Book Three 6 страницаand he has kept my command, and done besides a good work to the vineyard, and has pleased me exceedingly. 933. In return, therefore, for the work which he has done, I wish to make him co-heir with my son, because, having good thoughts, he did not neglect them, but carried them out. ' 934. With this resolution of the master his son and friends were well pleased, vis-a-vis, that the slave should be co-heir with the son.
935. After a few days the master made a feast, and sent to his slave many dishes from his table. 936. And the slave receiving the dishes that were sent him from his master, took of them what was sufficient for himself, and distributed the rest among his fellow-slaves. 937. And his fellow-slaves rejoiced to receive the dishes, and began to pray for him, that he might find still greater favour with his master for having so treated them.
938. His master heard all these things that were done, and was again greatly pleased with his conduct. 939. And the master again calling together his friends and his son, reported to them the slave's proceeding with regard to the dishes which he had sent him. 940. And they were still more satisfied that the slave should become co-heir with his son.
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER THIRTY ONE Divisions 941-965 Similitudes 5 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 5 Chapter 3
941. I said to him, Sir, I do not see the meaning of these similitudes, nor am I able to comprehend them, unless you explain them to me. 942. I will explain them all to you, he said, and whatever I shall mention in the course of our conversations I will show you. 943. (Keep the commandments of the Lord, and you will be approved, and inscribed among the number of those who observe His commands. ) 944. And if you do any good beyond what is commanded by God, you will gain for yourself more abundant glory, and will be more honoured by God than you would otherwise be.
945. If, therefore, in keeping the commandments of God, you do, in addition, these services, you will have joy if you observe them according to my command. 946. I said to him, Sir, whatsoever you enjoin upon me I will observe, for I know that you are with me. 947. I will be with you, he replied, because you have such a desire for doing good; and I will be with all those, he added, who have such a desire. 948. This fasting, he continued, is very good, provided the commandments of the Lord be observed. 949. Thus, then, shall you observe the fasting which you intend to keep.
950. First of all, be on your guard against every evil word, and every evil desire, and purify your heart from all the vanities of this world. 951. If you guard against these things, your fasting will be perfect. 952. And you will do also as follows. 953. Having fulfilled what is written, in the day on which you fast you will taste nothing but bread and water; and having reckoned up the price of the dishes of that day which you intended to have eaten, you will give it to a widow, or an orphan, or to some person in want, and thus you will exhibit humility of mind, so that he who has received benefit from your humility may fill his own soul, and pray for you to the Lord
954. If you observe fasting, as I have commanded you, your sacrifice will be acceptable to God, and this fasting will be written down; and the service thus performed is noble, and sacred, and acceptable to the Lord 955. These things, therefore, shall you thus observe with your children, and all your house, and in observing them you will be blessed; and as many as hear these words and observe them shall be blessed; and whatsoever they ask of the Lord they shall receive
Chapter 4
956. I prayed him much that he would explain to me the similitude of the field, and of the master of the vineyard, and of the slave who staked the vineyard, and of the sakes, 957. and of the weeds that were plucked out of the vineyard, and of the son, and of the friends who were fellow-councillors, for I knew that all these things were a kind of parable 958. And he answered me, and said, You are exceedingly persistent with your questions
959. You ought not, he continued, to ask any questions at all; for if it is needful to explain anything, it will be made known to you 960. I said to him, Sir, whatsoever you show me, and do not explain, I shall have seen to no purpose, not understanding its meaning 961. In like manner, also, if you speak parables to me, and do not unfold them, I shall have heard your words in vain
962. And he answered me again, saying, Every one who is the servant of God, and has his Lord in his heart, asks of Him understanding, and receives it, and opens up every parable; and the words of the Lord become known to him which are spoken in parables 963. But those who are weak and slothful in prayer, hesitate to ask anything from the Lord; but the Lord is full of compassion, and gives without fail to all who ask Him 964. But you, having been strengthened by the holy Angel, and having obtained from Him such intercession, and not being slothful, why do not you ask of the Lord understanding, and receive it from Him?
965. I said to him, Sir, having you with me, I am necessitated to ask questions of you, for you show me all things, and converse with me; but if I were to see or hear these things without you, I would then ask the Lord to explain them
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER THIRTY TWO Divisions 966-980 Similitudes 5 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 5 Chapter 5
966. I said to you a little ago, he answered, that you were cunning and obstinate in asking explanations of the parables; 967. but since you are so persistent, I shall unfold to you the meaning of the similitudes of the field, and of all the others that follow, that you may make them known to every one 968. Hear now, he said, and understand them
969. The field is this world; and the Lord of the field is He who created, and perfected, and strengthened all things; 970. [and the son is the Holy Spirit; ] and the slave is the Son of God; and the vines are this people, whom He Himself planted; and the stakes are the holy angels of the Lord, who keep His people together; and the weeds that were plucked out of the vineyard are the iniquities of God's servants; 972. and the dishes which He sent Him from His table are the commandments which He gave His people through His Son; and the friends and fellow-councillors are the holy angels who were first created; 974. and the Master's absence from home is the time that remains until His appearing.
975. I said to him, Sir, all these are great, and marvellous, and glorious things. 976. Could I, therefore, I continued, understand them? 977. No, nor could any other man, even if exceedingly wise. 978. Moreover, I added, explain to me what I am about to ask you. 979. Say what you wish, he replied. 980. Why, sir, I asked, is the Son of God in the parable in the form of a slave?
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER THIRTY THREE Divisions 981-1005 Similitudes 5 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 5 Chapter 6
981. Hear, he answered: the Son of God is not in the form of a slave, but in great power and might. 982. How so, sir? I said; I do not understand 983. Because, he answered, God planted the vineyard, that is to say, He created the people, and gave them to His Son; 984. and the Son appointed His angels over them to keep them; 985. and He Himself purged away their sins, having suffered many trials and undergone many labours, for no one is able to dig without labour and toil. 986. He Himself, then, having purged away the sins of the people, showed them the paths of life by giving them the law which He received from His Father.
987. You see, he said, that He is the Lord of the people, having received all authority from His Father. 988. And why the Lord took His Son as councillor, and the glorious angels, regarding the heirship of the slave, listen. 989. The holy, pre-existent Spirit, that created every creature, God made to dwell in flesh, which He chose. 990. This flesh, accordingly, in which the Holy Spirit dwelt, was nobly subject to that Spirit, walking religiously and chastely, in no respect defiling the Spirit; 991. and accordingly, after living excellently and purely, and after labouring and co-operating with the Spirit, and having in everything acted vigorously and courageously along with the Holy Spirit, He assumed it as a partner with it.
992. For this conduct of the flesh pleased Him, because it was not defiled on the earth while having the Holy Spirit. 993. He took, therefore, as fellow-councillors His Son and the glorious angels, in order that this flesh, which had been subject to the body without a fault, might have some place of tabernacle, 994. and that it might not appear that the reward of its servitude had been lost, for the flesh that has been found without spot or defilement, in which the Holy Spirit dwelt, will receive a reward. 995. You have now the explanation of this parable also.
Chapter 7
996. I rejoice, sir, I said, to hear this explanation. 997. Hear, again he replied: 998. Keep this flesh pure and stainless, that the Spirit which inhabits it may bear witness to it, and your flesh may be justified. 999. See that the thought never arise in your mind that this flesh of yours is corruptible, and you misuse it by any act of defilement.
1000. If you defile your flesh, you will also defile the Holy Spirit; and if you defile your flesh [and heart]], you will not live. 1001. And if any one, sir, I said, has been hitherto ignorant, before he heard these words, how can such a man be saved who has defiled his flesh?
1002. Respecting former sins of ignorance, he said, God alone is able to heal them, for to Him belongs all power. 1003. But be on your guard now, and the all-powerful and compassionate God will heal former transgressions, if for the time to come you defile not your body nor your spirit; 1004. for both are common, and cannot be defiled, the one without the other: 1005. Keep both therefore pure, and you will live unto God.
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER THIRTY FOUR Divisions 1006-1035 Similitude 6 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 6 1006. The two classes of voluptuous men, and of their death, falling away, and the duration of their punishment Chapter 1
1007. Sitting in my house, and glorifying the Lord for all that I had seen, and reflecting on the commandments, that they are excellent, and powerful, and glorious, and able to save a man's soul, I said within my heart, 1008. I shall be blessed if I walk in these commandments, and every one who walks in them will be blessed. 1009. While I was saying these words to myself, I suddenly see him sitting beside me, and hear him thus speak:
1010. Why are you in doubt about the commandments which I gave you? 1011. They are excellent: have no doubt about them at all, but put on faith in the Lord, and you will walk in them, for I will strengthen you in them. 1012. These commandments are beneficial to those who intend to repent: for if they do not walk in them, their repentance is in vain.
1013. You, therefore, who repent cast away the wickedness of this world which wears you out; and by putting on all the virtues of a holy life, you will be able to keep these commandments, and will no longer add to the number of your sins. 1014. Walk, therefore, in these commandments of mine, and you will live unto God. 1015. All these things have been spoken to you by me. 1016. And after he had uttered these words, he said to me, Let us go into the fields, and I will show you the shepherds of the flocks. 1017. Let us go, sir, I replied.
1018. And we came to a certain plain, and he showed me a young man, a shepherd, clothed in a suit of garments of a yellow colour: and he was herding very many sheep, and these sheep were feeding luxuriously, as it were, and riotously, and merrily skipping hither and there. 1019. The shepherd himself was merry, because of his flock; and the appearance of the shepherd was joyous, and he was running about among his flock. 1020. And other sheep I saw rioting and luxuriating in one place, but not, however, leaping about.
Chapter 2
1021. And he said to me, Do you see this shepherd? 1022. I see him, sir, I said. 1023. This, he answered, is the angel of luxury and deceit: he wears out the souls of the servants of God, and perverts them from the truth, deceiving them with wicked desires, through which they will perish; 1024. for they forget the commandments of the living God, and walk in deceits and empty luxuries; and they are ruined by the angel, some being brought to death, others to corruption.
1025. I said to him, Sir, I do not know the meaning of these words, 'to death, and to corruption. ' 1026. Listen, he said.
The sheep which you saw merry and leaping about, are those which have torn themselves away from God for ever, and have delivered themselves over to luxuries and deceits of this world. 1027. Among them there is no return to life through repentance, because they have added to their other sins, and blasphemed the name of the Lord. 1028. Such men therefore, are appointed unto death.
1029. And the sheep which you saw not leaping, but feeding in one place, are they who have delivered themselves over to luxury and deceit, but have committed no blasphemy against the Lord. 1030. These have been perverted from the truth: among them there is the hope of repentance, by which it is possible to live. 1031. Corruption, then, has a hope of a kind of renewal, but death has everlasting ruin.
1032. Again I went forward a little way, and he showed me a tall shepherd, somewhat savage in his appearance, clothed in a white goatskin, and having a wallet on his shoulders, and a very hard staff with branches, and a large whip. 1033. And he had a very sour look, so that I was afraid of him, so forbidding was his aspect. 1034. This shepherd, accordingly, was receiving the sheep from the young shepherd, those that were rioting and luxuriating, but not leaping;
and he cast them into a precipitous place, full of thistles and thorns, so that it was impossible to extricate the sheep from the thorns and thistles; yet they were completely entangled among them. 1035. These, accordingly, thus entangled, pastured among the thorns and thistles, and were exceedingly miserable, being beaten by him;
and he drove them hither and there, and gave them no rest; and, altogether, these sheep were in a wretched plight.
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER THIRTY FIVE Divisions 1036-1070 Similitudes 6 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 6 Chapter 3
1036. Seeing them, therefore, so beaten and so badly used, I was grieved for them, because they were so tormented, and had no rest at all. 1037. And I said to the Shepherd who talked with me,
Sir, who is this shepherd, who is so pitiless and severe, and so completely devoid of compassion for these sheep? 1038. This, he replied, is the angel of punishment; and he belongs to the just angels, and is appointed to punish. 1039. He accordingly takes those who wander away from God, and who have walked in the desires and deceits of this world, and chastises them as they deserve with terrible and diverse punishments.
1040. I would like to know, sir, I said, of what nature are these diverse tortures and punishments? 1041. Hear, he said, the various tortures and punishments. 1042. The tortures are such as occur during life. 1043. For some are punished with losses, others with want, others with sicknesses of various kinds, and others with all kinds of disorder and confusion;
others are insulted by unworthy persons, or exposed to suffering in other ways: 1044. for many, becoming unstable in their plans, try many things, and none of them at all succeed,
and they say they are not prosperous in their undertakings; and it does not occur to their minds that they have done evil deeds, but they blame the Lord.
1045. When, therefore, they have been afflicted with all kinds of affliction, then are they delivered unto me for good training, and they are made strong in the faith of the Lord;
and for the rest of the days of their life they are subject to the Lord with pure hearts, and are successful in all their undertakings, obtaining from the Lord everything they ask; and then they glorify the Lord, that they were delivered to me, and no longer suffer any evil.
Chapter 4
1046. I said to him, Sir, explain this also to me. 1047. What is it you ask? he said. 1048. Whether, sir, I continued, they who indulge in luxury, and who are deceived, are tortured for the same period of time that they have indulged in luxury and deceit? 1049. He said to me, They are tortured in the same manner. 1050. They are tormented much less, sir, I replied; for those who are so luxurious and who forget God ought to be tortured seven-fold.
1051. He said to me, You are foolish, and do not understand the power of torment. 1052. Why, sir, I said, if I had understood it, I would not have asked you to show me. 1053. Hear, he said, the power of both.
The time of luxury and deceit is one hour; but the hour of torment is equivalent to thirty days. 1054. If, accordingly, a man indulge in luxury for one day, and be deceived and be tortured for one day, the day of his torture is equivalent to a whole year, for all the days of luxury, therefore, there are as many years of torture to be undergone.
1055. You see, then, he continued, that the time of luxury and deceit is very short, but that of punishment and torture long.
Chapter 5 1056. Still, I said, I do not quite understand about the time of deceit, and luxury, and torture; explain it to me more clearly. 1057. He answered, and said to me, Your folly is persistent; and you do not wish to purify your heart, and serve God. 1058. Have a care, he added, lest the time be fulfilled, and you be found foolish. 1059. Hear now, he added, as you desire, that you may understand these things.
1060. He who indulges in luxury, and is deceived for one day, and who does what he wishes, is clothed with much foolishness, and does not understand the act which he does until the morrow; for he forgets what he did the day before. 1061. For luxury and deceit have no memories, on account of the folly with which they are clothed; but when punishment and torture cleave to a man for one day, he is punished and tortured for a year; for punishment and torture have powerful memories.
1062. While tortured and punished, therefore, for a whole year, he remembers at last his luxury and deceit, and knows that on their account he suffers evil. 1063. Every man, therefore, who is luxurious and deceived is thus tormented, [extravagant without charity] because, although having life, they have given themselves over to death. 1064. What kinds of luxury, sir, I asked, are hurtful?
1065. Every act of a man which he performs with pleasure, he replied, is an act of luxury; for the sharp-tempered man, when gratifying his tendency, indulges in luxury; 1066. and the adulterer, and the drunkard, and the back-stabber, and the liar, and the covetous man, and the thief, and he who does things like these, gratifies his peculiar propensity, and in so doing indulges in luxury. 1067. All these acts of luxury are hurtful to the servants of God.
1068. On account of these deceits, therefore, do they suffer, who are punished and tortured. 1069. And there are also acts of luxury which save men; for many who do good indulge in luxury, being carried away by their own pleasure: 170. this luxury, however, is beneficial to the servants of God, and gains life for such a man;
but the injurious acts of luxury before enumerated bring tortures and punishment upon them; and if they continue in them and do not repent, they bring death upon themselves.
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER THIRTY SIX Divisions 1071-1095 Similitudes 7 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 7 1071. They who repent must bring forth fruits worthy of repentance
1072. After a few days I saw him in the same plain where I had also seen the shepherds; and he said to me, What do you wish with me? 1073. I said to him, Sir, that you would order the shepherd who punishes to depart out of my house, because he afflicts me exceedingly. 1074. It is necessary, he replied, that you be afflicted; for thus, he continued, did the glorious angel command concerning you, as he wishes you to be tried. 1075. What have I done which is so bad, sir, I replied, that I should be delivered over to this angel?
1076. Listen, he said: Your sins are many, yet not so great as to require that you be delivered over to this angel; 1077. yet your household has committed great iniquities and sins, and the glorious angel has been incensed at them on account of their deeds; 1078. and for this reason he commanded you to be afflicted for a certain time, that they also might repent, and purify themselves from every desire of this world. 1079. When, therefore, they repent and are purified, then the angel of punishment will depart
1080. I said to him, Sir, if they have done such things as to incense the glorious angel against them, yet what have I done? 1081. He replied, They cannot be afflicted at all, unless you, the head of the house, be afflicted: for when you are afflicted, of necessity they also suffer affliction; but if you are in comfort, they can feel no affliction.
1082. Well, sir, I said, they have repented with their whole heart. 1083. I know, too, he answered, that they have repented with their whole heart: do you think, however, that the sins of those who repent are remitted? 1084. Not altogether, but he who repents must torture his own soul, and be exceedingly humble in all his conduct, and be afflicted with many kinds of affliction; 1085. and if he endure the afflictions that come upon him, He who created all things, and endued them with power, will assuredly have compassion, and will heal him; 1086. and this will He do when He sees the heart of every penitent pure from every evil thing: and it is profitable for you and for your house to suffer affliction now.
1087. But why should I say much to you? 1088. You must be afflicted, as that angel of the Lord commanded who delivered you to me. 1089. And for this give thanks to the Lord, because He has deemed you worthy of showing you beforehand this affliction, that, knowing it before it comes, you may be able to bear it with courage.
1090. I said to him, Sir, be with me, and I will be able to bear all affliction. 1091. I will be with you, he said, and I will ask the angel of punishment to afflict you more lightly; 1092. nevertheless, you will be afflicted for a little time, and again you will be re-established in your house. 1093. Only continue humble, and serve the Lord in all purity of heart, you and your children, and your house, and walk in my commands which I enjoin upon you, and your repentance will be deep and pure; 1094. and if you observe these things with your household, every affliction will depart from you. 1095. And affliction, he added, will depart from all who walk in these my commandments.
The Shepherd of Hermas CHAPTER THIRTY SEVEN Divisions 1096-1120 Similitude 8 SHEPHERD OF HERMAS 3, 8 1096. The sins of the elect and of the penitent are of many kinds, but all will be rewarded according to the measure of their repentance and good works Chapter 1
1097. He showed me a large willow tree overshadowing plains and mountains,