Medical Academy named after S. I. Georgievsky ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution higher education " CRIMEAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY them. V. I. VERNADSKY " Medical Academy named after S. I. Georgievsky (structural subdivision)
ESSAY SUBJECT: Types of sanitary -hygienic processing of patients STUDENT: S. Revanth Narendra Gopi (FULL NAME. ) Faculty: International Medicl Faculty, course: 2, group: LA-2-CO-192(1) PRACTICE PROGRAM: Summer Practice PRACTICE PERIOD: from __15th june__ to __6th july__ 20_21_. 20_21_ year INTRODUCTION
Sanitization is the first step that is taken when a patient enters the emergency room. Health workers need to find out if the applicant is suffering from anything else. For example, head lice. And to eliminate this, so that in the future there are no complications for both the admitted person and the medical workers themselves, plus the patients. It is very important. Without sanitizing, the treatment process itself will not be as successful. Now I will try in this work to outline some aspects of the sanitation of patients
For hospitals and medical facilities it is very important to constantly keep up with a clean environment. With patients always entering and leaving the hospital keeping a clean environment helps to ensure that disease does not spread. If not maintained properly it is easy to see how quickly things would go out of control. If hospitals are not sanitize properly they would be doing more harm by introducing individuals who are already sick to variety of new diseases.
The concept of " sanitization"
The combination of sanitization itself is perceived differently by everyone. I will try to summarize and present it in an accessible form. So, sanitization refers to either actions aimed at eliminating diseases such as head lice, or identifying other obvious diseases and their absolute minimization. Simply put, remove the consequences. Let's continue. The patient is admitted to the department. And depending on its condition, either full or partial sanitation is carried out. Only this is not always possible, since there is a likelihood of insufficient equipment of the medical institution. However, there are also situations when the medical staff is " unable" to sanitize an admitted, as it causes, to put it mildly, disgust. For example, a bum. Next, we will look at the methods of sanitizing
Types of sanitization
There are only 2 of them. Full and partial sanitation. The full one includes the treatment of certain parts of the body as well as taking a hygienic bath, the partial one does not include a hygienic bath. Consider a complete sanitization: Upon admission to the hospital, if necessary, patients take a hygienic bath or shower. In this case, the bath is pre-treated with a 1% solution of chloramine, washed with a brush with soap and rinsed with hot water. Next, the bath is filled with water (first cold and then hot) so that the water temperature in it is approximately 42 ° C. Patients in need of outside help are lowered into the bathtub on a sheet or placed on a stool placed there and poured over with the help of a shower. The patient is washed in the following sequence: head, trunk and upper limbs, perineum, lower back, abdomen and lower limbs. The duration of taking a hygienic bath should not exceed 30 minutes. According to the guidelines still in force, a hygienic bath (in some textbooks the term “sanitization” is not quite correctly used instead) must be taken by all hospitalized patients, then changing into hospital gowns. In practice, however, this rule is not always observed. First, patients who are hospitalized routinely usually take a bath or shower at home. Secondly, the admission department of a hospital often lacks premises and medical personnel to provide a bath or shower for the entire flow of incoming patients.
The head louse attacks the scalp by depositing its testicles (nits) against the hair shaft, with the result that the latter often stick together. Body lice, which cause damage to the skin of the body, are found most often in the folds of the linen (mainly along the inner seams). Pubic louse (ploshchita) parasitizes on the hairy surface of the pubic region, sometimes also affecting the mustache, beard, eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair of the armpits. Lice (mainly body lice) are carriers of typhus and lice relapsing fever, the pathogens of which penetrate the damaged skin when the lice are crushed and subsequently scratched. Especially widespread head lice is observed under unfavorable sanitary and hygienic conditions (as a rule, If lice is detected (as with a number of other infectious diseases), sanitization is carried out, which can be complete (washing the patient with soap and a washcloth in a bath or shower, destroying microorganisms and insects in linen, clothes, shoes, bedding and living quarters, i. e. disinfection and disinsection) or partial, implying only washing of people and disinfection (disinsection) of linen, clothes and shoes.
There are various methods for dealing with head lice (using kerosene, Sabadillus vinegar, 50% soap-solvent paste or emulsion), often complemented by cutting the scalp. The most common, especially in cases where the patient does not agree to cut the hair, is the use of kerosene mixed with vegetable oil. This mixture is applied to the scalp and covered with wax paper; a scarf is tied on top of the head or a hat is put on. After 8-10 hours, the hair is thoroughly washed with hot water and soap. To remove nits, recomb the hair with a fine comb with cotton wool soaked in hot 10% vinegar solution for several days. Currently, the fight against head lice is greatly facilitated by the availability of various special shampoos (Reed, Spray-Pax, Elko-Insect, etc. ), lotions (Nittifor, Sana, etc. ). ) and other detergents. After treatment, it is necessary to re-examine the patient three times within a month (with an interval of 7 days) to make sure that the lice are completely destroyed. To kill pubic lice, the affected hair is shaved off, after which it is usually sufficient to rewash the body with hot water and soap. Linen and clothing are disinfected in appropriate disinsection chambers (steam-air, hot-air, etc. ). Medical personnel treating patients with head lice should use special long clothing made of rubberized fabric or thick canvas. The main measure for the prevention of lice is regular washing of the body, timely change of underwear and bed linen.
There is little point in the nurses and health care workers making sure that they, the theatre and the instruments are clean if the patient is bringing contaminants into the theatre. It is risky for them and it is risky for other patients in the area. Depending on local circumstances, the patient may wash at home or in the hospital but they will need information before their operation so that they know about this. When the patient is in hospital, it is good practice to provide a culturally appropriate environment where they are able to wash daily, and to encourage hand washing before food and after toileting. It helps to maintain good hygiene standards at the health facility and sets a good example which they can then take home with them.
The patient is send for sanitary processing which usually consist of a viewing, dressing room, bath and shower room and a room where patients are dressed. Sanitary processind include disinsection - the destruction of harmful insects (lice), if they are detected when examining the patient hygienic bath, shower or wiping patient, hair haircut, nails, shave Dressing the patient in pure hospital underwear and clothing. The hygienic cleansing must be different it depends on condition of patient and must be as a total shower a bath, as a partial rubbing. If a shower bath were contraindicated for patient, a rubbing washing would be allowed with solution “vinegar, or alcohol”. A hygienic bath isn’t recommended for women in birth, patients with cutaneous diseases, hemorrhage, myocardial infarctions, tuberculosis in active period, acute cardiac and vascular failure, violation of cerebral blood circulation.
If it were necessary, a patient would cut nails on feet and hands. The algorithm complete sanitary and hygienic processing include examination of the hair and skin, grooming of nails and hair if needed, shaving if needed, take a shower or hygienic bath. The algorithm partial sanitary and hygienic processing include examination of the hair and skin, partial processing is performed if the patient in critical condition. Stages of sanitary and hygienic processing of patients: Inspection of the skin and hair of the patient. Hair haircut, nails, shave if necessary. Wash under shower or hygienic bath. Inspection of the skin and hair of the patient The presence of an emergency eggs of lice, which are glued with a female to hair or tissue and insects, Itching skin. Traces of calculations and rotting crusts on the skin. In the case of detection of pediculosis, a special sanitary and hygienic treatment of the patient is carried out A medical sister reports to the identified pediculosis in the sanitary and epidemiological service. You can conduct a partial or complete sanitary and hygienic processing. Partial sanitary and hygienic processing is to wash the patient with soap and washbasin in the bath or under the shower, disinfection and disinsection of its clothes and shoes. Under full sanitary and hygienic treatment implies the processing of bedding and residential premises. Hair, nails, shave Haircut required equipment are Scissors, hair clipper, tase for burning hair, matches. Alcohol (70%). Shaving required equipment are Latex gloves, Razor, brush and shaving cream, Napkin, towel, water capacity. For nails required equipment are latex gloves, Scissors and nail clippers, Warm water, liquid soap, cream for hands and legs, alcohol (70%), tase and tray for water, towels. General sanitary processing is fully conducted by patients who have a satisfactory overall condition, as well as those who do not have severe diseases or damage to the skin. Heavy ill myocardial infarction, stroke, patients with high fever, in a fainting condition, severe skin lesions are carried out partial treatment, and in cases of severe patient's condition that need urgent resuscitation activities, sanitary treatment is not carried out. Hygienic bath -is prescribed to a patient with a satisfactory condition and is contraindicated in patients with high gravity diseases, severely ill, patients with high fever like body temperature of more than 38º С, unconscious state, severe skin lesions. Depending on the nature of the disease and the condition of the patient, the hygiene treatment of the patient can be full bath, shower or partial wiping, kneading. Hygienic bath is contraindication in the presence of myocardial infarction, acute violation of cerebral circulation, hypertensive crisis, acute cardiac and vascular failure, tuberculosis in the active phase, skin diseases, bleeding, depletion. The hygienic bath can not be taken to feminine and patients with diseases that require emergency surgery. If there are contraindications for receiving a patient's hygienic bath to wipe first with a napkin, moistened in warm water with soap or warm water with alcohol, then a napkin, moistened with clean water, and wipe away.