The intresting fact. Conclusion ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 The intresting fact Disney has attempted and failed to correct racial stereotypes with more recent movies such as “The Princess and the Frog, ” which stars a black princess and a racially ambiguous frog-prince. However according to the Internet Movie Database (IMDB), this movie grossed $207, 075, 765, whereas “Tangled, ” a Disney movie with a white hero and heroine, was more than twice as successful, grossing $590, 721, 936. The allotted budget for “The Princess and the Frog” was less than half the budget of “Tangled”
Conclusion In conclusion we would like to say that racism is not based on irrational thought. Rather, the source of racism is economic, psychological, social and political advantages that the white population defends as logical and natural. Disney is an example of a company that defends the white population through its child-approved, colorful and musical rhetoric. But childhood is magic time for everyone. So maybe we should change first of all our view and after cartoons? Our opinion is that society need to change their view on the problem of racism and morality, and finally we can change our cartoons.