2. Grading System. 3. Course Team ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 2. Grading System 2. 1. Rating scale
Students whose cumulative grade is 8 or higher have an option of converting their cumulative grade into their final grade without taking the final exam. The final grade consists of the cumulative grade and the final exam grade and is calculated as follows: Оfinal = 0, 7·Оcumulative + 0, 3·Оexam Rounding of cumulative and final grades is arithmetical. 2. 2. Bonuses available according to the points gained
* Training topics may change 3. Course Team 3. 1. Tutors Sannikova Yulia Sergeyevna, ysannikova@hse. ru Veretennik Elena Vadimovna, veretennik@hse. ru 3. 2. Student assistants
4. Communication Guidelines and Resources* Let’s speak and write in English - class discussions, questions and emails should be hold and addressed in English (*)
LMS - all homework and materials can be found here - all homework should be uploaded to the related homework projects VK group - questions about homework in the related topics - news and course changes - additional discussions - pictures Google docs - intermediate grades per each group https: //docs. google. com/spreadsheets/d/1MBkEnV5bd82XFKPrwYSrOkAREZXX79vXvFLXW11l0CM/edit#gid=0
* Except the situations where it ruins the essence of communication and understanding