Do you want to build your career within big international company? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Do you want to build your career within big international company? You are ready for challenging tasks & projects having impact on business? Apply now on Management Trainee Programme “ The Challenge Initiative” in Marketing, Finance or Operations in British American Tobacco! British American Tobacco Belarus is a part of British American Tobacco Group, which includes over 180 countries. The Challenge Initiative is our global graduate development programme, extending over two years and designed to prepare our next generation of leaders. During this time you receive all necessary professional knowledge and skills, get management experience, take an active part in key business projects of the Company.
You choose the business function that best suits your strengths and your development aspirations. This year you can apply in: Marketing, Finance, Operations.
Each Management Trainee has an Individual Development Plan outlining rotations in key sub-departments of his main function as well as an opportunity to take part in international assignment in one of the companies of British American Tobacco Group. This experience gives full understanding of our business, helps to get valuable knowledge and build wider network with colleagues from other countries.
We offer:
Requirements to candidates:
We want the best people to work for us and if you’re looking for the best outlet for your talents, you could find a career here that gives you so much more. Please visit our site http: //www. batcareer. byfor more details on the Programme and Application process.