I Variant. II VariantI Variant болу-be, was were, been; ү рлеу- blow, blew, blown; ә келу-bring, brought, brought; сатып алу-buy, bought, bought; келу-come, came, come; жасау-істеу-do, did, done; қ уалау-айдау-drive, drove, driven, табу-find, found, found; алу-get, got, got; жү ру-go, went, gone; ө су-grow, grew, grown; білу-know, knew, known; қ ою-lay, laid, laid; кө ру-see, saw, seen; ә н салу-sing, sang, sung; ұ йық тау-sleep, slept, slept; секіру-spring, sprang, sprung; ү йрету-teach, tought, tought; кию-wear, wore, worn; істеу-жасау-make, made, made; жең у-win, won, won. II Variant бастау-begin, began, begun; сындыру-break, broke, broken; соғ у- build, built, built; таң дау-choose, chose, chosen; кесу-cut, cut, cut; тү с кө ру-dream, dreamt, dreamt; тамақ тану-eat, ate, eaten; ұ мыту-forget, forgot, forgotten; беру- give, gave, given; есту-hear, heard, heard; сақ тау, ұ стау-keep, kept, kept; оқ у, ү йрену-learn, learnt, learnt; кездестіру-meet, met, met; оқ у-read, read, read; сату-sell, sold, sold; отыру-sit, sat, sat; айту, сө йлеу-speak, spoke, spoken; жү зу-swim, swam, swum; ойлану- think, thought, thought; жазу-write, wrote, written. Presentation: 2)Give the words to the children and they should put them in the correct order and make sentences in the Past Simple. 1. What did your neighbours do yesterday? 2. His wife watered her lovely flowers. 3. Mrs. Smith worked in the kitchen. 4. She washed the dishes and looked very tired. 5. Mr. Smith went to the cinema last night. 6. Did their children cleaned the yard? 7. He didn't do his homework last sunday. 8. Where was he last night? 9. He didn't go home after school. 10. Why did you go to the library? Practice: 1. Pupils should translate sentences into English. 1)Мои друзья должны быть в парке. 2)Я должен сегодня повидать моего друга. 3)Вы не должны разговаривать на уроках. 4)Все должны приходить в школу во время. 5)Я должна сегодня помочь своей маме. 6)Вы не должны ругатся с начальником.
Production: Pupil should open the brackets by using Present Simple and Present Perfect Simple -She (to get) up at 7 o'clock and (to take) a shower. -She normally (no to have) breakfast -He usually (to have) dinner at about 8. 00. -After swimming they often (to go) out for a pizza -What time Andrea usually (to get up)? -We have (to had) 2 lessons today -He has already (to learn) the rule -I don't think he has ever (to be) to Michigan -He has (to tell) us nothing about it -They have (to ask) me several questions. Home task: make up 5 sentences to the Present Continuous Assessment of students: