Venue. 24 January 2022. https://forms.gle/pfhCSSsu2v1jDb1w5 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Venue Szé chenyi Istvá n University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Building “J” H-9026 Győ r, Á ldozat str. 12. (Hungary)
Costs Registration fee: 80 EUR that covers the participation in the events of the seminar, handouts and accommodation (in main campus student hostel).
Application deadline: 24 January 2022
Application form: https: //forms. gle/pfhCSSsu2v1jDb1w5
The applicants will be informed about the results until 31 January 2022.
Information and contact: · Eszter Csizmarik (assistant) – csizmarik@ga. sze. hu · https: //dfk. sze. hu/winterseminar · https: //www. facebook. com/winterseminar/
Join us on facebook: https: //www. facebook. com/winterseminar/