The Man Who Was Stuck in Paris Airport for 18 Years1. Why might a person get stuck in an airport? 2. Study the vocabulary before watching the video.
Revoke one’s citizenship – officially cancel sb’s citizenship Topple the government – to remove a person or organization from a position of power Grant sb refugee status – give sb an official permission to stay in a foreign country because they are unable or unwilling to return home because they fear serious harm Be eligible to apply for a citizenship – being able and allowed to do apply for citizendhip an infinite loop – a vicious circle, a problem which can’t be solved a sequence of instructions that, as written, will continue endlessly, unless an external intervention occurs homeless shelter - a type of homeless service agency which provide temporary residence for homeless individuals and families. 3. Watch the video and answer the questions below. Take notes. https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=rM4ZpJOAY4k
1) How long did Sir Alfred (Mehran Karimi Nasseri) stay in the CPG terminal? 2) What did you learn about his family background? 3) What does it mean to be ‘stateless’? How many people across the globe are stateless? 4) Why was Sir Alfred ‘s citizenship revoked? 5) What did he find out about his parents? 6) Why didn’t he apply for the British citizenship? 7) What happened when Sir Alfred arrived in Britain? 8) Where did he get the money while living in the airport? Name 4 sources. 9) What happened to him in 2006?
4. Watch the video again and fill-in the gaps. 0: 26 – 0: 35After the third hour being told that your flight will board in 15 minutes it can start to feel like you’ll be stuck in the airport forever but I guarantee that you’ve never been as _____________ as Sir Alfred. 01: 16 – 01: 33 There are a lot of ways people can become _____________ but one major one is plotting to overthrow the government of a country like Alfred allegedly did.
01: 36 - 01: 48 There were _____ and ________ to this. ___: Alfred would be eligible for British citizenship. ____: Alfred would not be eligible under Iranian law to receive his father’s ____________…oh and his whole life was a lie.
02: 05- 02: 11 Alfred left France lite, went to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, somehow boarded a plane, and flew to London. Now, this shouldn’t have happened because, in order to fly ________________, you have to have a valid passport and visa and Sir Alfred did not. It was probably an ________mistake. 02: 21- 02: 31 Nowadays, airlines are fined an average of $3, 500 for each passenger they fly without a valid passport or visa and they have to fly the passenger back to their origin free of ___________. 03: 13 – 03: 25 Now, there were attempts to get Sir Alfred the ___________ papers he needed but to do so he would need to go to Belgium and, of course, without the ____________ papers he couldn’t leave the airport to go to Belgium. It was an infinite loop of bureaucracy.
03: 35 – 03: 45 Eventually, after about 10 years, both France and Belgium offered him residency but he ___________to sign the papers that would finalize this as they listed him as Iranian—in his mind, he was anything _______ that.
04: 11 -04: 19 This Spielberg movie was not based on Sir Alfred’s story but rather loosely inspired so the payment was mostly legal cover to be sure that Sir Alfred wouldn’t later _____.
5. Discuss the questions with your partner.
1) Do you often fly internationally? 2) What is the longest you've ever been delayed at an airport ? What was the reason of the delay? What was your major concern and what did you do to kill the time? 3) What would you do if you were stuck in the airport indefinitely? 4) Have you seen the movie ‘The Terminal’ directed by Steven Spielberg? Did you enjoy it? If you haven’t seen it, would you like to watch it?
Answer key. Delayed Citizenship Stateless Pros and Cons. Pro. Con. Inheritance Internationally, airline Charge Refugee Refused But sue