


Случайная статья

Cardinal  Ordinal

Cardinal                                                     Ordinal













the first

the second

the third

the fourth

the fifth1

the sixth

the seventh

the eighth

the ninth

the tenth

the eleventh

the twelfth



Cardinal                                                                  Ordinal









the thirteenth

the fourteenth

the fifteenth

the sixteenth

the seventeenth

the eighteenth

the nineteenth

 the twentieth

Примечания: 1. Номер телефона читается 5687 — five six eight seven. Если две

первые (или последние) цифры номера телефона одинаковые, употребляется  слово double: 4417 — double four one seven: 3477 — three four double seven. Если две средние цифры номера телефона одинаковые, то слово double не употребляется: 7889 — seven eight eight nine. Номера 1000, 2000 и т. д. читаются one thousand, two

thousand и т. д.

3. При обозначении номеров домов, квартир, автобусов и т. п., а также часто страниц, глав, упражнений употребляются количественные числительные. Существительные в таких случаях употребляются без артикля, и оба слова пишутся с прописной буквы. Например, The

meeting will take place in Room Thirty.



I. Answer the following questions:

1. What's Betty Smith's full name? 2. What is she? 3. Has she got many companions? 4. Are her companions kind and jolly? 5. Who is Betty's elder sister Helen married to? 6. Is Betty a member of her sister's family? 7. What's her brother-in-law? 9. Does Doctor have Sandford parents? 9. Is Helen a doctor? 10. Have they got any children? 1. How old is Betty's nephew? 12. Is he a good child? 13. What's he fond of? 14. Is Benny eager to have a dog? 15. Have they got any animals and birds in the house?


II. Ask and answer questions. Use contracted forms where possible. Work in pairs.

Model 1: What's his name? — (It's) Benny.

1. What’s your name? 2. What’s your mother's name? 3. What's her nephew's name? 4. What is her sister's name? 5. Is Benny a boy's or a girl's name? 6. What's your school-mate's (girl-friend's, boy-friend's) name? 7. What's Betty's full name?

Mode l 2: Does your brother have a large family? — Yes, (he does).

No, (he doesn’t).

1. Does Betty Smith have a large family? 2. Have you got a large family? 3. Does your cousin have a brother (father, mother, friend, wife, parents, grandfather)? 4. Does Benny got a hedgehog? 5. Does Benny got a rabbit? 6. Have you got a dog in the house? 7. Does Benny have friends? 8. Does Benny have books (toys, pens, pencils)?


III. Change the given groups of words as in the model.

Model: the room of my sister — my sister's room; the friends of my sisters — my sisters' friends.

1. the brother of my mother; 2. the friend of my sister; 3. the husband of his daughter; 4. the house of my parents; 5. the table of my father; 6. the work of my mother; 7. the notebook of this

student; 8. the books of these students; 9. the sister of my friend; 10. the friend of our cousin; 11. the photo of my grandfather; 12. the room of Pete; 13. the son of her brother; 14. the daughter

of Ann; 15. the sister of my mother.


IV. Form questions to which the following statements are the answers

1. We are students of Railway Engineering University. 2. Her brother-in-law is a doctor. 3. Betty Smith is a writer. 4. My sister-in-law is a house-wife. 5. His family is not large. 6. They have only one child. 7. She has a daughter. 8. Their child's name is Benny. 9. Her name is Helen. 10. His nephew is four. 11. He is in the park. 12. She is an English student. 13. Betty is the sister of

Helen. 14. She has some books on the table. 15. Benny has no brothers. 16. Their grandmother is an elderly person. 17. Doctor Sandford is a middle-aged person.

 V. Change the following sentences into interrogative and negative

Model: They have many English books.

Do they have many English books?

No, they don’t. They have a lot of Russian books and very few English books.

1. She has some English books. 2. He has a lot of mistakes in his test. 3. 1 have a lot of notebooks in my bag. 4. The boy has three red pencils. 5. Kitty has two cousins. 6. Dr. Sandford has a son. 7. 1 have relatives in Moscow. 8. They have two rooms. 9. I have some newspapers on the desk. 10. We have very many friends.

VI. Fill in suitable words:

1. His aunt's son is his.... 2. Your father's father is your... . 3. My sister's son is my... . 4, My sister's daughter is my... . 5. My mother's brother is my... . 6. Your mother's sister is your... . 7. Your uncle's daughter is your... . 8. Your mother's mother is your... . 9. Your brother's wife is your... . 10. Your sister's husband is your....


VII. Fill in am, is, are:

1. I... an English student. 2. His name... George Brown. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Brown... his father and mother. 4. My brother's name... Benny, and my sisters' names... Betty and Rose. 5. We... members of one family. 6. ... Helen married? 7. ... they married? 8. Mr. Sandford... Betty's brother-in-law. 9. How old... you? — I... eighteen. 10. What... you all? — We... all students. 11. ... your girl-friends students? 12. ... Betty's school-mates kind and jolly? 13. His companions... well-bred. 14. ... Benny eager to have a dog? 15. She... a naughty child. 16. 1... eager to have a girl-friend. 17. 1... two years younger than my cousin. 18. He... as young as his boy-friend. 19. My niece... eighteen months old.


VIII. Fill in prepositions:

1. Betty's sister is married... Doctor Sandford. 2. Is Benny... home? — No, he is still... the park... his mother. 3. Look... the picture (blackboard). 4. Put the notebook... the drawer. 5. He is not... the room. 6. Come... the room. 7. Go...  the room. 8. He has some friends... Moscow. 9. Don't put the pencils... the box. 10. Take the newspaper... the table. 11. The letter is... the book.

12. Go... Room Four. 13. Come... the blackboard. 14. Take the books and notebooks …your bags! 15. She has a pen... her hand. 16. Go... the Institute. 17. Are you fond... cats? 18. Have you got a dog …the house? 19. Open your books... page 25. 20. Thousands... students study.. . our University. 21. Children  begin school... the age... seven.


IX. Fill in some, any, no, none, not any, one or the indefinite article a:

1. Have you got... relations? — No, I haven't... . 2. Has she got... nephews or nieces? — She has... . 3. She has... sister, she has only... brother. 4. They have got... cousins in Minsk.

5. Have you got... brothers? — No, I haven't... . 6. I have... good friends. 7. Have you got... interesting books? — Yes, I have. 8. Have you got... friends in St. Petersburg? 9. He has...

English books in the bookcase. 10. Have you got... pencils in your bag? — Yes, I have... . 11. Does she have... girls in the family? — No, she has... . 12. Have we got... chalk on the blackboard? 13. She has... mistakes in her test.


X. Form nouns from the following verbs by adding the suffix -ing

write, work, teach, read, paint, sing, examine, dance, listen


XI. Write in words the following numerals:


3, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 33, 44, 60, 99, 100, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 19th, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th, 20th


XII. Write in words

Model: 13 +4 5 = 58 (Thirteen plus forty-five is fifty-eight). 50—3 1 = 19 (Fifty minus thirty-one is nineteen). 15 x 2 = 30 (Fifteen multiplied by two is thirty). 30: 2 = 15 (Thirty divided by two is fifteen).

46 + 18 = 64; 4 + 40 = 44; 30: 5 = 6; 10: 5 = 2; 15 -8 =7; 10 + 8 = 18; 5 x 5 = 25; 6 x 8 = 48;

80 -30 = 50; 79 - 50 == 29; 9 x 9 = 81; 6 X 6 = 36; 9 + 11 = 20; 99 + 1 = 100; 10: 2 = 5; 27: 3 = 9.


XIII. Use the following verbs in commands and requests:

take, open, go, come, put, write, read, look, close, speak,



XIV. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Его друзья — студенты факультета английского языка. Они будущие учителя. 2. Элен — жена мистера Сэндфорда. 3. Сколько лет вашей племяннице? 4. Сколько братьев у Джеймса? — Только один. 5. Он женат, и у него большая семья. 6. Ваша старшая сестра

замужем? — Да, ее муж — преподаватель английского языка. 7. У него есть племянник? — Нет, но у него есть племянница. 8. Достаньте ваши книги из портфелей. 9. Откройте (ваши) книги на двадцать седьмой странице. 10. Вы должны прочесть шестой урок еще раз. 11. Прочтите и переведите третье предложение, 12. Сделайте упражнение одиннадцатое на странице 37. 13. Принесите мел из комнаты № 12. 14. Она непослушная девочка. 15. Моя школьная подруга очень любит животных. 16. Мне очень хочется иметь собаку в доме, но мои родители против этого. 17. У моей невестки нет покоя в доме из-за кошек и собак. 18. Большинство подруг ее дочери — студентки. 19. Его дети хорошо воспитаны. 20. Нелли — добрая и славная девочка. 21. Мы товарищи по школе и одноклассники (class-mates). 22. Он живет на Лесной улице 9, квартира 15. 23. У вас есть телефон? — Да, номер моего телефона 217-18-36. 24. Он не такой молодой, как вы думаете, ему уже 30 лет. 25. Моей племяннице столько же лет, сколько вашему внуку.

26. Сколько лет вашему сыну? — Ему десять лет. Он старше вашей дочери на три года. 27. Моя двоюродная сестра моложе меня на два с половиной года. 28. Дочери моего брата всего полтора года. 29. Наташа самая молодая из моих друзей. 30. Я живу со своими родителями на Песчаной улице, дом 10. 31. Прибавьте десять к десяти. 32. Умножьте пять на семь. 33. Если ты разделишь тридцать на шесть, то получится пять.



XXII. Think of stimulating phrases for your fellow-student to agree or

disagree with you.

XXIII. Make up a small talk about (a) Mr. Sandford's family; (b) your

own family. Try to use conversational phrases suggested for dialogues.



' 1. Read the exercises several times before the mirror.


2. Record your reading and listen to it, detect your errors.

3. Listen to your fellow-student reading the exercises. Detect his errors

in sounds and intonation and tell him what he must do to get rid of


fetf tfest 'cfcestfa ecfe cfeDin

kaetf tfaet r& ASt baecfe point

last/ tfat cfeDb lacfe m'cfeoi


-» fetf дэ xbaeg -* кэ: 1 xcfeDn э -> drai xtri:

-» kastf дэ xdr> g -> famd х< & э: г& э -> Ьгзикп xtoi

-* ri: tf дэ xpa; k -> ti: tf xd3em э fr3uz n хгзиг




I. a) Repeat the sentences after the tape, b) Make them interrogative

and negative.

II. Transcribe the text. Mark the stresses and tunes.

III. Answer the questions according to the models.

ГУ. Change the given groups of words as in the model.

V. Translate the sentences into English.

VI. Spell the words given on the tape.

VII. These disjunctive questions are not true to fact. Correct them.


Lesson Seven


Phonetics: Дифтонги [сэ], [оэ]. Нисходяще-восходящий

тон (Fall-Rise), интонация обращения. Интонация перечисления.



Reading Rules: IV тип слога. Чтение буквы а перед некоторы



ми согласными.

Texts: 1. Doctor Sandford's Family. 2. About Benny's Cousins.

Grammar: Предложения с вводным there. Числительные свы



me 100. Предлоги времени. 1


Phonetic Exercise 33


'seldam 'lets, дэ su: na дэ vbeta

'mtaval 'beta V beta'leit дэп vneva

'eksalant 'neva


Примечание. Обратите внимание на различие в звучании нейтрального

гласного в конечном положении по сравнению со всеми остальными

позициями. Нейтральный гласный во всех позициях, кроме конечной,

звучит как ослабленное |з: ). В конечном положении качество

нейтрального гласного является промежуточным между [з: ] и |л].


1. [|э] —дифтонг. Ядр о дифтонг а — гласны

й переднег о ряд а высоког о подъем а

широкой - разновидности, нелабиализо ванный

. После произнесения ядра язык движется к центру

в направлении [а]. Чтобы избежать ошибки типа [IAJ,

следует ослабить второй элемент дифтонга.

2. I еэ 1 — д и ф т о н г. Ядр о дифтонг а — гласны

й переднег о ряд а среднег о подъем а

широко й разновидност и нелабиализо ванный

, второй элемент — нейтральный гласный.

3. (иэ| — дифтонг. Ядр о дифтонг а — гласны

й заднег о продвинутог о впере д ряд а

высоког о подъем а широко й разновид ности

, слегк а лабиализованный. После произнесения

ядра язык движется к центру в направления [э].

Следует избегать сильного округления и выпячивания губ

при произнесении первого элемента.



Phonetic Exercise 34


di3 Ье э ри з

ni3 де з /из -* WEST iz дэ xtfe3

hi3 Ьеэ 'jusrsp -* wDt iz дсэ г in дэ xbasg


'pc3r3nts 'jir. 3U3li -* wDt iz деэ г Dn дэ xJelf


Примечание. Работая над упражнением, обратите внимание на:

1 Отсутствие палатализации согласных перед дифтонгами [ю|, [гд]


2. Второй элемент, который представляет собой слабый скользящий


3. Низкое положение языка при аргикуляции дифтонга |еэ|.

4 Связующее [г| в предложениях

Phonetic Exercise 35


'litl 'sAdn 'didnt pai —spa i til —sti l

'teibi 'nt n 'kudnt pei n —spei n to: l —sto. l

'pi: pl 'teikn 'Doesznt keit — skeit

'ti-лЫ 'bi: tn 'ni: dnt ku: l —sku: l


Примечание. Работая над упражнением, обратите внимание на:


1 Латеральный взрыв в словах первой колонки, носовой — н словах

второй колонки, Отсутствие гласных призвуков между взрывными

и сонантом.


2. Отсутствие аспирации глухих согласных [р], |i], [к] в сочетании

с предыдущим [s|.



Четвертый тип слога графически напоминает первый

условно-открытый слог. Разница между ними в том, что в

IV типе слога между ударной гласной и немым е стоит не

любая согласная, а буква г.


Чтение гласных букв а, е, и, о в ГУ типе слога


а + ге [еэ] е + re [is] u + re [jua] о + re [э: ]



pure 3 more



 Исключение: are [Q: |.



Исключения: there [дсэ], where [weal, were [w3: ].

Исключение: sure Циэ|.





Буква а перед сочетанием th и перед n, s, f + согласная

читается [а. ]. Например: bath [ba9], dance [dans], past [past],

after ['айэ].


Буква а перед 1 + согласная, кроме mr f, v, читается [а].

Например: all [э: 1], salt [salt].


В сочетании а + l k буква 1 — немая: talk [tak], chalk [ifsk].


Буква а перед 1 + m, f, v (буква 1 в этих сочетаниях — немая)

читается [а]. Например: calm [kam], half [haf], halves







Doctor Sandford's family is not very large. There are five of

them. The five members of his family are: his mother, his sisterin-

law, his son Benny, his wife Helen and himself. Helen Does no



Old Mrs. Sandford is fifty-eight. Helen is twenty-six. Doctor

Sandford is thirty. Benny is an only child and there are no boys

or girls in the family for him to play with.






" Granny, have I any cousins? "


" Yes Benny! You have two. "


" Whose children are they? How old are they? Are they boys


or girls? "


" Not so many questions at once, please, Benny! Your cous



ins are: a five-year-old boy, Georgie, and a four-year-old girl,


May. They are your Aunt Emily's children. They are in Canad a


now with their parents: your Aunt Emily, my daughter, and her


husband, Mr. Thomas Brown. "


" In Canada? What's Canada, granny? Where is it? "


" Canad a is a far-away country. It is in the North of Ameri




" In the North of America? Where is it? Is it as far as Lon



don? "

" Oh, no Benny! It's much farther. "

" But, granny... "

" Com e along, my dearest. It's just th e tim e for your midday


milk. "




an only child единственный ребенок

five-year-old пятилетний

far-away дальний, далекий

in the North of на севере

as far as так же далеко, как

come along пойдем

it's just the time как раз пора





What's your occupation? What do you do (for a living)?

worker (mechanic, turner, locksmith), farmer, engineer, teacher,

doctor, surgeon, dentist, soldier, sailor, pilot, officer, salesman,

saleswoman (shop-assistant, shop-girl), research worker, architect,

lawyer, journalist, typist, driver, actor, actress, composer,

painter, writer, poet, playwright, musician, conductor, chemist,






Opening remarks: Oh, it's you. Ah, there you are! Well, if it

isn't old Jack! I say... Excuse me... Sorry to trouble you... Hello!

Parting remarks: Bye-bye / See you / See you tomorrow


(then); Love to... Regards to...




1. Характерным для английского язык а является сложный

нисходяще-восходящий тон (the falling-rising tone, или

Fall-Rise). Нисходяще-восходящий тон наблюдается в смыс


ловых группах, требующих восходящего тона, в которых

коммуникативный центр высказывания выделен понижением

тона. Нисходяще-восходящее движение тона может осуществляться

в пределах одного слога или распространяться

на большее количество слогов. Употребление нисходящевосходящего

тона вместо простого восходящего тона характерно

для эмоционально окрашенной речи:


They are in xCanada, now.


2. Интонация обращения (Direct Address). Интонация обращения

зависит от его места в предложении. В начале

предложения обращение всегда ударно, обычно образует самостоятельную

смысловую группу и произносится, как правило,

с нисходяще-восходящим тоном. Например:

xGran, ny, | -»have I any, cousins? -\ j " * _.


В официальной речи или когда обращение направлено к

аудитории, оно произносится с нисходящим тоном:


-» Comrade Iva^nova, | -» come to the /blackboard, please.


В середине и в конце предложения обращение безударно

и продолжает мелодию предшествующей смысловой группы:



Come a, long, my dearest.


3. В предложениях, содержащих перечисление (enumeration),

обычно каждая неконечная смысловая группа произносится

с восходящим тоном. Например:

The Vfive 'members of his 'family xare: | his, mother, | his

sister-in-law, | his -» son, Benny, | his -» wife, Helen | and






Table No. 1



There is




not any






on the table,

on the desk.

There are



not any

(not) many

a lot of

a few































There is



not any

(not) much

a lot of


a little









Is there any




on the table?

on the desk?


any books

Are there many exercise-books

few plates













chalk o












Is there





little sugar















Table No. 2



on the chair,

under bed. t






101 — one hundred an d one

245 — two hundred an d forty-five

359 — three hundred an d fifty-nine

712 — seven hundred an d twelve



2 018 — two thousand and eighteen

8 541 — eight thousand five hundred an d forty-one

3 400 936 — three million four hundred thousand nine hundred

an d thirty-six


Примечания. 1 В составных числительных перед десятками (а если

их нет, то перед единицами) ставится союз and


2 Числительные hundred, thousand, million не употребляются во

множественном числе Во множественном числе могут употребляться

только соответствующие существительные. Например' hundreds of thousands

of people.


3 Годы обозначаются количественными числительными.

1900 — nineteen hundred,

1909 — nineteen nine или nineteen hundred and nine,

1977 — nineteen seventy-seven или nineteen hundred and seventy-seven.


Слово year после обозначения года не употребляется, но может

употребляться перед ним in the year nineteen twelve


Даты обозначаются порядковыми числительными, на письме и в



25th January, 1912 the twenty-fifth of January, nineteen-twelve

January 25th, 1912 или January the twenty-fifth, nineteen twelve,

January 25, 1912.





Для указания времени употребляются предлоги at, past,

to, from, till.



g. Com e a t five o'clock. Go there a t seven. The train

arrives at seven thirty-two. It is half past two. It is a

quarter to three. Leave your place at a quarter to six.

He is at home from three till four.



I. a) Study Substitution Table No. 1 and compose as many sentences

as you can. b) Let the members of the class ask and answer questions as

in the model. Give a short answer and add a sentence of your own with

the introductory there.

Model: Is there any clock on your desk?

There is. And there is also a lamp on it.


c) Respond to the negative sentence of your fellow-student as in the

model. Use contracted forms in speech.


Model: There aren't any knives on the table.

No, there aren't. There are only forks here.


d) Study Substitution Table No. 2 and compose as many sentences as

you can.


e) Use the same sentences in short situations.


II. Transcribe the following words and explain the reading rules:

boot, prepare, ball, book, mere, meat, good, store, bread,

care, palm, cure, cold, last, plant, text, exam, rather, germ, hurt,

hare, grasp, staff, bald, calf, chalk, clasp, a talented dancer,

a broken branch, a stone wall, a dull day, a wise man, a cheap

car, a big ship, a fat sheep, a naughty girl, a lazy boy, a rare

plant, a strict lady, a cold lake, a birthday present, Bertha's

basket, spare time, pure water.


III. Write the plural form of the following nouns. Transcribe them:

country, saleswoman, match, boy, sister-in-law, man, tooth,

handkerchief, potato, deer, piano, knife, lady, suffix, foot.



TV. Before you start working at the text, practise the sounds in the

following words and word combinations:


1. [A]

— cousin, at once, husband, country, London, much,

but, come;

[a] — large, aunt, farther, as far as;

[y. ] — daughter, Georgie, four, North.

2. a) Linking r: your aunt, are_in Canada, where_is it,



faraway, as far^as;

b) No voicing before voiced consonants: Thomas^Brown,

it'sjust, it'sjnuch;

c) No devoicing before voiceless consonants: Benny'SLCOUsins,

whosej: hildren, Emily'St_children;

d) Loss of plosion: but_granny, midjday.


V. a) Listen to the recording of the text " Doctor Sandford's Family".

Mark the stresses and tunes, b) Practise the text for test reading. Listen to

the text very carefully until you can say it in exactly the same way.

c) Listen to the recording of the dialogue " About Benny's Cousins". Mark

the stresses and tunes, d) Practise the dialogue for test reading. Listen to

the text very carefully until you can say it in exactly the same way.

e) Memorize the dialogue and dramatize it.

VI. Read the following:

1. VOld Mrs. 'Sandford is 'fifty-eight, | V Helen is 'twentyx



six, I Doctor -> Sandford isthirty. 2. There are a -> lot of, exercise-

books, I, pens I andpencils on the desk. 3. There are V not so







'many, parks, |, gardens | and ^squares in the town. 4. -> • Show all

the, rivers, |, lakes, | andseas on the map.




VII. Answer the following questions:

A. 1. Is this a classroom? 2. Are there many desks in it? How

many? 3. Are there any chairs in the room? How many? 4. Are

there any lamps in the room? 5. Are they on the walls? 6. How

many lamps are there in it? 7. How many windows are there in

the room? 8. What colour are the walls? 9. What colour are the

desks? 10. What colour are the chairs? 11. Is there a blackboard

on the wall? 12. What colour is the board? 13. Are there any

sentences on it? 14. How many books are there on your desk?

15. Are they English or Russian? 16. How many exercise-books

are there in your bag? 17. Are they thick or thin? 18. Is this book

thick or thin? 19. What is there on this table? 20. What is there

in that box?



B. 1. Is the box on the desk? 2. Are the pencils in the box?

3. Is the bag on the desk or under it? 4. Is the fountain-pen on

the bag or in the bag? 5. Is the notebook in my hand or under it?

6. Are the notebooks on the desk or under it? 7. Are the letters

on the book or under it? 8. Where is the picture? 9. Wher e is the

chair? 10. Where are the pens?

C. 1. Is Dr. Sandford's family large? 2. Does he awife? 3. What

is her name? 4. Does she a sister? 5. Does Dr. Sandford a father?

6. Does he a mother? 7. Does Dr. Sandford a daughter? 8. Does he a

son? 9. What is his name? 10. So how many people are there in

Dr. Sandford's family? 11. How old is Dr. Sandford? 12. How old

is Helen? 13. How old is Mrs. Sandford? 14. How many cousins

Does Benny? 15. Whos e children are Georgie and May?

16. Where are Benny's cousins?

vni. a) Write sentences using there is, there are and the words given



1. bus, street; 2. lamp, room; 3. chalk, blackboard; 4. bread,

table; 5. tea, tea-pot; 6. coffee, coffee-pot; 7. money, bag;

8. paper, box; 9. soap, shelf; 10. water, jug.

b) Make up micro-dialogues with the same sentences.


IX. Fill in prepositions:

1. Don't be late. Come.. . nine o'clock. 2. Wha t time is it

now? It is half... six. 3. We are going to leave... a quarter...

ten. 4. It is twelve o'clock now. Come here in ten minutes, ten

minutes... twelve. 5. Is it a quarter... three? In a quarter of an

hour, ... three o'clock we must be... the University. 6. He

must work... seven... eleven o'clock. 7. They live... the North

... our country.

X. a) Rewrite the following in the plural:

1. There is a sentence on the blackboard. 2. Is there a desk in

the room? 3. There is not any book on the table. 4. Is there a dictionary

on the chair? 5. There is a match in the box. 6. There is a

girl in the picture. 7. There is no child in their family.

b) Change the sentences using the construction given in Table No. 2

on page 87.




XI. a) Write the interrogative and negative forms of the following


1. There is a telegram on the table. 2. There is a cinema near

our house. 3. There are many mistakes in his dictation. 4. There

js much paper in his bag. 5. There are two sofas in the room.

'). There are a lot of children in the park today.


b) Express your surprise asking questions as in the model. Note the

listribution of sentence stress in the replies.


yl о d e 1: There is a dog in the room.

, 1s there? Is there -» really a, dog in the room?

I say there vis.



c) Respond to the same statement in the negative.


Л о d e 1: There is a dog in the room.

Oh, no. There is vno dog there.

Are you sure?




XII. The following statements are not true to fact. Correct them.

Model: Doctor Sandford's family is large.

No, that's wrong. It's not large.


1. Doctor Sandford Does two sons and one daughter. 2. There

are seven people in Doctor Sandford's family. 3. Doctor Sandford

is eighty. 4. There are many girls and boys for Benny to play

with. 5. Benny Does no cousins. 6. Benny's cousins are in Africa.

7. Benny's cousins are schoolchildren.

XIII. Describe Doctor Sandford's family as if you were Doctor Sandford,

his wife or Benny.

XIV. Work in pairs. Ask your fellow-student logical questions on the

given statements and answer them.

Model: There are two tables in the room.

What's there in the room?

(There are) some tables.

How many (tables are there in it)?

(There are) two.



1. There is a green notebook on the desk. 2. There is little

milk in the bottle. 3. The Browns have a very large family.


4. M y parents are at home. 5. Benny' s cousins are in the North

of America.

XV. a) Make questions beginning with What... and How many...

and answer them.

Mode l 1: What is there in your street?

Mode l 2: How many high buildings are there in your street?



1. There are two tables in the room. 2. There are eight notebooks

in her bag. 3. There are ninety-five students in the hall.

4. There is a clock on the desk. 5. There are twelve cassette-recorders

in the laboratory. 6. There are six sentences in this exercise.

b) Make your own questions on the same models and answer them.


XVI. a) Make questions beginning with How much... and answer


Model: How much milk is there in the jug?


1. There is a lot of coffee in the coffee-pot. 2. There is a little

water in the glass. 3. There is too much salt in the soup. 4. There

is little money in the bag. 5. There is a lot of tea in the tea-pot.

6. There is not much butter on the plate.

b) Make your own questions on the same model and answer them.


XVII. Translate the following sentences into English:

A. 1. На стене картина. На стене часы. На стене классная доска. На столе картофель. На столе книги. В кувшине молоко. На тарелке масло. На столе соль. На доске (написано) предложение. 2. Картина на стене. Часы на стене. Классная доска на стене. Коробки на столе. Портфели на столе. Книги на столе. Молоко в кувшине. Масло на тарелке. Соль на столе. Предложение (написано) на доске. 3. На столе лампа. Лампа на столе. На столе газеты. Газеты на столе. На улице автомобиль. Автомобиль на улице. У стены диван. Диван у стены. В коробке карандаши. Карандаши в коробке. 4. На стуле нет книги. Книга не на стуле. На стуле нет шляпы. Шляпа не на стуле. На стуле нет тетради. Тетрадь не на стуле. В коробке нет авторучки. Авторучка не в коробке. В сумке нет денег. Деньги не в сумке. 5. В портфеле не три книги, а четыре. В портфеле не пять карандашей, а шесть. В портфеле не две ручки, а одна. 6. Как раз пора обедать. Как раз пора пить чай. B. 1. Это моя комната. Посредине комнаты стоит стол. На столе кувшин. В кувшине молоко. На тарелке масло. 2. Пусть Бенни садится за стол. Как раз пора завтракать. Молоко в кувшине. Масло на тарелке. Нож около тарелки. Где хлеб? Хлеб в буфете (sideboard).

3. Где журнал? На столе нет журнала. Журнал не на столе, а на стуле. 4. В коробке нет авторучки. Авторучка не в коробке, а в столе. 5. Где деньги? В сумке нет денег. Твои деньги не в сумке. Они на столе. 6. В твоем портфеле много тетрадей? — Не очень, две или три. — На доске много мела? — Да, я так думаю. 7. На вашей улице много домов? — Да, у нас много красивых новых домов. — В вашем парке много цветов? — Не очень, но они мне очень нравятся


XVIII. Write 4 examples on each of the models.

Mode l 1: There is a lot of paper in the box.

Mode l 2: There are a lot of questions to the text.


XIX. Translate into English the words given in brackets:

1. There is (много) paper on the desk. 2. There are (много) students in the classroom. 3. There is (немного) milk in the jug. 4. There are (много) newspapers on the shelf. 5. There is (много} time left. 6. There is (много) butter on the plate. 7. There are (несколько) notebooks in the bag. 8. Give me (немного) water, please. 9. Can you give him (несколько) coloured pencils? 10. May I take (несколько) sheets of paper? 11. There are (много) families in this house. 12. 1 have not (много) money. I cannot buy this coat. 13. There are not (много) sentences in this text. 14. Put (немного] salt into your soup.

XX. Make up questions as in the models. Add something using the topical vocabulary to Lesson Six. (People's age).

Model 1: How old is Jane? — She is twenty.

Model 2: How old are these boys? — They are eighteen years old.


XXI. Translate the following into English using the preposition at:

1 В десять часов. 2. В семь часов. 3. В двенадцать часов. 4. В половине первого. 5. В половине третьего. 6. В половине одиннадцатого. 7. В четверть шестого. 8. В четверть восьмого. 9. В четверть десятого. 10. Без четверти час. 11. Без четверти три. 12. Без четверти четыре. 13. В двадцать минут девятого. 14. Без десяти двенадцать. 15. Без двадцати пяти пять. 16. В десять минут седьмого. 17. Без пяти шесть. 18. Без трех минут шесть. 19. Без семи девять. 20. Без двадцати восьми три.



XXII. a) Write down the following numerals in words:

134, 298, 355, 948, 3526, 9011, 193, 561, 7 506 017, 35 616 234.


b) Read the following numerals and telephone numbers quickly:


104, 151, 175, 189, 1012, 1017, 1038, 2568, 4083, 5993, 6410,

10 784, 257 629, 841 403, 2 184 001; 134-86-78, 253-64-92, 289-47-30.


XXIII. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Много ли студентов в этой комнате? — Нет, не много. 2. В середине этой комнаты стол. На столе цветы. 3. В нашей квартире  пять комнат. Они большие и светлые. 4. Где твой брат? — Он в той  комнате 5. На столе нет хлеба. 6. Наш университет находится недалеко  от центра 7. На этой улице много больших домов. 8. В этой  комнате много света 9. Олег в 105 группе. 10. Нелли в 102 группе.  11. Борис в 501 группе. 12. Читайте текст 9 13. Сделайте упражнение 2 на доске. 14. У доски нет мела. 15. На столе много ручек, карандашей и тетрадей. 16. Есть ли яблоки на тарелке? 17. Яблоки в корзине. 18. Чашки на столе. 19. Ваш племянник в школе? — Нет, он дома. 20. В нашей группе не десять, а девять студентов. 21. На этом столе много коробок? — Нет, не много. 22. В нашей комнате не три, а четыре окна. 23. Приходите в шесть часов. 24. Возвращайтесь в половине десятого. 25. Джеймс — восьмилетний мальчик, его сестра — шестилетняя девочка. 26. Скажи мне, пожалуйста, твой телефон. — Пожалуйста. Запиши. 338-29-41.

27. Сыну Питера 7 лет. Сестре Артура 15 лет Бабушке Тома 68 лет.

ХХГУ. a) Write a short composition about your family (your friend's family), the family of a well-known person you are interested in. b) Make up dialogues using the topical vocabulary and conversational phrases of


XXV. a) Bring your family photo in class and get ready to tell your  fellow-students of all the members of your family, b) Ask and answer questions on the photo. Describe it.




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