CORRECT THE SPELLING. UNJUMBLE THE WORDSCORRECT THE SPELLING From: http: //www. listenAminute. com/s/students. html Being a student is a good life. I don’t think most students naetsnddur this. A lot of students mocilapn they have no money and too much homework. They never complain that they have sodla of free time, don’t have to go to work and have yerlla long holidays. When students finish being students and go to work, they understand how good it is to be a student. Being a student at high school can be huogt. You have to study gnbrio things and deal with things like illbynug. Going to college or university is when the fun starts. Just a few hours of saeslcs a week and lots of student reptsia. I’d love to be a student again. I know many people who’d like to be full-time students eerrfov. All you need is a bit more cash. UNJUMBLE THE WORDS From: http: //www. listenAminute. com/s/students. html Being a student is a good life. I don’t think most students understand this. complain students of lot A no have they money and too much homework. They never complain time they loads free that have of, don’t have to go to work holidays long really have and. When students finish being students and go to work, they understand how good is be student it to a. Being a student at high school can be tough. have You deal and things boring study to with things like bullying. Going to college or university is when the fun starts. a classes of hours few a Just week and lots of student parties. I’d love to be a student again. know I be to like who’d people many full-time students forever. cash more bit a is need you All.