Family and Relatives. Family. Adoption and related words. Relatives. Relatives by marriage. Age groups and related wordsСтр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ Family and Relatives Family father; mother; parents; son; daughter; child; children; offspring; brother; sister; sibling; siblings; twins; twin brothers; twin brother; twin sisters; twin sister; younger brother; kid brother; older sister; elder sister; to bring up children; to raise children; Formal words: offspring (i. e., child or children); sibling (i. e., brother or sister); spouse (i. e., husband or wife). grandfather; grandmother; granny; grandparents; grandson; granddaughter; grandchild; grandchildren; great-grandfather; great-grandmother; great-grandchild; Adoption and related words adopted son; adopted daughter; adopted child; half-brother (half brother); half-sister (half sister); stepfather; stepmother; stepbrother; stepsister; stepchild; foster family; foster father; foster mother; foster parents; foster home; foster son; foster daughter; foster child; foster brother; foster sister; to adopt a child; to foster a child; orphan, orphans; Relatives uncle; aunt; nephew; niece; cousin; first cousin; second cousin; close relatives; distant relatives; closest relatives; nearest relatives; next of kin; immediate family; family members; members of the family; head of the household; my family; my relatives; my folks; my kin; my kinfolk (kinsfolk); Relatives by marriage in-laws; father-in-law; mother-in-law; son-in-law; daughter-in-law; brother-in-law; sister-in-law; Note the plural: two sons-in-law; three daughters-in-law; brothers-in-law; sisters-in-law. Note the possessive case: my father-in-law's house; my sister-in-law's car. Age groups and related words boy, girl; male child; female child; man, woman; child; baby; newborn baby; infant; toddler; little boy; little girl; kid; childhood; teenager; teenage boy; teenage girl; adolescent; young boy; youngster; youth, youths; lad; young girl; young man; young woman; adult; grownup; middle-aged man; middle-aged woman; old man; old woman; senior members of the family; younger members of the family;