How do I choose a dedicated server?What factors are of paramount importance when renting a server, and which ones can be ignored? We will note the most important factors that the tenant needs to pay attention to: · It is necessary to clarify the possibility of obtaining discounts for rent. As a rule, they are not voiced, but with a long-term contract, almost every provider will provide at least a 10-15% discount. · You also need to find out the actual speed of the network connection. If you specify a connection with a 100 Mbit/s port, the actual speed will be in the range of 25-30 Mbit / s. It is necessary to find out whether there is a gradation of traffic into incoming and outgoing, foreign and local, etc. · You need to find out about the monthly traffic volume and the cost of payment in case of overspending. · Immediately you need to clarify whether the server was previously leased, or whether you will work with new equipment. It is desirable that new hard drives are available — the most vulnerable place of the server. In the case of repeated use of the server before your lease, the possibility of achieving critical depreciation is very high. · Ask about the possibility of remote access via KVM. This is a very convenient option that allows you to reduce technical support services to a minimum. · Take care of the data security and organization of backups on a third-party server. If you are seeking for reliable hosting service, Unlimited Reseller Hosting can easily be tried and it will provide you quality services along with unlimited features.