Healthy food. Do you eat healthy food?. What do you think is healthy food, and what isn’t?Healthy food Welcome to Live from London. Today we’re in King’s Cross talking to people about food. Do you eat healthy food? Phillip: I try to. I try to cook fresh food every day, but it doesn’t always work. Amelia: I try to. I like it when I do. But I try and have a balanced meal and everything. But, yeah, I think I do. I try to. Hannah: I’d say I do as well. I quite like, I quite like healthy food. I like the way it makes me feel. So, yeah. Paul: Sometimes, yes. I try to buy fruit and vegetables and cook for myself rather than eating takeaways. Shazra: I really try to eat healthy food, but I’m not very good at it. I love, like, fast food, chicken and chips, and all sorts of unhealthy things. But lately I’ve been trying to eat salads and things like that, which are obviously not as nice. Lynne: I think healthy food has to grow on you a little bit. I agree with Shaz about the chips, et cetera. But, yes, I eat more salads. Looking at eating more vegetables, and going back to eating more simplistically, I think, is a better and a healthy way of eating. What do you think is healthy food, and what isn’t? Phillip: Oh, too many sweet things aren’t healthy, and having a good variety in your diet, I think is healthy. Hannah: Well, fruits and vegetables – obviously healthy. Carbohydrates. Making sure you have enough of each type of food and, yeah. Unhealthy things – obviously over-processed food. Lynne: Seafood is. Fresh, organic vegetables. As... as, well, clean as possible. Equally, along with the vegetables, salads. It’s not necessarily fruits. A lot of fruits have a lot of sugar in…in them, so I’d stay away from a certain amount of those sort of foods. Yeah. Amelia: I’d say healthy food is more natural things, not loads of oil and sugar and stuff, and the opposite would be fizzy drinks and ice-cream and stuff like that. But it’s fine to have it sometimes. Shazra: Things like salads are obviously healthy, but where you’re getting the right nutrients, so protein and, you know, the right complex carbs and things like that are, tends to be healthy, and having just a balanced meal. Paul: Healthy food is pretty much anything that’s…that’s freshly available and not in a packet.