Clause 7. TAX AND EXPENSES. Clause 8. MAINTENANCE. Clause 9. AGREEMENT TERMINATION. The parties have read and understood the substance of the agreement and hereunder sign their names in the presence of witnesses.. Signed ….Lessee Si ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Clause 7. TAX AND EXPENSES The Lessor is obliged to pay for water, electricity and internet tax. The Lessee is obliged to pay current payments. In the case of lost key card The Lessee have to pay 100 (HUNDRED) baht.
Clause 8. MAINTENANCE The Lessee shall maintain the Premise tidily, keep it in good condition. Fix for repairs the caused by the Lessor's fault and replacement of electric lamps. The Lessee must keep the Premises clean and as quickly as possible, if possible and upon prior notice, allow the Lessor or his representative to inspect the Premises.
Clause 9. AGREEMENT TERMINATION If the Lessee terminates this agreement before its expiration or violates any clause of this agreement, the Lessor has the right to terminate immediately. In case of termination of the contract due to violation by the Tenant of its terms, the Landlord notifies the Tenant of the need to vacate the premises within 48 hours. If necessary, real damage is calculated from the deposit, as agreed by the parties. If the Tenant moves out earlier than 3 months later, the deposit is not refundable. If the Lessee has not notified the Lessor about leaving 1 month before leaving, the deposit is not refundable. The parties have read and understood the substance of the agreement and hereunder sign their names in the presence of witnesses.
Signed …………………………………. Lessee Signed …………………………………. Lessor
DATE: _______________ DATE: ________________