


Случайная статья

a) Вставьте some, any, no или их производные.

a) Вставьте some, any, no или их производные.

1. Here are... books by English writers. Take... book you like.

2. I can see... on the snow, but I don't know what it is.

3. There are... books on this desk, but there are... exercise-books.

4. What shall I do now, Mom? I have done my homework. — You can do... you like.

5. ... wants to see him.

6. Have you... books on Dickens? I want to read... about him. I have read... books by Dickens and I am interested in his life.

7. Are there... desks in the classroom? — Yes, there are many.

8. Did he say... about it? — No, he said... .

9. There was... in the street because it was very late.

10. Is there... here who knows this man?

11. Can... tell me how to get to the Public Library? — Yes, take... bus that goes from here towards the railway station and get off at the third stop.



b) Переведите предложения на русский язык.

12. В доме есть кто-нибудь? — Да, там кто-то есть.

13. Не задавайте мне никаких вопросов. Я занят.

14. У вас есть какие-нибудь книги о знаменитых ученых?

15. Кто занял первое место на соревнованиях? – Я ничего об этом не знаю.



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