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During the Mobility. Table A2 - Exceptional Changes to the Traineeship Programme at the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise. Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] …. till [month/year] ….. After the Mobility. Table D - Traineeship Certifi

During the Mobility

Table A2 - Exceptional Changes to the Traineeship Programme at the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise

(to be approved by e-mail or signature by the student, the responsible person in the Sending Institution and the responsible person in the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise)

Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] ……………. till [month/year] …………….

Traineeship title: …

Number of working hours per week: …

Detailed programme of the traineeship period:



Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

Monitoring plan:

Evaluation plan:




After the Mobility

Table D - Traineeship Certificate by the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise

Name of the trainee:

Name of the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise:

Sector of the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise:

Address of the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise [street, city, country, phone, e-mail address], website:

Start date and end date of traineeship: from [day/month/year] …………………. to [day/month/year] ………………..

Traineeship title:

Detailed programme of the traineeship period including tasks carried out by the trainee:


Knowledge, skills (intellectual and practical) and competences acquired (achieved Learning Outcomes):

Evaluation of the trainee:



Name and signature of the Supervisor at the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise:


[1] Nationality: Country to which the person belongs administratively and that issues the ID card and/or passport.

[2] Study cycle: Short cycle (EQF level 5) / Bachelor or equivalent first cycle (EQF level 6) / Master or equivalent second cycle (EQF level 7) / Doctorate or equivalent third cycle (EQF level 8).

[3] Field of education: TheISCED-F 2013 search tool available at http: //ec. europa. eu/education/tools/isced-f_en. htm should be used to find the ISCED 2013 detailed field of education and training that is closest to the subject of the degree to be awarded to the trainee by the sending institution.

[4] Erasmus code: a unique identifier that every higher education institution that has been awarded with the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) receives. It is only applicable to higher education institutions located in Programme Countries.

[5] Contact person at the sending institution: a person who provides a link for administrative information and who, depending on the structure of the higher education institution, may be the departmental coordinator or will work at the international relations office or equivalent body within the institution.

[6] Contact person at the Receiving Organisation: a person who can provide administrative information within the framework of Erasmus+ traineeships.

[7] Mentor: the role of the mentor is to provide support, encouragement and information to the trainee on the life and experience relative to the enterprise (culture of the enterprise, informal codes and conducts, etc. ). Normally, the mentor should be a different person than the supervisor.

[8] Traineeship in digital skills: any traineeship where trainees receive training and practice in at least one or more of the following activities: digital marketing (e. g. social media management, web analytics); digital graphical, mechanical or architectural design; development of apps, software, scripts, or websites; installation, maintenance and management of IT systems and networks; cybersecurity; data analytics, mining and visualisation; programming and training of robots and artificial intelligence applications. Generic customer support, order fulfilment, data entry or office tasks are not considered in this category.


[9] Level of language competence: a description of the European Language Levels (CEFR) is available at: https: //europass. cedefop. europa. eu/en/resources/european-language-levels-cefr


[10] There are three different provisions for traineeships:

1. Traineeships embedded in the curriculum (counting towards the degree);

2. Voluntary traineeships (not obligatory for the degree);

3. Traineeships for recent graduates.


[11] ECTS credits or equivalent: in countries where the " ECTS" system it is not in place, " ECTS" needs to be replaced in all tables by the name of the equivalent system that is used and a weblink to an explanation to the system should be added.

[12] Responsible person at the sending institution: this person is responsible for signing the Learning Agreement, amending it if needed and recognising the credits and associated learning outcomes on behalf of the responsible academic body as set out in the Learning Agreement. The name and email of the Responsible person must be filled in only in case it differs from that of the Contact person mentioned at the top of the document.

[13] Supervisor at the Receiving Organisation: this person is responsible for signing the Learning Agreement, amending it if needed, supervising the trainee during the traineeship and signing the Traineeship Certificate. The name and email of the Supervisor must be filled in only in case it differs from that of the Contact person mentioned at the top of the document.


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