Situation 1. Situation 2Situation 1 Student A. Your friend is rude to everyone but she thinks she is funny. Yesterday she made a joke about you that was embarrassing. And she always tells other people about your personal problems because she thinks it’s funny. Tell your friend how you feel. Give her some examples so that she understands what you mean. Try to make her understand that it’s not ok and she is hurting your feelings. Student B. You like making jokes, especially about your friends. You are proud of your great sense of humour. You think if somebody has a problem, the best thing to do is laugh about the problem to make this person feel better. Lately your best friend hasn`t been laughing at your jokes, and yesterday, when you tried to make her feel better, she didn`t laugh either. You think she/he is too sensitive and should relax more. Situation 2
Student A. Your friend is getting married soon. You heard a lot of bad things about her boyfriend/his girlfriend (what are these things? Think of examples! ). Tell your friend what you heard.
Student B. You are getting married soon and you couldn`t be happier. Your boyfriend/girlfriend is a wonderful person! But you think your friend is jealous of your happiness. Maybe she/he likes your boyfriend/girlfriend? Now your friend wants to talk to you.