Упр.1. WORDS TO THE TEXT (записатьвсловарь) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
1. Прочитать, письменно перевести текст «ANGINA PECTORIS (STENOCARDIA)» For the first time it was discovered in 1868. In 1793 two English doctors: Jenner and Perr claimed that deformation of coronary vessels caused pains in the chest. The main symptoms of Angina pectoris are sharp pains in the chest, resulting in the malfunctioning of the coronary blood circulation. People over forty, mostly men, have it. The main cause of angina pectoris is arteriosclerosis of the heart coronary arteries. High blood pressure, smoking can lead to angina pectoris. There are two different types of angina pectoris. One when a patient feels a pain, while walking or doing some physical exercises. And the other, when a pain troubles a patient while he rests. When angina pectoris attacks a patient, he feels very weak, his face is covered with cold sweat, he feels fear, he can’t move. A pain has some peculiar symptoms. Usually a patient feels a pain in the chest or in the left side. The pain is rather intensive. It may last some seconds or up to fifteen minutes. In this case nitroglycerin helps a patient. Angina pectoris takes different clinical forms: 1. Angina pectoris is intensive and stable. 2. Angina pectoris is not stable, but intensive. Fits of pain occur more and more often and can lead to a heart attack. Nitroglycerin is the most effective remedy. Its effect is felt in one, two minutes. Sick people must always have it. Later surgery is used in the most difficult cases. Упр. 1. WORDS TO THE TEXT (записатьвсловарь) Angina pectoris – стенокардия; todiscover - открывать, toclaim - заявлять, объявлять vessels – сосуды malfunction – неисправность sweat – пот fear - страх, паника peculiar – своеобразный fit – приступ occur – случаться, происходить упр. 2. QUESTIONS: