Supporting the International CentreSupporting the International Centre · Commit to attending bi-weekly Ambassador meetings · Provide coverage for the front office in the international centre · Deliver campus tours to new or prospective students, agents, international visitors · Assist and administer the deliverance of international programs or initiatives throughout the academic year · Provide translation for international visitors and students · Assisting Regional Managers with prospective students · Visiting classrooms to talk with international students about the academic expectations and advice for student success (on-going throughout the year) Being a role model · Giving interviews or speaking as a representative of the international centre at various events throughout the year (EX. staff lunch and learn workshop, Georgian Day Open House) · Voicing international student concerns and speaking on behalf of international students · Committed to the role of Ambassador even outside of your work hours · IMPORTANT: Ambassadors represent the international centre and all international students. By accepting this position, you must uphold their role as Ambassador at all times not just during working hours. There will be no tolerance for negativity or unsupportive behavior. Training and Feedback · Complete four mandatory Human Resources training modules · Submit a midterm and end of the year feedback form MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS · Ambassadors MUST be on campus and registered on banner during the effective dates of August 2017 and beginning of May 2018 · Mandatory attendance is required during September (Aug 30, Sept 1) and January orientation (Jan 3-5) and the first week of classes in September and January · Ambassadors MUST have a valid SIN number for the duration of the position