Choosing a hosting serviceChoosing a hosting service Having selected the most inexpensive or Cheap Reseller Hosting companies, you will be able to study each of them in more detail. Study all the reviews that are available on the search service page. Also, refer to the Network search for information about the selected hosting, as well as the quality of the services provided by them. Look at the Internet sites that are on this hosting. Article about good search for good inexpensive hosting services Go to the provider's home page. Find out what software and hardware the servers use. Also pay attention to the availability of special promotions that can make the purchase of hosting even cheaper. Choose the most optimal tariff plan that fully meets all the requirements of your site, but it will not exceed them, since the user usually has to pay extra for various additional options when he does not even use them. Compare the hosting options you have studied and then decide which hosting is most suitable for you in terms of the ratio of cost and the information received about the quality of services. One of the main indicators of the quality of the servers is considered to be Uptime, that is, the amount of time exactly how long the hosting has been running without interruption since its launch.