FuturePerfectСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Будущее совершённое время 1). Сфера употребления Описывает действие, которое завершится до определённого момента в будущем или до начала другого действия в будущем. 2). Лексические указания (маркеры, обстоятельства времени)
3). Образование
E. g., By 2030 China will have already built more buildings than there currently exist in Europe. The USA will have put one million electric vehicles on the market by next winter. 4). Вопросительнаяформа
E. g., Will China havebuilt more buildings than there currently exist in Europeby 2030? Will The USA have put one million electric vehicles on the market by next winter?
E. g., When will China havebuilt more buildings than there currently exist in Europe? What will the USA have put on the market by the next winter? 5). Отрицательнаяформа
E. g., By 2030 China will not(won’t)have already built more buildings than there currently exist in Europe. The USA will(won’t)have put one million electric vehicles on the market by the next winter. Выполните упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски глаголами в форме Future Perfect. 1). These wonderful tulips … flowering by the middle of July (finish). 2). We … the items from the online company by the weekend (receive). 4). Our neighbours … from abroad by the end of August (return).