Английский язык с Э. Хемингуэем 6 страницаranch [rRnC], alfalfa [xl'fxlfq], meant [ment] No, he had never written about Paris. Not the Paris that he cared about. But what about the rest that he had never written? What about the ranch and the silvered gray of the sage brush, the quick, clear water in the irrigation ditches, and the heavy green of the alfalfa. The trail went up into the hills and the cattle in the summer were shy as deer. The bawling and the steady noise and slow moving mass raising a dust as you brought them down in the fall. And behind the mountains, the clear sharpness of the peak in the evening light and, riding down along the trail in the moonlight, bright across the valley. Now he remembered coming down through the timber in the dark holding the horse's tail when you could not see and all the stories that he meant to write. About the half-wit chore boy (о дурачке-работнике; wit — ум, разум; сообразительность; chore — повседневная работа по дому, по хозяйству) who was left at the ranch that time (которого оставили тогда на ранчо) and told not to let any one get any hay (и сказали никому не давать сена: «никому не позволять брать сено»), and that old bastard from the Forks (и этот старый мерзавец из Форкса) who had beaten the boy when he had worked for him (который бил мальчика, когда тот работал у него) stopping to get some feed (остановился, чтобы взять корма). The boy refusing and the old man saying he would beat him again (мальчик отказал = не дал, и старик сказал, что опять изобьет его). The boy got the rifle from the kitchen (мальчик принес из кухни винтовку) and shot him when he tried to come into the barn (и застрелил его = старика, когда тот попытался войти в сарай) and when they came back to the ranch he'd been dead a week (и когда они вернулись на ранчо, он уже неделю был мертв), frozen in the corral (/лежал/ замерзший в загоне для скота; to freeze), and the dogs had eaten part of him (и собаки изгрызли его: «съели часть его»). But what was left you packed on a sled wrapped in a blanket (а то, что осталось, ты, завернув в одеяло, уложил в санки) and roped on (привязал веревками; rope — канат; веревка; to rope — привязывать) and you got the boy to help you haul it (и заставил мальчика помогать тебе тащить это = санки), and the two of you took it out over the road on skis (и вдвоем, на лыжах, вы волокли их по дороге), and sixty miles down to town to turn the boy over (и /так/ шестьдесят миль до города, чтобы = где надо было передать мальчика /властям/; to turn over — переворачивать; передавать). He having no idea that he would be arrested (у того и мысли /такой/ не было, что его арестуют). Thinking he had done his duty (он думал, что исполнил свой долг) and that you were his friend (и ты его друг) and he would be rewarded (и что его наградят). He'd helped to haul the old man in (он помогал тащить старика /в участок/) so everybody could know how bad the old man had been (чтобы все знали, какой этот старик был нехороший) and how he'd tried to steal some feed that didn't belong to him (и как он пытался украсть корм, который ему не принадлежал), and when the sheriff put the hand-cuffs on the boy he couldn't believe it (и когда шериф надел на мальчика наручники, тот не мог в это поверить; cuff — манжета; обшлаг; /hand-/cuffs — наручники). Then he'd started to cry (потом заплакал). That was one story he had saved to write (это была одна из историй, которые он приберегал /на будущее/). He knew at least twenty good stories from out there (он знал = у него было по крайней мере двадцать хороших историй из тех мест) and he had never written one (и ни об одной он так и не написал). Why (почему)? rifle [raIfl], corral [kO'rRl, kq'rRl], reward [rI'wLd] About the half-wit chore boy who was left at the ranch that time and told not to let any one get any hay, and that old bastard from the Forks who had beaten the boy when he had worked for him stopping to get some feed. The boy refusing and the old man saying he would beat him again. The boy got the rifle from the kitchen and shot him when he tried to come into the barn and when they came back to the ranch he'd been dead a week, frozen in the corral, and the dogs had eaten part of him. But what was left you packed on a sled wrapped in a blanket and roped on and you got the boy to help you haul it, and the two of you took it out over the road on skis, and sixty miles down to town to turn the boy over. He having no idea that he would be arrested. Thinking he had done his duty and that you were his friend and he would be rewarded. He'd helped to haul the old man in so everybody could know how bad the old man had been and how he'd tried to steal some feed that didn't belong to him, and when the sheriff put the hand-cuffs on the boy he couldn't believe it. Then he'd started to cry. That was one story he had saved to write. He knew at least twenty good stories from out there and he had never written one. Why?
" You tell them why (/попробуй/ скажи, почему), " he said. " Why what, dear (что “почему”, дорогой)? " " Why nothing (ничего). " She didn't drink so much, now, since she had him (она теперь не пила так много, с тех пор как у нее был он). But if he lived he would never write about her (но если даже он выживет, он никогда не напишет о ней), he knew that now (теперь он это знал /наверняка/). Nor about any of them (ни о ком из них). The rich were dull and they drank too much (богатые скучны, и они слишком много пьют), or they played too much backgammon[22] (или слишком много играют в бакгаммон). They were dull and they were repetitious (они скучны и говорят и ведут себя все одинаково; repetitious — повторяющийся; repetition — повторение). He remembered poor Julian[23] and his romantic awe of them (он вспомнил бедного = беднягу Джулиана и его восторженное благоговение перед ними) and how he had started a story once that began (и как он однажды начал /писать/ рассказ, который начинался), " The very rich are different from you and me (очень богатые люди не похожи на нас с вами: «отличны от вас и меня»). " And how some one had said to Julian (и как кто-то сказал Джулиану), Yes, they have more money (да = разумется, у них денег больше). But that was not humorous to Julian (но Джулиан не понял шутки: «это не было смешным для Джулиана»). He thought they were a special glamorous race (он считал их особой таинственной/вызывающей восхищение расой; glamor /или glamour/ — волшебство, чары; романтический ореол) and when he found they weren't (и когда он убедился, что они не /такие/; to find — находить, обнаруживать; убеждаться) it wrecked him just as much as any other thing that wrecked him (это согнуло его не меньше, чем что-либо другое: «так же сильно, как любая другая вещь, которая его сгибала»; to wreck — терпеть крушение; рушить/ся/; подрывать, губить; wreck — остатки кораблекрушения; развалины; крушение). He had been contemptuous of those who wrecked (он презирал тех, кто сгибается /под ударами жизни/; contemptuous — презрительный; пренебрежительный; contempt — презрение). You did not have to like it because you understood it (ему не должно было это нравиться, потому что он понимал это). He could beat anything, he thought (он сможет справиться с чем угодно, думал он; to beat — бить, колотить; побеждать; превосходить), because no thing could hurt him if he did not care (потому что ничто не сможет причинить ему боль, если он не придает /этому/ значения; to care — беспокоиться, волноваться; проявлять интерес). All right. Now he would not care for death (хорошо = значит, сейчас он не станет придавать значения смерти). One thing he had always dreaded was the pain (единственное, чего он всегда боялся, — это боли). He could stand pain as well as any man (он мог выносить боль как мужчина: «так же хорошо, как = не хуже, чем какой угодно мужчина»), until it went on too long (пока = если только она не продолжалась слишком долго), and wore him out (и /не/ изматывала его; to wear out — изнашивать; изнурять, изматывать), but here he had something that had hurt frightfully (но здесь = в этот раз мучения были ужасны: «у него было то, что болело ужасно») and just when he had felt it breaking him, the pain had stopped (и когда он уже чувствовал, что это = боль его сломит/победит, она прекратилась).
repetitious [" repI'tISqs], glamorous ['glxmqrqs], wreck [rek], contemptuous [kqn'tempCVqs], dread [dred]
" You tell them why, " he said. " Why what, dear? " " Why nothing. " She didn't drink so much, now, since she had him. But if he lived he would never write about her, he knew that now. Nor about any of them. The rich were dull and they drank too much, or they played too much backgammon. They were dull and they were repetitious. He remembered poor Julian and his romantic awe of them and how he had started a story once that began, " The very rich are different from you and me. " And how some one had said to Julian, Yes, they have more money. But that was not humorous to Julian. He thought they were a special glamorous race and when he found they weren't it wrecked him just as much as any other thing that wrecked him. He had been contemptuous of those who wrecked. You did not have to like it because you understood it. He could beat anything, he thought, because no thing could hurt him if he did not care. All right. Now he would not care for death. One thing he had always dreaded was the pain. He could stand pain as well as any man, until it went on too long, and wore him out, but here he had something that had hurt frightfully and just when he had felt it breaking him, the pain had stopped.
He remembered long ago (он вспомнил давний случай) when Williamson, the bombing officer, had been hit by a stick bomb (когда Уильямсон, артиллерийский офицер, был ранен ручной гранатой; bomb — бомба; мина /миномета/; ручная граната; stick — палка /немецкие гранаты имели рукояти/; to hit — ударять; поражать) some one in a German patrol had thrown (которую бросил кто-то из немецкого патруля) as he was coming in through the wire that night (когда он перебирался через проволоку = проволочное заграждение) and, screaming, had begged every one to kill him (и он кричал, умолял всех, чтобы его пристрелили). He was a fat man (он был толстяк), very brave, and a good officer (очень храбрый и хороший офицер), although addicted to fantastic shows (хотя и склонный к позерским выходкам; to addict — предаваться /чему-либо, обыкн. плохому/, увлекаться, быть заядлым любителем чего-либо; show — показ, демонстрация; внешний эффект). But that night he was caught in the wire (но той ночью он был опутан проволокой; to catch — ловить; поймать; захватывать; зацепить), with a flare lighting him up (его осветил прожектор; flare — вспышка; яркий, неровный свет, сверкание) and his bowels spilled out into the wire (и его внутренности вывалились на проволоку; to spill out — выливать/ся/; высыпать/ся/), so when they brought him in, alive (так что когда они его забирали, живого), they had to cut him loose (пришлось вырезать его /оттуда/; loose — свободный, несвязанный; to cut loose — освобождать при помощи режущего или рубящего инструмента). Shoot me, Harry (пристрели меня, Гарри). For Christ sake shoot me (ради Бога, пристрели меня). They had had an argument one time (как-то раз у них зашел разговор; argument — спор; обсуждение) about our Lord never sending you anything you could not bear (о том, что Господь никогда не посылает того, что ты не сможешь вынести) and some one's theory had been (и у кого-то была теория = кто-то защищал теорию) that meant that at a certain time the pain passed you out automatically (что: «которая подразумевала/означала, что» в определенный момент человек теряет от боли сознание: «боль автоматически заставляет тебя потерять сознание»; to pass — идти; проходить; to pass out — терять сознание; умирать). But he had always remembered Williamson, that night (но он навсегда запомнил Уильямсона = что было с Уильямсоном в ту ночь). Nothing passed out Williamson (Уильямсон не терял сознание: «ничто не выводило его из сознания») until he gave him all his morphine tablets (пока он не отдал ему все свои таблетки морфия) that he had always saved to use himself (которые давно приберегал для себя: «чтобы использовать самому») and then they did not work right away (да и они подействовали не сразу). bombing [bOmIN], patrol [pq'trqVl], morphine ['mLfJn] He remembered long ago when Williamson, the bombing officer, had been hit by a stick bomb some one in a German patrol had thrown as he was coming in through the wire that night and, screaming, had begged every one to kill him. He was a fat man, very brave, and a good officer, although addicted, to fantastic shows. But that night he was caught in the wire, with a flare lighting him up and his bowels spilled out into the wire, so when they brought him in, alive, they had to cut him loose. Shoot me, Harry. For Christ sake shoot me. They had had an argument one time about our Lord never sending you anything you could not bear and some one's theory had been that meant that at a certain time the pain passed you out automatically. Bui he had always remembered Williamson, that night. Nothing passed out Williamson until he gave him all his morphine tablets that he had always saved to use himself and then they did not work right away.
Still this now, that he had, was very easy (но то, что с ним сейчас, совсем не страшно; easy — легкий; необременительный; не вызывающий неприятных ощущений); and if it was no worse as it went on (и если не станет хуже, чем сейчас; to go on — идти дальше; продолжать/ся/; идти, происходить) there was nothing to worry about (/то/ не о чем беспокоиться). Except that he would rather be in better company (разве что он предпочел бы находиться: «охотнее был бы» в лучшей = более приятной компании; except — исключая, кроме; rather — лучше, охотнее, предпочтительнее). He thought a little about the company that he would like to have (он подумал немного о людях, которых хотел бы сейчас видеть: «о компании, которую он хотел бы иметь»). No, he thought, when everything you do, you do too long (когда ты все делаешь слишком долго: «когда все, что ты делаешь, ты делаешь слишком долго»), and do too late (и слишком поздно), you can't expect to find the people still there (нельзя ожидать, что найдешь людей на том же месте: «найти людей все еще там»). The people all are gone (люди все разошлись). The party's over (вечеринка закончилась) and you are with your hostess now (и ты теперь /один/ с хозяйкой). I'm getting as bored with dying as with everything else (мне так же надоело умирать, как и все остальное; to bore — надоедать; bored — скучающий, to get bored — заскучать), he thought. " It's a bore (как же это надоедает; bore — скука), " he said out loud (сказал он вслух; loud — громко; out loud — вслух). " What is, my dear (что /надоедает/, милый)? " " Anything you do too bloody long (все, что делаешь слишком долго). " He looked at her face between him and the fire (он посмотрел на ее лицо /находившееся/ между ним и костром). She was leaning back in the chair (она откинулась назад на стуле = на спинку стула) and the firelight shone on her pleasantly lined face (и свет от костра падал: «светил» на ее лицо, покрытое милыми морщинками: «приятно морщинистое лицо»; line — линия, черта; морщина) and he could see that she was sleepy (и он увидел, что она сонная). He heard the hyena make a noise just outside the range of the fire (он услышал, как едва за пределами пространства, освещенного костром, завыла гиена; to make a noise — создавать шум; издавать /характерные/ звуки /о животном; range — ряд, вереница; линия, направление; протяжение, пространство; пределы; область действия; досягаемость).
company ['kAmpqnI], hostess ['hqVstIs], range [reInG]
Still this now, that he had, was very easy; and if it was no worse as it went on there was nothing to worry about. Except that he would rather be in better company. He thought a little about the company that he would like to have. No, he thought, when everything you do, you do too long, and do too late, you can't expect to find the people still there. The people all are gone. The party's over and you are with your hostess now. I'm getting as bored with dying as with everything else, he thought. " It's a bore, " he said out loud. " What is, my dear? " " Anything you do too bloody long. " He looked at her face between him and the fire. She was leaning back in the chair and the firelight shone on her pleasantly lined face and he could see that she was sleepy. He heard the hyena make a noise just outside the range of the fire.
" I've been writing (я писал), " he said. " But I got tired (но /теперь/ я устал). " " Do you think you will be able to sleep (/как/ ты думаешь, ты сможешь спать = заснуть)? " " Pretty sure (наверняка). Why don't you turn in (почему бы тебе /самой/ не лечь; to turn in — повернуть вовнутрь; зайти мимоходом; /разг. / лечь спать)? " " I like to sit here with you (хочу посидеть здесь с тобой). " " Do you feel anything strange (ты не чувствуешь ничего странного/необычного)? " he asked her. " No. Just a little sleepy (просто хочу спать: «немного сонная»). " " I do (а я чувствую), " he said. He had just felt death come by again (он только что ощутил, как смерть опять прошла рядом). " You know the only thing I've never lost is curiosity (знаешь, единственное, чего я никогда не терял/лишался, так это любопытства), " he said to her. " You've never lost anything (ты ничего не лишался). You're the most complete man I've ever known (ты самый цельный человек /из всех/, кого я когда-либо знала; complete — полный; целый). " " Christ (Боже), " he said. " How little a woman knows (как мало знает/понимает женщина). What is that (что это)? Your intuition (твоя интуиция)? " Because, just then, death had come (потому что в эту самую минуту смерть подошла) and rested its head on the foot of the cot (и положила голову в ногах кровати) and he could smell its breath (и он почувствовал запах ее дыхания; to smell — обонять; чувствовать запах; чуять). " Never believe any of that about a scythe and a skull (не верь ничему этому = этим россказням о косе и черепе), " he told her. " It can be two bicycle policemen as easily (это могут быть и двое полисменов на велосипедах), or be a bird (или птица). Or it can have a wide snout like a hyena (а может, у нее широкая морда, как у гиены). "
curiosity [" kjVqrI'OsItI], scythe [saID], snout [snaVt]
" I've been writing, " he said. " But I got tired. " " Do you think you will be able to sleep? " " Pretty sure. Why don't you turn in? " " I like to sit here with you. " " Do you feel anything strange? " he asked her. " No. Just a little sleepy. " " I do, " he said. He had just felt death come by again. " You know the only thing I've never lost is curiosity, " he said to her. " You've never lost anything. You're the most complete man I've ever known. " " Christ, " he said. " How little a woman knows. What is that? Your intuition? " Because, just then, death had come and rested its head on the foot of the cot and he could smell its breath. " Never believe any of that about a scythe and a skull, " he told her. " It can be two bicycle policemen as easily, or be a bird. Or it can have a wide snout like a hyena. "
It had moved up on him now (теперь она = смерть придвинулась/подошла к нему ближе), but it had no shape any more (но у нее уже не было никакой формы). It simply occupied space (она просто занимала /какую-то часть/ пространства). " Tell it to go away (скажи, чтобы она ушла). " It did not go away but moved a little closer (она не ушла, а придвинулась немного ближе). " You've got a hell of a breath (у тебя отвратительное дыхание; hell — ад, преисподняя; a hell of a... — ужасный, кошмарный, чудовищный), " he told it. " You stinking bastard (вонючая тварь). " It moved up closer to him still (она придвинулась еще ближе к нему) and now he could not speak to it (и теперь он не мог говорить с ней), and when it saw he could not speak (и, когда она увидела = поняла, что он не может говорить) it came a little closer (она подошла немного ближе), and now he tried to send it away without speaking (и теперь он пытался прогнать ее молча: «не говоря»; to send away — высылать, посылать; прогонять), but it moved in on him (но она забралась на него) so its weight was all upon his chest (так что весь ее вес был у него на груди), and while it crouched there (и когда она там притаилась; to crouch — припадать к земле; согнуться, сжаться) and he could not move, or speak (а он не мог ни двигаться, ни говорить), he heard the woman say (он услышал, как женщина сказала), " Bwana is asleep now (бвана уснул). Take the cot up very gently (поднимите койку очень осторожно; gently — мягко, нежно; осторожно) and carry it into the tent (и отнесите ее в палатку). " He could not speak to tell her to make it go away (он не мог говорить и сказать ей = женщине, чтобы ее прогнали) and it crouched now, heavier (и она навалилась тяжелее = сильнее), so he could not breathe (так что он не мог дышать). And then, while they lifted the cot (и тут, когда койку поднимали), suddenly it was all right (стало вдруг хорошо) and the weight went from his chest (и тяжесть ушла с его груди).
weight [weIt], crouch [kraVC], breathe [brJD]
It had moved up on him now, but it had no shape any more. It simply occupied space. " Tell it to go away. " It did not go away but moved a little closer. " You've got a hell of a breath, " he told it. " You stinking bastard. " It moved up closer to him still and now he could not speak to it, and when it saw he could not speak it came a little closer, and now he tried to send it away without speaking, but it moved in on him so its weight was all upon his chest, and while it crouched there and he could not move, or speak, he heard the woman say, " Bwana is asleep now. Take the cot up very gently and carry it into the tent. " He could not speak to tell her to make it go away and it crouched now, heavier, so he could not breathe. And then, while they lifted the cot, suddenly it was all right and the weight went from his chest.
It was morning and had been morning for some time (было утро, и утро было уже давно: «некоторое время») and he heard the plane (и он услышал самолет). It showed very tiny (он показался /на небе/ совсем крошечный = крошечной точкой) and then made a wide circle (потом сделал широкий круг) and the boys ran out and lit the fires, using kerosene (и бои выбежали, и при помощи керосина зажгли костры), and piled on grass (и навалили сверху травы; pile — куча, груда) so there were two big smudges at each end of the level place (так что по обоим концам ровной площадки получилось два больших дымовых костра; smudge — грязное пятно; удушливый дым; дымовой костер) and the morning breeze blew them toward the camp (и утренний ветерок гнал их = дым от костров к лагерю; to blow — дуть; гнать /о ветре/) and the plane circled twice more, low this time (и самолет сделал еще два круга, на этот раз низко), and then glided down (потом скользнул вниз) and levelled off (выровнялся) and landed smoothly (и мягко приземлился; smoothly — гладко; ровно; плавно) and, coming walking toward him, was old Compton (и вот к нему = в сторону Гарри идет старый = старина Комптон) in slacks, a tweed jacket and a brown felt hat (в широких брюках, твидовом пиджаке и коричневой фетровой шляпе; felt — войлок; фетр). " What's the matter, old cock (что случилось, дружище; matter — вещество, материал; вопрос, дело; cock — петух; заводила, вожак)? " Compton said. " Bad leg (с ногой худо), " he told him. " Will you have some breakfast (позавтракаешь; breakfast — завтрак)? " " Thanks. I'll just have some tea (только чаю выпью). It's the Puss Moth[24] you know (я ведь на “мотыльке”; puss moth — гарпия большая /вид мотылька/: «кошечка-мотылек»). I won't be able to take the Memsahib (я не смогу взять мемсаиб). There's only room for one (места только на одного). Your lorry is on the way (ваш грузовик /уже/ в пути). " Helen had taken Compton aside and was speaking to him (Хелен отвела Комтона в сторону и говорила с ним). Compton came back more cheery than ever (Комтон вернулся еще более оживленный: «более оживленный, чем когда-либо»). " We'll get you right in (сейчас посадим тебя /в самолет/), " he said. " I'll be back for the Mem (за мем я вернусь). Now I'm afraid I'll have to stop at Arusha to refuel (и боюсь, мне придется сделать посадку в Аруше, чтобы заправиться; fuel — топливо, горючее; to refuel — дозаправиться, пополнить запасы топлива). We'd better get going (нам лучше /уже/ отправляться = поторапливаться). " " What about the tea (а как же чай)? " " I don't really care about it you know (да я его не особенно хочу). "
level ['lev(q)l], puss [pVs], refuel [" rJ'fjHql]
It was morning and had been morning for some time and he heard the plane. It showed very tiny and then made a wide circle and the boys ran out and lit the fires, using kerosene, and piled on grass so there were two big smudges at each end of the level place and the morning breeze blew them toward the camp and the plane circled twice more, low this time, and then glided down and levelled off and landed smoothly and, coming walking toward him, was old Compton in slacks, a tweed jacket and a brown felt hat. " What's the matter, old cock? " Compton said. " Bad leg, " he told him. " Will you have some breakfast? " " Thanks. I'll just have some tea. It's the Puss Moth you know. I won't be able to take the Memsahib. There's only room for one. Your lorry is on the way. " Helen had taken Compton aside and was speaking to him. Compton came back more cheery than ever. " We'll get you right in, " he said. " I'll be back for the Mem. Now I'm afraid I'll have to stop at Arusha to refuel. We'd better get going. " " What about the tea? " " I don't really care about it you know. "
The boys had picked up the cot (бои подняли койку) and carried it around the green tents (и понесли ее мимо зеленых палаток) and down along the rock (/потом/ вниз вдоль/мимо скалы) and out onto the plain (и на равнину) and along past the smudges (и дальше, мимо костров) that were burning brightly now (которые теперь ярко полыхали), the grass all consumed (/так как/ вся трава сгорела; to consume — истреблять, уничтожать /обычно об огне/), and the wind fanning the fire (и ветер раздувал пламя; fan — веер, опахало; вентилятор; to fan — гнать воздух; раздувать), to the little plane (/и подошли/ к маленькому самолету). It was difficult getting him in (было трудно посадить его туда), but once in he lay back in the leather seat (но, оказавшись наконец внутри, он откинулся на спинку кожаного сиденья), and the leg was stuck straight out to one side of the seat where Compton sat (а нога была уложена прямо /и опиралась/ на край сиденья Комптона: «где сидел Комптон»; stick — палка; to stick out — торчать; высовывать, выставлять). Compton started the motor and got in (Комптон запустил мотор и забрался /в кабину/). He waved to Helen and to the boys (он помахал Хелен и боям) and, as the clatter moved into the old familiar roar (и когда стрекот /мотора/ перешел в привычный: «старый знакомый» рев), they swung around (они развернулись; to swing — качаться, колебаться; поворачиваться) with Compie watching for wart-hog holes (при этом Компи /уменьшит. ласкат. от Комптон/ внимательно смотрел, нет ли где ям, вырытых бородавочниками; wart-hog — африканский кабан, бородавочник; wart — бородавка; hog — свинья; боров) and roared, bumping, along the stretch between the fires (и с ревом, подскакивая, понеслись но полоске /земли/ между кострами; to roar — реветь; двигаться с ревом; to stretch — вытягивать; простираться, тянуться /в пространстве/; stretch — протяжение; участок, отрезок) and with the last bump rose (и с последним толчком/подскоком поднялась /в воздух/; to rise) and he saw them all standing below (и он увидел, как они все = Хелен и слуги стоят внизу), waving (машут /им вслед/), and the camp beside the hill, flattening now (и /их/ лагерь возле холма, который теперь стал /казаться/ ниже; flat — плоский; to flatten — делать/становиться плоским; разглаживать/ся/; сглаживать/ся/), and the plain spreading (и равнину, расстилающуюся /все шире/), clumps of trees (заросли деревьев), and the bush flattening (и кустарник, становящийся вровень с землей), while the game trails ran now smoothly to the dry waterholes (а звериные тропы теперь /совсем/ ровно бегут к пересохшим местам водопоя; game — игра; забава, развлечение; дичь, промысловый зверь), and there was a new water that he had never known of (и был новый = еще один водоем, о котором он не знал).