A- Order the words and make sentences. Use the future simple – shall / will form. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
A- Order the words and make sentences. Use the future simple – shall / will form.
1. some / he / tomorrow / trousers / to buy. ___________________________________________________
2. questions / not / we / to ask / those. ___________________________________________________
3. to work / car / not / the. ___________________________________________________
4. next / to have / much / not / they 7 money / year. ___________________________________________________
5. a / film / tomorrow / good / there to be. ___________________________________________________
6. to start / tomorrow / nine / lessons / at / the. ___________________________________________________
7. bus / to go / I / by ___________________________________________________
8. very / to get / tired / he. ___________________________________________________
9. a / to take / taxi / I. ___________________________________________________
10. the / to drop / glasses / she. ___________________________________________________
B – Complete using will or won’t and the verb.
1. Good idea! The beach is not far, so it _________ long. (take) 2. Great! We _________ time to do some shopping before leaving. ( have) 3. The train _________ at 12 pm. (leave) 4. Don’t worry, I think we _________ the train. (lose) 5. Lie down and sleep for a while: you _________ fine after some rest. (be) 6. It’s getting late. I think we _________ time to visit all the monuments. (have) 7. oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I _________ it next Saturday. (do)