consecutive interpreting – последовательный перевод = linear[‘li:niǝ]interpretingСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
F. I. T. (Fé dé ration Internationale des Traducteurs) or the International Federation of Translators A. I. I. C. (Association Internationale des Interprè tes de Conferé nce), or the International Association of Conference Interpreters Conference on the Preliminaries of Peace in 1919 – the beginning of conference interpreting. consecutive interpreting – последовательный перевод = linear[‘li: niǝ ]interpreting rostrum – кафедра, трибуна J. -F. Rozan and J. Herbert – recommendations on note-taking ≠ shorthand – стенография the syntactic structure has a vertical progression: Subject group Predicate Object Object (homogeneous parts of the sentence are written one under the other). Liaison interpreting – переговорный перевод, перевод «с глазу на глаз» = face-to-face interpreting Сommunity interpreting – перевод для большой аудитории Bilateral – dealing with two languages A two-way, or bidirectional, translation (interpretation) A one-way interpreting postponed consecutive interpreting. Simultaneous interpreting the Nuremberg trials ['njuə rə mbɜ ː g] (1945-1946) and Tokyo trials (1946-1948) multilanguage ( multilateral ) meetings Skills featuring simultaneous interpreting: listening, speaking, switching to another language, compressing information. Anticipate – предчувствовать whispered interpreting(or chuchotage) – нашептывание, подсинхрон strenuous – трудный, требующий самоотдачи Written translation: 1) Visual 2) By ear 3) Sight translation Petr Smirnov-Troyansky Warren Weaver computer-aided translation (CAT): machine-aided human translation (MAHT) and human-aided machine translation (HAMT) ‘raw translation’ Parsing – грамматический разбор statistical machine translation