ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ!. Полезный материал для написания Эссе. Some people are born to be leaders, while others believe leadership can be learnt.Стр 1 из 80Следующая ⇒ ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ! 1. Банк тематических аргументов для написания Эссе - 38 тем. 2. Перефразирование темы эссе в первом абзаце (180 вариантов) и перечень синонимов для написания эссе. https: //vk. com/ege2020english e - mail: song. pesnya@list. ru Полезный материал для написания Эссе
Some people are born to be leaders, while others believe leadership can be learnt. Some people think that great leaders are born and not made. Others, however, feel that leadership skills are developed over time through training, experience and mentoring. In my opinion, good leadership is a combination of both natural abilities and persistent practice. Those who feel that leadership is a characteristic that some people are born with might argue that good leaders possess optimism and energy that will encourage others to work together effectively. In fact, some studies have shown that these characteristics are genetic, as are certain individual talents that one may be blessed with at birth. Furthermore, successful leaders have a certain charisma that allows them to inspire passion and energy in others, and this particular trait is also believed to be innate. Nevertheless, many people consider that leadership is a skill that can be learnt. There are other elements that make someone a great leader, such as discipline and resourcefulness, which can definitely be developed through one’s childhood up-bringing. Furthermore, the credibility of a true leader is built on his self-confidence and mastery of his area of expertise which only emerge after a great deal of time and experience. Without these qualities, a leader’s capability may be questioned, and as a result, people are unlikely to heed the leader’s direction.
Personally, I think the skills and attributes of a good leader are both genetic and enhanced through training, experience and a lot of persistent hard work. There are many people born without natural leadership skills that can still become good leaders in the future.
Чтобы быть лидером, необходимо: 1. work hard (упорно трудиться); 2. study hard (усердно учиться); 3. have clear life goals and life plans (иметь четкие жизненные цели и планы); 4. move forward (двигаться вперед, продвигаться); 5. be self-assured (быть уверенным в себе); 6. be responsible (быть ответственным); 7. work on your weaknesses (работать над своими слабыми сторонами); 8. use your strengths (использовать свои сильные стороны); 9. use time wisely (мудро использовать время); 10. cope with problems (справляться с проблемами); 11. believe in yourself and your luck (верить в себя и в свою удачу); 12. surround yourself with successful people (окружить себя успешными людьми); 13. be curious, strive for knowledge and education (быть любознательным, стремиться к знаниям и образованию); 14. never give up and never doubt your future success (никогда не сдаваться и не сомневаться в своем будущем успехе);