When summarizing you should. How your summary should look like. Optional ways to express your ideas. Linking devicesСтр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒ When summarizing you should • State the research question and explain why it is interesting. • State the hypotheses tested. • Briefly describe the methods (design, participants, materials, procedure, what was • manipulated [independent variables], what was measured [dependent variables], • how data were analyzed. • Describe the results. Were they significant? • Explain the key implications of the results. How your summary should look like 1. The title of the paper is … (The paper is called …) 2. The paper is published in … (Journal) 3. The authors of the paper are … 4. The paper discusses/deals with/analyses/considers/explains/describes/establishes/introduces..... develops/presents/provides/studies/represents/features/contains/concentrates on..... covers/suggests/proposes/shows ….. The main objective/goal/purpose of the paper/article is ….. … 10. The information I read about in this paper is useful (helpful) because … Optional ways to express your ideas I would like to tell you/ talk about the paper … The author gives a detailed description/ a review … It is reported that … Much attention is given to … The key issue of the paper is … Linking devices Furthermore Moreover However As far as I know From my point of view In conclusion I would like to say a few words about … I found this paper interesting / important …