Helen Keller ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Helen Keller Helen Keller (1880-1968) was a successful American writer, who was deaf and blind. Helen Keller's deafness and blindness 1) ____________ by a severe illness when she was a baby. Her parents 2)____________what to do, and they 3)_____________it difficult to control their growing daughter. One day they 4)__________about a brilliant young teacher called Anne Sullivan. She 5) ___________________ to work with Helen and, very firmly and patiently, 6)___________her that every object 7) ______________ a name. Eventually Helen 8)_____________a place at university. After this she 9)_________the world helping people like herself. In 1962, the story of her life 10)______________into a film, The Miracle Worker.