Summing up, in this essay we outlined the issues with international and domestic regulations of transportations of animals. Indeed, if someone tends to think that there are no acute problems in this sphere and everything goes fine and safely, then we have to upset you. A lot of received traumas and even deaths of animals during the transportation are still being registered in Russia and other countries in the world. Yes, there exist various international regulations meant to improve the conditions of transportations of animals. However, these regulations have several crucial shortcomings. To understand one of them, let's go back to the case of two pet’s deaths on the Aeroflot flight. When a pet dies during the transportation, it can be troubling to figure out which party should be considered accountable for the incident: aeroport, avia-company, or maybe the firm that sells animal’s cells? International treaties do not guide us to the answers. Moreover, there is another challenging problem which is the centre of our essay - animals lack the status of legal personality. Usually they are considered as human property or as a part of a “ healthy environment”. So, despite all the international regulations animals remain the objects of international law and thus they are much more vulnerable than humans. There is a song that is called “ Always look at the bright side of life”, so besides thinking of problems, we thought about possible actions which may help us to improve the safety of animals within the existing international law system. Firstly, if one faces the ignorance and connivance of domestic courts, this person can appeal to international courts which are more keen on guarding the safety of animals. For instance, the ECHR is one of key organizations which may help to protect the rights of animals for safety transportation ( even within the framework of human rights protection). Secondly, related NGO”s should contribute to the fight for improving the regulation of transportation of animals. Thus, they can bring the particular cases to the global agenda or facilitate the changes in domestic regulations.