1. Before you watch. 2. Watching the video
How to become the British Monarch 1. Before you watch Match the notions with their definitions.
2. Watching the video A. Watch the video twice. While watching, fill in the gaps with proper words and word expressions. 1) Historically, the crown sat upon your head mostly because you had the __________. 2) Someone with a bigger army could change the __________ quite abruptly. 3) The British Monarch is also the head of the __________ to which the monarch much convert if not already a member. 4) If you're related to the monarch but are either a Catholic or a bastard or both, the crown has the delightful term '__________' to refer to you and your lack of __________. 5) Spouses of Monarchs are known as __________. 6) Basically, daughters were the last __________, which is why there have been so few. 7) If no luck, back up again, and repeat and repeat until a __________ is found. 8) From 2013 on the crown views all royal sons and daughters with __________.
B. Mark the statements as true or false. 1) In 17th century Parliament established a set of rules to transfer the crown from one head to another. 2) Even if you’re a Catholic, you’ll have to become a member of Church of England to become the monarch. 3) The illegitimate children of the king are out of line for the crown literally from the moment of their conception. 4) If you are a king’s spouse, for example, you’re the first heir of the throne after his death. 5) If a king is naturally dead and his eldest son, too, the crown goes to the youngest brother, even if the first one has children. 6) To get the crown a king’s daughter should be the eldest in the royal family. 7) According to the rules, if some branch of the royal family die out, the crown's contingency plan is to back up one level, and then apply the rules forward again looking for a living head to sit upon. 8) In 2013 the rules of becoming the monarch were changed, and since then all children in the royal family have got equal rights to the crown.
C. Give the Russian equivalents. Kept control over that army; a set of rules to transfer the crown from one head to another; converting from Catholicism to something else; to be the illegitimate children of the king; not in line for the throne; the eldest child without competing brothers; apply the rules; until a living heir is found; needed to be updated; gender-equal world. D. Fill in the gaps with the word ‘heir’ and its derivatives. 1) The Church seems to have been trying to prevent lords fromsitting legitimate ______. 2) After William III's death in 1702 and Anne's succession Sophia became theimmediate ______ to the throne. 3) This ______ factor means that there is often a connection between the physicalappearance of an individual and his temperament. 4) Other factors such as ______ and the physical environment play a major role as well. 5) Pedro's ______ was his eldest surviving daughter Constanza, who married Johnof Gaunt in September 1371. 6) Problems he ______ from his predecessor led to the bank’s later troubles. 7) These works of art are considered of great importance to Russia's national ______. 8) Bagpipes are considered family ______ and the pipers provide their own.
E. Answer the questions. Ø Is it easy to become the British Monarch? Why or why not? Ø What circumstances can guarantee that you’ll get the throne? Ø Why so few queens were there in the United Kingdom? Ø What are the rules, established by Parliament, to transfer the crown from one head to another? Ø Who is a bastard? Ø Can you explain the algorithm of inheritance in the United Kingdom? Ø What rule has been changed since 2013?