How To Choose Hosting For An Online Store-Magento?Now, when hundreds of hosting companies offer services on the market, it is not difficult to choose which hosting for an online store will be the most suitable. Any hoster has sufficient capacity to host an online store, although if you consider the services of popular offices in more detail, you can see the differences. The thing is that for similar money, you can buy services that are different in terms of volume and ease of use. Let's consider the main aspects that you need to pay attention to in order to choose the right hosting- or go with $1 Hosting for an online store. The cost of services: Never take free hosting for an online store, since you will get nothing but frustration. Today, the price ranges from a couple of dollars to 10, 000 rubles. Such a large spread depends on the type of lease: · Virtual hosting: the most low-power and the cheapest, since thousands of Internet sites can be located on one server, which are often also located on the same IP. This option is suitable exclusively for small online kiosks. · VDS or VPS hosting: A more powerful and expensive type of hosting, when a number of virtual servers are located on one computer. This option is suitable for medium-sized online stores. · Dedicated server: The most powerful type of hosting is when the entire Internet site is located on one physical server, while using all its capabilities and power. It is necessary to use a dedicated server only for large projects, when you need to place a large amount of information and the online store has a fairly large attendance (over 10 thousand people per day). Also, servers are rented when " heavy" CMS are used, that is, quite complex content management systems, for example, 1C Bitrix or Magento. The price of 1 Dollar Hosting service depends on the power of the equipment used. In this regard, pay attention to the following characteristics of the servers: · processor power; · the amount of RAM; · hard disk size · availability and number of mailboxes; · Versions of the installed software. Important! Before choosing a hosting service for an online store, decide on which CMS it will be made on. · Availability of technical support. · Availability of backup. This feature almost 100% protects you from hacking, as well as data loss. · Response time of the based Internet sites. The response time must be less than 3 seconds. · The time of uninterrupted and stable operation of the hoster's servers, which should be 99. 9% or approximately 50 minutes of downtime per month. The other important indicators should include the ease of use of the control panel. This is an important factor at the start of work. It is inconvenient when you need to search for payment methods and FTP passwords in your personal account. Before you start working, read the reviews about the hoster of Unlimited Reseller Hosting. Some hosting companies currently provide free installation of popular CMS, such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Simpla, Amiro CMS, OpenCart, Magento, Host CMS, TYPO3 and others. CMS hosting is the most suitable solution. This service can be useful if you are planning to create an online store yourself and do not want to figure out how to install the engine and upload files via FTP.