Christmas Idioms and Phrases. 10 Holiday Idioms and Phrases. 1. White Christmas. 2. There’s no Place like Home for the Holidays. 3. Xmas Comes but Once a Year. 4. ‘Tis the SeasonChristmas Idioms and Phrases An idiom is a phrase in which the meaning has little or nothing to do with the literal wording. Examples of idioms in general speech are “raining cats and dogs” and “keep an eye out. ” The first indicates a heavy downpour of rain, while the second means to keep watch for something. The Christmas Idioms and Phrases Infographic presents 10 commonly used holiday idioms and phrases. 10 Holiday Idioms and Phrases 1. White Christmas The prettiest holiday, according to most, is one where it has snowed. This wish for white was celebrated many years ago in a popular song, and the title of this carol is now a traditional holiday phrase. 2. There’s no Place like Home for the Holidays Another favorite carol came out of the sentiment that the best place to celebrate the holidays is with the family. College students return to their parents’ home, and extended families descend on a pre-planned relative for festive celebration and gift-giving. 3. Xmas Comes but Once a Year Recently, this has become an excuse for gorging on holiday cookies or spending too much on presents, but this proverb quietly states that people need to be kind to each other year-round rather than just during the holidays. 4. ‘Tis the Season “‘Tis” is an old method of contracting “it” and “is. ” Today, it is rarely used in anything but traditional song or poetry, such as “My Country ‘Tis of Thee, ” or “‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, ” by Alfred Lord Tennyson. This usage is abbreviated from a line in a holiday carol: “‘Tis the season to be jolly. ” The word “jolly” is also old and simply means “happy. ”