“Still & Motion — Hong Kong International Poster Triennial 2020”“Still & Motion — Hong Kong International Poster Triennial 2020” Call for Entry
Jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong Designers Association Organised by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum
The international poster design competition is now open for submissions! Designers and creative minds from all over the world are invited to submit entries. No entry fee is required.
Since its debut in 2001, now in its seventh edition, the Hong Kong International Poster Triennial (HKIPT) is a major event of the Hong Kong Heritage Museum and Hong Kong Designers Association. Through competition, exhibition and symposium, the event aims at establishing Hong Kong as a world city in the arena of collecting and promoting poster design, assembling a distinct international poster collection and fostering graphic design education and culture exchange with other countries and regions.
This year's activity has “Still & Motion” as its theme. The international poster design competition will be organised under four categories:
A. Ideology – concerning universal themes, human civilisation, social, political and environmental issues. B. Promotion of Cultural Events – promoting culture, art, theatre, music, education and sport ventures. C. Commercial and Advertising – promoting commodities and businesses. D. Animated Poster – using digital motion design elements to interpret contexts in multiple perspectives
Judging assessment will be based on originality, creativity and technical competence. The competition is open to designers and young design talents from all countries and regions. In addition to printed posters, the competition welcomes the submission of animated posters to record poster development.
The judging panel comprises five internationally renowned designers. Each category will have Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards, and the five judges will each select one outstanding entry from all entries to be presented with the Judges Awards, to be named after the respective judges. All award winners will receive trophies. All selected entries will be published in the exhibition catalogue and be featured in the exhibition to be held in 2021 tentatively at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.
Members of the judging panel include five world-renowned designers:
Submission Period: 31 March - 30 September 2020