Situation 3 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Student A. You feel very bad about an argument you had with an old friend. Now your friend doesn`t want to talk to you. Try to explain that you were angry and didn`t want to hurt your friend’s feelings. Try to explain why you said these bad things.
Student B. You are very angry at your old friend. You argued and he/she said some bad thing to you (what did he/she say? Think of examples! ). Your feelings were hurt and you won`t forgive your friend easily.
Student A. You want to open your own business (what kind of business? ) and you want to borrow some money from your friend. You don`t want to get a loan, because the interest rate is high, and you are worried that if you don`t pay the loan back, you will lose your business. You have been friends for a long time and think friends should help each other. And whatever you friend is planning to buy can`t be more important than you opening your own business. Don`t take no for an answer! Student B. You have been working very hard (Where? ) and you saved a big sum of money, which you are planning to buy a holiday home. (Where? What kind of home? ). You have wanted to have a holiday home all your life! You can`t wait to start spending your holidays there. Now your friend wants to open his own business. You think this is very risky. Also, if your friend doesn`t pay you back, your friendship will be ruined. You don`t want to lend him money. Explain, why you need the money yourself and that your friend can take a loan at a bank.