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The Developing Talent Program (DTP) has been a longstanding pillar in supporting and championing female development in O& T. It provides coaching, mentoring and sponsorship to select high-calibre VP-level (C13) women, who consistently differentiate themselves from their peers. DTP is a highly competitive program designed to prepare women for roles of increasing scale, scope and complexity across Citi.
1. Tell us about your current role at Citi. What are your major responsibilities? What activities or technologies do you routinely handle/manage? (max 1000 characters)
In my current role – Operations Manager - I run all ECC Command Center operations functions for CTI during operations hours of all active locations (Warsaw, Chennai, Dallas, Mexico and Costa Rica) I am responsible for the Oversight, Command and Control in the production environment - which covers the operational support of Service Monitoring and Level 1 for all technologies: Network, Mainframe, Distributed (Windows, UNIX, Voice, End User Computing) and ICG Level 1 application support. Ensuring our service monitoring, incident triage, management and resolution operate flawlessly through improved response time, faster escalation, stronger engagement and collaboration with Business Partners. I am a single global partner concern point for all Production Operations. In particular the single point of contact for our ECC Management. Specially during the weekend when all platform leads are off. Then I am in charge. Can take all deviations/extension decisions in case of the Network and Mainframe changes.
2. Do you manage staff or take on a leadership role? Explain in details. (max 1000 characters)
I do not have direct reports, I manage staff (30+) reporting to me during my 12h shift. I have to manage check point list to follow the day, starting and finish with handover call. I take the lead for the Workflow coordinators from all platform, check if any issues that occurred throughout the shift including any pain points that warrant concern. Discuss anything critical that needs to be continued by my shift team. I take the decision and engage support team accordingly, and IcM if needed. I manage platform performance during my shift to accomplish goals. It requires from me serving an effective communicator between key partners, vendors, and other technology teams to support and lead service improvement initiatives.
Describe your leadership style. (max 1000 characters) (Elements to consider - What leadership principles do you most embody and why? What differentiates you from your peers and makes you stand out? )
What helps becoming an effective leader is to follow the right people both my bosses and team members, those who can lead me, and not hold me back. For my current role it’s important to empower others as a leader, I am lonely without a good team. With a team with an opinion I can trust I am a leader. I am driven by my heart, curiosity, by my instinct, by my talent. I take responsible for my decisions.
My Strengths: Responsive, loyal, empathy, friendly, supportive, positive, punctual, accurate, responsible, determined
What differentiates me from my peers its customer approach I have ( based on my retail banking experience). Taking from HR experience – I easily identify the talents I work with. I listen people and remember what they are saying. Trying to understand what motivate employees to drive their performance accordingly. And I am always first at work.
3. What are your technical or operational strengths? If you are in a technical role, in which technologies are you most experienced? (max 1000 characters) In my current role, as a good Operations Manager I understand that employees are a valuable resource and can effectively communicate with operations staff. That not only means delivering the hard facts and providing thoughtful and constructive feedback, but listening to empowered employees who are part of the same team. On my work I look for Efficiency and focus on Quality. I need to make sure focus remains on the organizational objective, rather than the narrow focus of different department and division goals. Paying attention to quality helps to inspire the employees to strive to meet leaders’ expectations. Technical strengths:
4. What do you hope to gain from participation in the program? (max 1000 characters)
This program helps my relationships management – in particular remotely. Also promotes my personal brand with enhancing my visibility. Myself and my leadership style. 5. In the past 3 years, how have you developed yourself for career progression (e. g., advancement of technical skills, development): I'm in Customer Service, Banking and HR and now a Technology professional with over 20 years of experience with international companies. 15 years in Citi. 2. 5 years already in the Operations Manager role within ECC, CTI. I hold the Master of Social Science and Administration Degree from the (Warsaw) University of Technology. I was an HR Business partner supporting CTI Managers for Warsaw and Budapest for over 3 years. In May 2019 I joined ECC taking the Ops Mgr role.
6. Please list any development programs which you are currently participating in, or for which you are under consideration (i. e. ILEAD, etc) (max 1000 characters)
Feb 2020 Mentor role in EO& T Global Mentorship Program In 2021 I Attended in the Leading Woman external program
7. Do you participate in any extracurricular activities at Citi (e. g., affinity group, mentoring program) or externally (e. g. volunteering, et al. )? If so, please elaborate.
Women in Technology visibility representing Enterprise Command Center in Women in tech Summit, Job Fairs, CTI Diversity and Inclusion. Being a mentee in the external mentoring - Technologia w Spodnicy. (Technology in Skirt). This year – I’m participating as an Mentor in EO& T Global Mentorship Program.
Before I joined technology one year ago I was part of the Steering Committee in CSC Citi Woman - HR liaison and Treasurer/Admin Role
8. You indicated above that you are aware of the dates, if selected, that you will be required to join virtually to actively participate in training. Do you foresee any conflicts and/ or personal commitments that might keep you from attending one or more of the DTP sessions? If so, please elaborate. (max 1000 characters)
No conflict with my personal commitments