True or false. Which sentences are true and which are false?. Find the differenceСтр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒ True or false Which sentences are true and which are false?
Find the difference Find and underline the differences between the text below and the video.
Natasha: I come from a very small family and my parents are from Guyana and in Guyana Christmas is a big thing. Lights, presents, food, food and more food. Kayleigh: Traditional Christmas for me is a huge dinner, lots of friends and family, a fair amount of alcohol, presents. Kamilla: So, we do a duck for Christmas and we have friends round or we go and see friends and we also dance around the Christmas tree because that’s a Danish tradition. Patrick: OK, so usually it starts with breakfast about 11ish and smoked salmon, scrambled eggs and coffee. After that, a bit of a break, some present opening and then a long spread out Christmas lunch from 3 till 6 and then the drinking starts. Lydia: We normally have a goose, a roast goose and chocolate pudding, and all the trimmings. Natasha: I don’t like the fact that Christmas is started so early. I mean October you go into the shops and Christmas is in-your-face. Vocabulary lesson Match the expression to its meaning.