Book Three 9 страницаAnd the dwelling of such as bear the names of the virgins is in the tower. 1476. Those stones, sir, that were rejected, I inquired, on what account were they rejected? 1477. For they passed through the gate, and were placed by the hands of the virgins in the building of the tower. 1478. Since you take an interest in everything, he replied, and examine minutely, hear about the stones that were rejected. 1479. These all, he said, received the name of God, and they received also the strength of these virgins. 1480. Having received, then, these spirits, they were made strong, and were with the servants of God; and theirs was one spirit, and one body, and one clothing. 1481. For they were of the same mind, and wrought righteousness. 1482. After a certain time, however, they were persuaded by the women whom you saw clothed in black, and having their shoulders exposed and their hair dishevelled, and beautiful in appearance. 1483. Having seen these women, they desired to have them, and clothed themselves with their strength, and put off the strength of the virgins. 1484. These, accordingly, were rejected from the house of God, and were given over to these women, yet they who were not deceived by the beauty of these women remained in the house of God. 1485. You have, he said, the explanation of those who were rejected.
Chapter 14
1486. What, then, sir, I said, if these men, being such as they are, repent and put away their desires after these women, and return again to the virgins, and walk in their strength and in their works, shall they not enter into the house of God? 1487. They shall enter in, he said, if they put away the works of these women, and put on again the strength of the virgins, and walk in their works. 1488. For on this account was there a cessation in the building, in order that, if these repent, they may depart into the building of the tower. 1489. But if they do not repent, then others will come in their place, and these at the end will be cast out. 1490. For all these things I gave thanks to the Lord, because He had pity on all that call upon His name; 1491. and sent the angel of repentance to us who sinned against Him, and renewed our spirit; 1492. and when we were already destroyed, and had no hope of life, He restored us to newness of life.
1493. Now, sir, I continued, show me why the tower was not built upon the ground, yet upon the rock and upon the gate. 1494. Are you still, he said, without sense and understanding? 1495. I must, sir, I said, ask you of all things, because I am wholly unable to understand them; for all these things are great and glorious, and difficult for man to understand.
1496. Listen, he said: the name of the Son of God is great, and cannot be contained, and supports the whole world. 1497. If, then, the whole creation is supported by the Son of God, what do you think of those who are called by Him, and bear the name of the Son of God, and walk in His commandments? 1498. Do you see what kind of persons He supports? 1499. Those who bear His name with their whole heart. 1500. He Himself, accordingly, became a foundation to them, and supports them with joy, because they are not ashamed to bear His name.
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER FIFTY Divisions 1501-1525 Similitude 9 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 9 Chapter 15
1501. Explain to me, sir, I said, the names of these virgins, and of those women who were clothed in black raiment. 1502. Hear, he said, the names of the stronger virgins who stood at the corners. 1503. The first is Faith, 1504. the second Continence, 1505. the third Power, 1506. the fourth Patience. 1507. And the others standing in the midst of these have the following names: 1508. Simplicity, Innocence, Purity, Cheerfulness, Truth, Understanding, Harmony, Love. 1509. He who bears these names and that of the Son of God will be able to enter into the kingdom of God. 1510. Hear, also, he continued, the names of the women who had the black garments; and of these four are stronger than the rest. 1511. The first is Unbelief, 1512. the second: Incontinence, 1513. the third Disobedience, 1514. the fourth Deceit. 1515. And their followers are called Sorrow, Wickedness, Wantonness, Anger, Falsehood, Folly, Backstabbing, Hatred. 1516. The servant of God who bears these names shall see, indeed, the kingdom of God, but shall not enter into it. 1517. And the stones, sir, I said, which were taken out of the pit and fitted into the building: what are they? 1518. The first, he said, the 10, that were placed as a foundation, are the first generation, 1519. and the 25 the second generation, of righteous men; 1520. and the 35 are the prophets of God and His ministers; 1521. and the 40 are the apostles and teachers of the preaching of the Son of God. 1522. Why, then, sir, I asked, did the virgins carry these stones also through the gate, and give them for the building of the tower? 1523. Because, he answered, these were the first who bore these spirits, 1524. and they never departed from each other, neither the spirits from the men nor the men from the spirits, but the spirits remained with them until their falling asleep. 1525. And unless they had had these spirits with them, they would not have been of use for the building of this tower.
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER FIFTY ONE Divisions 1526-1560 Similitude 9 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 9 Chapter 16 1526. Explain to me a little further, sir, I said. 1527. What is it that you desire? he asked. 1528. Why, sir, I said, did these stones ascend out of the pit, and be applied to the building of the tower, after having borne these spirits? 1529. They were obliged, he answered, to ascend through water in order that they might be made alive; 1530. for, unless they laid aside the deadness of their life, they could not in any other way enter into the kingdom of God. 1531. Accordingly, those also who fell asleep received the seal of the Son of God, 1532. for, he continued, before a man bears the name of the Son of God he is dead; but when he receives the seal he lays aside his deadness, and obtains life. 1533. The seal, then, is the water: 1534. they descend into the water dead, and they arise alive. 1535. And to them, accordingly, was this seal preached, and they made use of it that they might enter into the kingdom of God. 1536. Why, sir, I asked, did the 40 stones also ascend with them out of the pit, having already received the seal? 1537. Because, he said, these apostles and teachers who preached the name of the Son of God, after falling asleep in the power and faith of the Son of God, 1538. preached it not only to those who were asleep, yet they also gave them asleep the seal of the preaching. 1539. Accordingly they descended with them into the water, and again ascended. 1540. [But these descended alive and rose up again alive; 1541. whereas they who had previously fallen asleep descended dead, but rose up again alive. 1542. By these, then, were they quickened and made to know the name of the Son of God. 1543. For this reason also did they ascend with them, and were fitted along with them into the building of the tower, and, untouched by the chisel, were built in along with them. 1544. For they slept in righteousness and in great purity, but only they had not this seal. 1545. You have accordingly the explanation of these also.
Chapter 17
1546. I understand, sir, I replied. 1547. Now, sir, I continued, explain to me, with respect to the mountains, why their forms are various and diverse. 1548. Listen, he said: these mountains are the twelve tribes, which inhabit the whole world. 1549. The Son of God, accordingly, was preached unto them by the apostles. 1550. But why are the mountains of various kinds, some having one form, and others another? 1551. Explain that to me, sir. 1552. Listen, he answered: these twelve tribes that inhabit the whole world are twelve nations. 1553. And they vary in prudence and understanding. 1554. As numerous, then, as are the varieties of the mountains which you saw, are also the diversities of mind and understanding among these nations. 1555. And I will explain to you the actions of each one. 1556. First, sir, I said, explain this: why, when the mountains are so diverse, their stones, when placed in the building, became one colour, shining like those also that had ascended out of the pit. 1557. Because, he said, all the nations that dwell under heaven were called by hearing and believing upon the name of the Son of God. 1558. Having, therefore, received the seal, they had one understanding and one mind; and their faith became one, and their love one, and with the name they bore also the spirits of the virgins. 1559. On this account the building of the tower became of one colour, bright as the sun. 1560. But after they had entered into the same place, and became one body, certain of these defiled themselves, and were expelled from the race of the righteous, and became again what they were before, or rather worse.
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER FIFTY TWO Divisions 1561-1585 Similitude 9 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 9 Chapter 18
1561. How, sir, I said, did they become worse, after having known God? 1562. He that does not know God, he answered, and practices evil, receives a certain chastisement for his wickedness; 1563. yet he that has known God, ought not any longer to do evil, but to do good. 1564. If, accordingly, when he ought to do good, he do evil, does not he appear to do greater evil than he who does not know God? 1565. For this reason, they who have not known God and do evil are condemned to death; 1566. but they who have known God, and have seen His mighty works, and still continue in evil, shall be chastised doubly, and shall die for ever. 1567. In this way, then, will the Church of God be purified. 1568. For as you saw the stones rejected from the tower, and delivered to the evil spirits, and cast out thence, so they also shall be cast out, 1569. and there shall be one body of the purified; as the tower also became, as it were, of one stone after its purification. 1570. In like manner also shall it be with the Church of God, after it has been purified, and has rejected the wicked, and the hypocrites, and the blasphemers, and the waverers, and those who commit wickednessof different kinds. 1571. After these have been cast away, the Church of God shall be one body, of one mind, of one understanding, of one faith, of one love. 1572. And then the Son of God will be exceeding glad, and shall rejoice over them, because He has received His people pure. 1573. All these things, sir, I said, are great and glorious. 1574. Moreover, sir, I said, explain to me the power and the actions of each one of the mountains, that every soul, trusting in the Lord, and hearing it, may glorify His great, and marvellous, and gloriousname 1575. Hear, he said, the diversity of the mountains and of the twelve nations.
Chapter 19
1576. From the first mountain, which was black, they that believed are the following: apostates and blasphemers against the Lord, and betrayers of the servants of God. 1577. To these repentance is not open; but death lies before them, and on this account also are they black, for their race is a lawless one. 1578. And from the second mountain, which was bare, they who believed are the following: hypocrites, and teachers of wickedness. 1579. And these, accordingly, are like the former, not having any fruits of righteousness; for as their mountain was destitute of fruit, so also such men have a name indeed, but are empty of faith, and there is no fruit of truth in them. 1580. They indeed have repentance in their power, if they repent quickly; but if they are slow in so doing, they shall die along with the former.
1581. Why, sir, I said, have these repentance, but the former not? 1582. For their actions are nearly the same. 1583. On this account, he said, have these repentance, because they did not blaspheme their Lord, nor become betrayers of the servants of God; 1584. but on account of their desire of possessions they became hypocritical, and each one taught according to the desires of men that were sinners. 1585. But they will suffer a certain punishment; and repentance is before them, because they were not blasphemers or traitors.
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER FIFTY THREE Divisions 1586-1605 Similitude 9 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 9 Chapter 20
1586. And from the third mountain, which had thorns and thistles, they who believed are the following. 1587. There are some of them rich, and others immersed in much business. 1588. The thistles are the rich, and the thorns are they who are immersed in much business. 1589. Those, accordingly, who are entangled in many various kinds of business, do not cleave to the servants of God, yet wander away, being choked by their business transactions; 1590. and the rich cleave with difficulty to the servants of God, fearing lest these should ask something of them 1591. Such persons, accordingly, shall have difficulty in entering the kingdom of God.
1592. For as it is disagreeable to walk among thistles with naked feet, so also it is hard for such to enter the kingdom of God. 1593. But to all these repentance, and that speedy, is open, 1594. in order that what they did not do in former times they may make up for in these days, and do some good, and they shall live unto God. 1595. But if they abide in their deeds, they shall be delivered to those women, who will put them to death.
Chapter 21
1596. And from the fourth mountain, which had much grass, the upper parts of the plants green, and the parts about the roots withered, and some also scorched by the sun, they who believed are the following: 1597. the doubtful, and they who have the Lord upon their lips, but have Him not in their heart.
1598. On this account their foundations are withered, and have no strength; 1599. and their words alone live, while their works are dead. 1600. Such persons are neither alive nor dead. 1601. They resemble, therefore, the waverers: for the wavering are neither withered nor green, being neither living nor dead. 1602. For as their blades, on seeing the sun, were withered, so also the wavering, when they hear of affliction, on account of their fear, worship idols, and are ashamed of the name of their Lord. 1603. Such, then, are neither alive nor dead. 1604. But these also may yet live, if they repent quickly; 1605. and if they do not repent, they are already delivered to the women, who take away their life.
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER FIFTY FOUR Divisions 1606-1640 Similitude 9 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 9 Chapter 22
1606. And from the fifth mountain, which had green grass, and was rugged, they who believed are the following: 1607. believers, indeed, but slow to learn, and obstinate, and pleasing only them alone, wishing to know everything, and knowing nothing at all. 1608. On account of this obstinacy of theirs, understanding departed from them, and foolish senselessness entered into them. 1609. And they praise their mind as having wisdom, and desire to become teachers, although destitute of sense.
1610. On account, therefore, of this loftiness of mind, many became vain, exalting their persons: for ego centric willpower and empty confidence is a great demon. 1611. Of these, accordingly, many were rejected, but some repented and believed, and subjected themselves to those that had understanding, knowing their own foolishness.
1612. And to the rest of this class repentance is open; 1613. for they were not wicked, but rather foolish, and without understanding. 1614. If these therefore repent, they will live unto God; 1615. but if they do not repent, they shall have their dwelling with the women who wrought wickedness among them.
Chapter 23
1616. And those from the sixth mountain, which had clefts large and small, and decayed grass in the clefts, who believed, were the following: 1617. they who occupy the small clefts are those who bring charges against one another, and by reason of their slanders have decayed in the faith. 1618. Many of them, however, repented; 1619. and the rest also will repent when they hear my commandments, for their slanders are small, and they will quickly repent. 1620. But they who occupy the large clefts are persistent in their slanders, and vindictive in their anger against each other. 1621. These, therefore, were thrown away from the tower, and rejected from having a part in its building. 1622. Such persons, accordingly, shall have difficulty in living.
1623. If our God and Lord, who rules over all things, and has power over all His creation, does not remember evil against those who confesstheir sins, but is merciful, 1624. does man, who is corruptible and full of sins, remember evil against a fellow-man, as if he were able to destroy or to save him?
1625. I, the angel of repentance, say unto you,
As many of you as are of this way of thinking, lay it aside, and repent, and the Lord will heal your former sins, if you purify yourselves from this demon; yet if not, you will be delivered over to him for death.
Chapter 24
1626. And those who believed from the seventh mountain, on which the grass was green and flourishing, and the whole of the mountain fertile, 1627. and every kind of cattle and the fowls of heaven were feeding on the grass on this mountain, and the grass on which they pastured became more abundant, were the following:
1628. they were always simple, and harmless, and blessed, bringing no charges against one another, yet always rejoicing greatly because of the servants of God, 1629. and being clothed with the holy spirit of these virgins, and always having pity on every man, and giving aid from their own labour to every man, without reproach and without hesitation. 1630. The Lord, therefore, seeing their simplicity and all their meekness, multiplied them amid the labours of their hands, and gave them grace in all their doings.
1631. And I, the angel of repentance, say to you who are such, 1632. Continue to be such as these, and your seed will never be blotted out; 1633. for the Lord has made trial of you, and inscribed you in the number of us, 1634. and the whole of your seed will dwell with the Son of God; 1635. for you have received of His Spirit.
Chapter 25
1636. And they who believed from the eighth mountain, where were the many fountains, and where all the creatures of God drank of the fountains, were the following: 1637. Apostles, and teachers, who preached to the whole world, 1638. and who taught solemnly and purely the word of the Lord, and did not at all fall into evil desires, 1639. yet walked always in righteousness and truth, according as they had received the Holy Spirit. 1640. Such persons, therefore, shall enter in with the angels.
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER FIFTY FIVE Divisions 1641-1665 Similitude 9 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 9 Chapter 26
1641. And they who believed from the ninth mountain, which was deserted, and had in it creeping things and wild beasts which destroy men, were the following: 1642. they who had the stains as servants, who discharged their duty ill, and who plundered widows and orphans of their livelihood, and gained possessions for themselves from the ministry, which they had received. 1643. If, therefore, they remain under the dominion of the same desire, they are dead, and there is no hope of life for them; 1644. but if they repent, and finish their ministry in a holy manner, they shall be able to live. 1645. And they who were covered with scabs are those who have denied their Lord, and have not returned to Him again; 1646. but becoming withered and desert-like, and not cleaving to the servants of God, but living in solitude, they destroy their own souls. 1647. For as a vine, when left within an enclosure, and meeting with neglect, is destroyed, and is made desolate by the weeds, and in time grows wild, and is no longer of any use to its master, 1648. so also are such menas have given themselves up, and become useless to their Lord, from having contracted savage habits.
1649. These men, therefore, have repentance in their power, unless they are found to have denied from the heart; 1650. but if any one is found to have denied from the heart, I do not know if he may live. 1651. And I say this not for these present days, in order that any one who has denied may obtain repentance, for it is impossible for him to be saved who now intends to deny his Lord; 1652. but to those who denied Him long ago, repentance seems to be possible. 1653. If, therefore, any one intends to repent, let him do so quickly, before the tower is completed; 1654. for if not, he will be utterly destroyed by the women. 1655. And the chipped stones are the deceitful and the slanderers; 1656. and the wild beasts which you saw on the ninth mountain, are the same. 1657. For as wild beasts destroy and kill a man by their poison, so also do the words of such men destroy and ruin a man. 1658. These, accordingly, are mutilated in their faith, on account of the deeds which they have done in themselves; yet some repented, and were saved. 1659. And the rest, who are of such a character, can be saved if they repent; 1660. but if they do not repent, they will perish with those women, whose strength they have assumed.
Chapter 27
1661. And from the tenth mountain, where were trees which overshadowed certain sheep, they who believed were the following: 1662. bishops given to hospitality, who always gladly received into their houses the servants of God, without dissimulation. 1663. And the bishops never failed to protect, by their service, the widows, and those who were in want, and always maintained a holy conversation. 1664. All these, accordingly, shall be protected by the Lord for ever. 1665. They who do these things are honourable before God, and their place is already with the angels, if they remain to the end serving God.
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER FIFTY SIX Divisions 1666-1695 Similitude 9 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 9
Chapter 28
1666. And from the eleventh mountain, where were trees full of fruits, adorned with fruits of various kinds, they who believed were the following: 1667. they who suffered for the name of the Son of God, and who also suffered cheerfully with their whole heart, and laid down their lives. 1668. Why, then, sir, I said, do all these trees bear fruit, and some of them fairer than the rest? 1669. Listen, he said:
1670. all who once suffered for the name of the Lord are honourable before God; 1671. and of all these the sins were remitted, because they suffered for the name of the Son of God. 1672. And why their fruits are of various kinds, and some of them superior, listen. 1673. All, he continued, who were brought before the authorities and were examined, and did not deny, but suffered cheerfully— 1674. these are held in greater honourwith God, and of these the fruit is superior; 1675. but all who were cowards, and in doubt, and who reasoned in their hearts whether they would deny or confess, and yet suffered, of these the fruit is less, because that suggestion came into their hearts; 1676. for that suggestion— that a servant should deny his Lord— is evil. 1677. Have a care, therefore, you who are planning such things, lest that suggestion remain in your hearts, and you perish unto God. 1678. And you who suffer for His name ought to glorify God, because He deemed you worthy to bear His name, that all your sins might be healed. 1679. Therefore, rather deem yourselves happy, and think that you have done a great thing, if any of you suffer on account of God. 1680. The Lord bestows upon you life, and you do not understand, for your sins were heavy; 1681.