1. Get Moving.. 2. Breathe. 3. Have Fun
Best Yoga Poses to Teach Your Kids at Home Would like some new quick and easy tools for calming your kids? Perhaps you see the impact of stress and anxiety on your children and want to help? Or maybe you do yoga and would love to share the benefits with your family. Welcome to the world of teaching yoga to your kids and to the community of thousands of parents all over the world who are not only doing something fun together, but also taking care of the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of their children at the same time. Take just 10 minutes at the beginning your day, to get those little bodies moving, energise them in a calm way, and clear the brain for a focussed, calm and happy day. Do this together and you will both enjoy the benefits of increased health and greater connection. Here are my top tips for getting started. Top Tips for Yoga with Your Children 1. Get Moving. The fastest way into children’s minds, emotions, energy and physical health, is through movement, but not any movement. Use fast, repetitive yoga movements that synchronise the breath to channel energy and calm the mind and emotions. 2. Breathe The breath is the key that distinguishes yoga from all other forms of movement. The inhale and exhale play a significant role on having a specific effect on the body and mind. Watch your child calm down quickly when you include the breath. 3. Have Fun Yoga for children is not the same as adult classes and unless children are engaged and having fun they will soon lose interest. This doesn’t mean that yoga has to be silly and all play with no physical substance. Bring the play to the asana rather than the asana to the play.