиши это, и дело с концом.

P. s. Возможно, это самое длинное вступление, что можно придумать.


ШАГ 3 . ПИШИТЕ СВОИМИ СЛЕЗАМИ остальные части, на каждую часть вставляя пару заготовленных предложений или словечек.

Как написать каждую часть?

Задумаемся о первом предложении после вступления.

After data collection we can see the top five purposes of …здесьхотьчто, например (using smartphones).

According to the data, the students in Zetland have quite a wide range of … (human disciplines to study).

Obviously, the most popular of them is…(Native language), 31% of the respondents have chosen it. Also, closely the same number of the students (29%) name…(Literature) as their favourite(subject). Moreover, (Social studies) is chosen by 20% of the respondents.

Дляописания % подойдутлюбыефразысословамиграфик, видеть (the graphshows/demonstrateы/illustrateы, it can be seen, its clear that, its noticeable), нуу, и“вдохиивыдохи”: (also, however, moreover, obviously).

Внизу интересный материал…

ШАГ 3. 5.

К сожалению, еще нужно написать пару бездарных фактов.


It is worth mentioning that… (Foreign languages) are twice less/more popular than (Native language).

To my mind, the main reason is that (students have not enough practice studying Foreign languages), so it is more difficult for them. At the same time (Native language is spoken every day).

Внизу интересный материал…

ШАГ 4. ПИШИБЫСТРЕЕГРЕБАННЫЙКОНЕЦ, предварительноподобравсамый блеклый и зазубрив его.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that (studying humanities) is very important for students in Zetland. I think (all these subjects) broaden their horizons.


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