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Chapter 11 2 страница

Finally sated, Lord Stark ceased his onslaught of questions and leaned back in his chair and rubbed at his brow tiredly. " I have failed you three. "

" Father? " Sansa asked tentatively, looking towards Jayne, her mother and Septa Mordane before turning back to her father. " How…did we…Are you displeased with us? We can do better! "

Nyra almost winced at the heartbroken voice. While she might think Sansa was still a bit naive about the world, although it was understandable considering the girl has just turned ten namedays, she still cared for the young girl. And seeing her distraught expression at having failed her father was life a dagger to the heart.

" I am displeased, but not with you, my daughter, " Lord Stark replied tiredly as he leaned forward, resting his elbows against his desk. " As those born to Noble Houses, we were born into privilege, girls. But that privilege comes with a price. The smallfolk look to us for guidance. While the smallfolk serve us, so too do we serve the smallfolk. We must be the shield that protects them from those who would do them harm. We must be the voice of reason to settle disputes between them. We must be the ones they look to for guidance when the snows come. Our nobility is both our privilege and our chains that bind us to duty. And it is my responsibility as your father and Lord to make sure that you are ready to take on this daunting task when the time comes. And I have failed you in this. "

Taking a moment to visibly compose himself, Lord Stark met his daughter's eyes as he spoke. " From here on out, your lessons will be significantly different. You will still have lessons with Septa Mordane, but they will be limited. You will be spending time dividing your lessons amongst Lady Stark, learning how to run a household, as well as Lady Nyra and Lady Bethany to supplement your lessons alongside Maester Luwin. This is not a punishment, girls. But you need to be ready for what is to come as future Ladies. Understood? "

Each girl nodded. " Good, " Lord Stark nodded back with a slight smile. " You three have the rest of the day to yourselves. Go and have fun in the spring snows while it lasts. "

The three girls didn't need telling twice as they nearly tripped over one another in their haste to leave the solar. And once they were gone, the feeling in the room instantly shifted from lighthearted to one of dread as Lord Stark's eyes shifted to the wolf's yellow.

" Lord Stark! " the Septa hissed. " I cannot condone letting Ladies of your daughters standing to be taught by those who are infer-"

Nyra, the Septa and Lady Stark jumped as Lord Stark's fist came down on the surface of his desk with enough force to crack the wood. An impressive feat considering the desk was made of ironwood. " What you condone is of no consequence to me, Septa Mordane. " Lord Stark nearly spat, his eyes the darkest yellow Nyra had ever seen. " I trusted you with the education of my daughters and of my Steward's daughter. And you have failed most spectacularly. The only reason I haven't thrown you over the Wall and left you to the mercy of the Wildlings is out of respect for my lady wife! You will teach my daughters lessons of sewing, courtesies, and other aspects of being a lady. But that will be it! The rest of their education will not be decided by you. You're dismissed, Septa. Leave my sight before I let Lady Nyra make your eyes a matching set. "

The Septa was beyond stunned as she just stood there for a moment, gaping like a fool. Not even Lady Stark, who'd been an avid supporter of spreading the Faith of the Seven through the North, looked to be willing to support the Septa in this matter. Realizing that she would get nowhere fast now, the Septa did the first smart thing Nyra had seen her do all day by bowing slightly and making a hasty exit for the door.

Now alone with the Lord and Lady Stark, Nyra felt more than slightly awkward. " Um, is there anything else you need from me, my Lord? "

" No, " Lord Stark said, shaking his head. " That will be all for the day. "

Backing towards the door, Nyra was almost free when the voice of Lady Stark stopped her cold. " Lady Nyra. "

Nyra blinked. Once. Then twice. Then turned back around. 'No…There is no way that Lady Stark would actually be showing me some measure of respect…is there? ' The Lady of Winterfell's head was held high, her face completely neutral as she stood beside her husband. " I appreciate you teaching my daughter a few lessons where her Septa has failed. " Lady Stark said, stunning Nyra. " But in the future, please refrain from physically striking the Septa. My daughters look up to you, and as such I am expecting you to set a good example for them on how to be proper Ladies. "

Whatever Nyra had been expecting, this was not it. " Um, very well, Lady Stark, " she said, bowing. " I will make sure that there is no repeat of what happened today. But I will not stand for my honor being insulted again, my Lady. No Lady should. "

" Of course not, " Lady Stark acknowledged. " But there are more ladylike ways to counter a dishonorable statement rather than relying on your fist like a Wildling. "

'Not a Wilding, true Northern Lady, ' Nyra wanted to say. But instead she merely bit her tongue and, with one last low bow, left the Lord and Lady Stark so that she could continue about her day.

The city of Volantis was indeed an awe-inspiring sight. The port was perhaps the largest Nox had ever seen in his life. It dwarfed White Harbor and even made the port that was under the Titan of Braavos seem small in comparison. The city itself was divided in half by the Rhoyne river that spread up through Essos, the only connection between the two being the so-called Long Bridge that merged the two parts of the city together into one. But perhaps the most distinguishing part of the city were the Black Walls on the eastern half of the city that served to separate the upper class from the rest of the denizens of Volantis. And it was under the towering walls that Nox found himself, barely even an hour after stepping foot off the Sea Wolf, in the accompaniment of what he could only assume was an honor guard of some sort, given how the dozen men's armor who were escorting him seemed more ceremonial and elaborate than traditional combat armor.

The Sea Wolf had just barely made port before they'd been greeted by the men that were now escorting Nox through the city and into what he could only assume to be the palace that housed the ruling class. The only words they spoken was that they'd been sent by the Tiger Triarch of Volantis who wished to speak with him, and only him. Besides announcing whom they were looking for and why, the only clue as to their identity was the strange small nexu-like creature that was engraved onto the chest of their armor. A tiger, if Nox remember correctly. And the symbol of one of the two main ruling powers of Volantis. Naturally, the men of the North appeared more than slightly put off on the manner to which he'd been summoned, but Nox had dismissed their concerns. If anything, Nox was curious as to how exactly the Triarchs of Volantis knew he was here. And more specifically, why one of them requested a meeting with him before he could even take two steps on dry land.

" Hold, " one of the guards called out just as they were about to enter the palace proper while holding out his hand. His accent thick and the word sounded odd, as if he wasn't entirely sure of what he was saying. Obviously, the Westerosi tongue was not native or widely spoken in this land. " Weapon. "

Reaching down to his waist, Nox pulled out his lightsaber hilt and flipped it around and held it out for the guard to take. The guard who'd asked hesitantly reached out and took the offered hilt before looking the object over, confusion as to just what he was looking at clear across his face. As he did, Nox subtly waved his hand across the front of his chest. " It is no real weapon. I am carrying no weapons. "

The guard scoffed. " This. No weapon. " He said in broken Westeros before handing his lightsaber back. " Come. Tiger Maegyr waits. "

While they walked through the expansive palace, Nox let his senses flow, taking in everything he could. Which, surprisingly, wasn't much. The palace, despite being the middle of the day, seemed almost empty save for a few servants, or rather slaves, that were scurrying about trying to complete their assigned tasks while making sure to pay no mind to Nox and the guards that were escorting him through the corridors. 'This Tiger Maegyr apparently doesn't want our discussion here to be known. ' Nox concluded as he pulled his sense back into himself. 'Yet he had his personal guards pull me off the ship almost as soon as we docked. Hmm. Politics at its finest I see. '

As they left the slaves behind and entered what felt like a more residential part of the palace, Nox quickly started going over everything he'd learned about Volantis's ruling structure. 'They are rule by a Triarchy, three men from two different political stances. The Tigers and the Elephants. The Tigers are considered the 'old blood' and represent the more militaristic side of Volantis. While the Elephants favor trade and are backed by the merchants of the city. A representative of Westeros being presented to the Triarchs wouldn't be unheard of, but they care little for Westeros and consider the land a backwater. But I am not being brought to the Triarchs as a whole. Just one. The Tiger Maegyr. And with the amount of security and secrecy, he doesn't want my presence here with him to be general knowledge. Which means, he wants something. Well, if nothing else, this little excursion will certainly break up the boredom that months on the water has brought about. '

Soon enough, his escort stopped outside a seemingly random and, frankly, ordinary looking door given the dé cor of the palace. Reaching out with his senses, he could sense only a single individual within. " Inside. " The guard who'd asked for his weapon commanded, stepping aside as the rest of the guards took up positions outside the door. " We wait. Listen. Trouble start, you die. "

" Fair enough, " Nox acknowledged, pushing open the door and entering the room.

Just like the door, the room seem to go against the opulent nature of the rest of the palace. The room was small and sparsely furnished with plain-looking furniture. The center of the room was dominated by a table and sitting at the table across from the entrance was the only other occupant of the room. A glass pitcher of what looked like wine next to him and two glass cups, both filled, sitting before him. The man himself stood in stark contrast to the dull room. His robes were made of silk, inlaid with gold accents around the cuffs and collar. White streaks ran through his dark hair that was combed back and oiled down. And despite himself, Nox found himself taking a liking to the man. Not because of his looks, blindness did have its usefulness, but rather his presence in the Force. While not Force sensitive, the man had a commanding presence that Nox had only experienced a few times in his life. Primarily amongst the highest echelons of the Sith Imperial Military. This was a man who carved his own path. A man that Nox felt like he could come to respect.

" Lord Nox of Westeros, " the man said, rising to his feet. His accent heavy even though his words were crisp and flowed as if he had always spoken the Westeros tongue. " The Northern Sorcerer, Scourge of the Iron Born and Breaker of the Greyjoys. Your reputation precedes you. I am Triarch Malaquo Maegyr of the Tigers. I welcome you to Volantis and thank you for coming on such short notice. I do hope my men were not too brash. They are loyal, but often times the Tiger Guards can lack the…subtly that is needed. "

" A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Triarch Maegyr, " Nox greeted back, inclining his head. " And do not worry, your men were completely professional. But I must admit that you have me at a disadvantage, Triarch. I was not aware that my name, nor that I would be here in Volantis, had reached your ears. "

The Triarch smiled, a sense of not quite pleasure but close, raced through him. No doubt he was pleased at seemingly catching Nox off guard. " The Ironborn and their deeds are known across the world, Lord Nox. Hearing that you blackened their eyes and humiliated them brought more than a few smiles to more than a few merchants across Essos and even the Summer Islands. " Pausing, the Triarch retook his seat, motioning for Nox before continuing. " And as for how I knew you would be here in Volantis, well, let us say that I have a few friends in Braavos that informed me of your presence and your possible destination. "

Taking the offered seat, Nox met the man's gaze with his sightless one as the two sat across from one another. " And I take it that the reason that I am meeting you here in this seemingly infrequently visited part of the palace instead of the main reception room, and why your men brought me through what seemed to be an infrequently used entrance, and why the other two Triarchs are not present, is because you have something you wish to discuss with me and me alone. Something personal. "

The Triarch's lips twitched as he pushed one of the chalices towards him. " I can appreciate a man with a direct approach such as yours. So much time spent taking in circles with the Elephants while trying to discern their plots within plots and games. It makes you truly appreciate the few times you can have an honest conversation with someone. And you are at least mostly correct. The reason I asked to speak with you is because of a rather…delicate situation I find myself in. A situation that, if handled incorrectly, could lead to a serious backlash not just for myself, but for my family as well. "

Taking the offered cup, Nox paused as he let a gentle wave of the Force to saturate the wine, checking for anything nefarious. Finding none, he raised the cup and took a slight sip. " If my reputation has proceeded myself like you say, then you will know that I am not one for random acts of charity. "

" You will be compensated, my Lord. Perhaps not in gold, but in something even more useful. Information. "

Now Nox was intrigued. " You have my attention, Triarch. "

Taking a small drink, the Triarch took a moment to collect himself. " Half a year ago, my family nearly experienced a great tragedy. My son and daughter were playing on the walls bordering the Rhyone River with some of their friends. My son, barely even a boy, slipped away from everyone while they were distracted. By the time anyone realized he was missing, he had fallen into the river and the current had swept him under. No one knew where he was, save for one… A slave of a fishing vessel who saw my son fall into the water. He dove in after him, pulled him out, and, once ashore, breathed life back into my son's lungs. However, that is when the true hardships began. "

Leaning back, Nox idly swirled the contents of his glass. " I take it that in Volantis, it is against the law for a slave to put their hands on one of noble standing. And such an action carries a penalty of either the loss of said hand, or death. Am I correct? "

The Triarch nodded. " You are correct. Had the man been of free blood, I would've seen him and his family richly rewarded. But as he was a slave, I was forced to have him executed for not only laying his hands on my son, but for cracking his ribs as well, even though he did so in order to try and save my son's life. Had I not…"

" Then your opponents in the Elephants would've jumped on the political advantage and campaigned that you flaunted the law in favor of your own family, " Nox finished for him. " My people have a saying for such an instance as the one you described. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. "

" That saying is more apt than you might believe in this instance, " the Triach agreed. " The Tigers pride themselves on following the law to the letter. Had I not executed the man, I would've lost respect and standing amongst my fellow Tigers and, as you mentioned, the Elephants would've jumped on the incident in an attempt to ostracize not only myself, but my family as well. My wife understood the situation, and thankfully my son is still too young to realize what all had happened. But the same cannot be said for my daughter. She was very vocal in her opposition to my handling of the situation. And now she means to take what she can and leave Volantis behind and strike out on her own. And short of locking her up in a prison, I fear there is nothing I can do to stop her. "

Nox began putting the pieces together as to why he'd been summoned. But a nagging sensation in the back of his mind was telling him that he didn't have the whole picture yet. " And a ship that makes berth in northern Westeros, a land that is well known to have harsh laws against slavery of any kind, would be the ideal ship for her to barter passage aboard. I take it that you wish for me to deny her said passage? "

Sighing, the Triarch downed his glass in a single go. " Unfortunately, no. If you were to deny her passage, my daughter will simply find another way to leave our shores. She's far too smart and resourceful for her own good sometimes. I wish for you to accept her onboard your vessel and see to it that she reaches the shores of Westeros in good health, and perhaps even introduce her to House Stark as well. "

Nox scratched at his chin as a few more pieces fell into place. " And what do I get out of this? You say that you can't pay me in gold, but rather information? I take it that you know what my destination is, so I take it whatever information you have to trade regards Valyria in some form? "

" You are correct, " the Triarch nodded as he reached down and brought forth a leather binder and set it on the table. " A century ago, the Triarchs of Volantis launched an expedition to Valyria in hopes of recovering some of the lost secrets of the Dragon Lords. The expedition was met with failure as not a single ship returned. However, that was merely the story the Tigers, and my family specifically, told the public. In truth, a single vessel returned from the Smoking Sea. The few men that managed to survive were mad, to say the least. They spoke of monsters that swam in the waters protecting the broken peninsula. Of Stonemen that attacked any boat that got too close to shore. And worsening nightmares as they drew closer to the heart of Old Valyria. Men driven mad by voices in the shadows. Beasts shaped like men but with little thought. Things that could make even a man's worst nightmare seem tame in comparison. Fearful of what the men had witnessed, and worried they would incite a panic, my ancestors had the crew killed to the last man and the ship sunk before reporting that there were no survivors. The only thing that survived the destruction was this…a single map that shows the route the ships managed to take to navigate through the Smoking Sea and the Broken Peninsula to the heart of Valyria. As payment for taking my daughter on your vessel and your guarantee of her safe passage and an introduction to House Stark, I offer you a copy of this chart. "

It was all Nox could do to not allow his surprise to show on his face. Such a chart would be invaluable to him and the expedition. To be sure, he could use the Force to navigate through the Smoking Sea but having the chart would make such navigation much simpler. 'That chart is almost priceless in the right hands, ' Nox thought. 'And, certainly, worth the cost of passage on board the Sea Wolf. But it is almost—no, not 'almost'. It is overkill. His love for his daughter is as clear as day through the Force. But still… What isn't he telling me? The chart for passage and protection for a single individual and to introduce her to the Starks…oh, there it is. Now the pieces are in place. '

Setting his glass down, he gave the Triarch a half grin. " Well played, Triarch Maegyr. Well played, indeed. For one who apparently despises the plots of the Elephants, this scheme of yours is one of the more well-crafted I have ever encountered. Well played, indeed. "

He could feel the surprise race through the Triarch as the man drew himself straight. " I do not know what you mean. "

" Yes, you do, " Nox countered with a smile. " Your plan is incredibly well thought out. You will not only be able to recover your political position that is being threatened after the whole incident with the slave saving your son, but you will actually be able to enhance your position. "

The Triarch's surprise turned to curiosity as the man leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. " And what, pray tell, plot do you see in trying to ensure the safety of my daughter? "

Smirking, Nox went about laying out the man's plan. " You love your daughter, there is no doubt of that. I can hear it in your voice and see it through the Force. However, her open rebellion against the laws of Volantis have caused you and your family strife, politically speaking of course. But what would be worse than her outspoken views would be if it became common knowledge that she ran away from her family over a slave. That would certainly damage your reputation and no doubt ensure that you will never hold the Triarch seat again. And while you saw to it that this meeting between us would be confidential, my visit will become common knowledge soon enough, and the fact that I spoke with you in private. Combined with the fact that your daughter will be seen publicly leaving on a Westerosi vessel, the tale will spread that you sent her to Westeros, instead of her just running away. But that is only the beginning of your play. Once she is confirmed to be safe in Westeros and in the company of House Stark, word will spread about her location, either by your own mouth or through an intermediary. The only daughter of Triarch Maegyr of the Tigers not only in Westeros, but under the protection of House Stark, will cause more than a few brows to rise. Particularly in Myr, the only other competitor in the glass trade the North has. "

Pausing, Nox let his words sink in before proceeding. " Of course, you have no intention of seeking a formal betrothal between your daughter and House Stark, but that doesn't matter. The mere fact that your daughter is in the North will be cause for concern for Myr, as they have lost almost all their business in Westeros to the North. And now even Braavos and Pentos are starting to import Northern glass. With your daughter in the North, and the 'knowledge' that she didn't run away of her own accord spread, Myr will naturally think that you are seeking to make some sort of trade agreement between Volantis and the North. In turn, they will no doubt be willing to renegotiate terms of their trade agreement with Volantis in the hopes of keeping your business. And with this new negotiation, you will be able to save the merchants and the nobles in the city hundreds of thousands over the years. And you, because of that, you will gain the grudging respect of the Elephants, as well as the continued respect of your own Tigers, thereby reaffirming you hold on your seat as one of the Triarchs of Volantis. "

The Triarch remained silent throughout it all, his face completely passive, but his emotions anything but. By the time Nox had finished, the Triarch's emotions had ranged from surprised to angered before finally settling on impressed. " I must say, Lord Nox, your reputation failed to mention your mastery of the 'game', as the Westeros nobles like to call it. But I must ask, what gave me away? "

" For starters, the information you offered, " Nox answered. " In short, you overpaid for your daughter's safe voyage. A lesser man might not look at such a gift with suspicion, but I have had experience with offers that seem too good to be true. Then there was also the insistence of your daughter's introduction to the Starks. Not to mention, this glass pitcher you have. I don't know how you got your hands on it, probably a trader from Braavos. But it is Northern glass. An odd piece to have, seeing as how Myr has tightened their hold over the glass trade south of the Stepstones in the past year. And your potential counter that you could not have thought of this so quickly went out the window the moment you informed me that you knew of my impending arrival after receiving said information from Braavos. Which would've given you a week or two at least to develop this plot. And, may I say, it is indeed a masterful play. Your daughter gets to live her life as she sees fit, your family's reputation gets repaired and even enhanced, and you get to hold onto your seat. As I said, masterful. "

Refilling his glass, the Triarch smiled. " Impressive, Lord Nox, most impressive. But now you leave me in a quandary. Had you not laid out my plans before me, we would've gone our separate ways with no issue…but now…" Taking a sip, the Triarch sighed. " Killing you is out of the question. I've been caught in my own plot in that regards as I need you alive. Which means I need to buy your silence. Thankfully, I have one other piece of information that I believe will be enough to make sure that what was spoken here today remains between the two of us. "

Downing his own glass, Nox fixed the Triarch with a grin. " Let's hear it. "

" There are certain…individuals currently in Volantis that I believe you would be most interested in learning about, Lord Nox, " Triarch Maegyr stated. " One of whom, just happens to be asking quite a few questions about you in particular. "

Standing in a side street off of one of the many busy market streets of Volantis, Jon Snow slowly spun in a tight circle as he took in his surroundings as best he could with both his eyes and through the Force as his Master had instructed him. The voices of the merchants and citizens speaking in several tongues were so loud that he could barely even hear himself think. But despite the noise ringing in his ears, he was able identify a dozen armed guards, Tiger Guards he thought they were called, walking through the market on patrol. Their brightly polished armor shining in the midday sun. Though, those weren't the only guards, just the ones he could see with his eyes. Through the Force, he could sense another dozen men that were shadowing their armored counterparts through the crowded streets.

The formation of the guards seemed…odd to Jon. Why would they have one set in full plate armor and a second set following close behind in plain clothing that any common man would wear? 'Don't think like you would in the North, Jon. ' He remembered his Master telling him before they even stepped foot onto Essos soil. 'This is not the North. Not all men have honor like the Starks have. If anything, my travels have shown me that your family is more of an outlier than the norm. As much a shame as that is. So, if you see something you don't understand, think of it froma less…honorable manner. '

Watching the guards, Jon tried to put into play what Nox had told him. 'The ones in front don't even have their hands on their weapons…and they're not making any strange movements…They're just…there. Almost as if they're trying to bait… Wait…could that be it? ' The more Jon thought about it, the more it made sense to him. The guards in front, while sticking out like a sore thumb, as Master Nox would say, did not have their weapons out or even have their hands on their weapons. And none of them seemed ready to respond to any attack. But the ones tailing behind, Jon could sense just how alert those men were. And that was the point. If there were any law breakers, they would see the guards in the front, purposefully. And they would miss the ones tailing behind. It was…strangely ingenious.

Letting his head fall back against the building he was leaning against, Jon let out a sigh. While watching the people of the city was interesting, if more than slightly disheartening considering the just how many slaves lived within the confines of Volantis's walls, that wasn't exactly why Jon was reaching out with his senses. No, he was reaching out through the Force to try and locate his Master Nox…or rather any of the Northmen that departed the ship and had tried to follow Nox. Why? Because Jon had become separated from that group and now…now he was utterly and completely lost!

He'd thought Braavos was large, and it certainly was. Nearly double the size of White Harbor, and the seat of House Manderly was the largest settlement in the Northern Kingdom. But Braavos completely dwarfed White Harbor, and Volantis was easily far larger than Braavos. Jon honestly couldn't understand just how, or why, so many people would choose to live so close to one another. In the North, such proximity was necessary to fight against the cold. But that wasn't an issue here. If anything, the people of Essos had the exact opposite problem in that it was far too hot in this land.


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