Block 3.. BETTY SMITHСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Block 3. TEXT BETTY SMITH I am Betty Smith. My full name is Elizabeth Louise Smith. I am twenty-two. I a m a college graduate. I am a writer, just a beginner, you know. I have a lot of friends. Most of them are m y former school-mates. My best companions are two girl-friends. They are very kind, jolly and well-bred. My brother-in-law, Henry Sandford, is married to my elder sister Helen. I am a member of her family. My brother-in-law is a doctor. He has a mother, but he has no father. My sister is a house-wife. They have only one child, Benny. Benny is my nephew, he is four. Sometimes he is naughty. He is fond of birds and animals. We have white mice, a hedgehog and a parrot in the house. Now Benny is eager to have a rabbit. But his mother is against it, we have no peace because of all Benny's animals and birds.
VOCABULARY NOTES I am twenty-two. Мне 22 года. How old are you? I am nineteen (years old). a college graduate dsgecrybr rjkktl; f$ I’m a college graduate e vtyz dscitt j, hfpjdfybt just a beginner новичок former бывший school-mate соученик, школьный товарищ; сравни: a fellow student товарищ по институту companion товарищ girl-friend подруга; boy-friend товарищ, друг jolly веселый, славный well-bred хорошо воспитанный elder старший (о членах семьи); older старше. Например: My elder sister is 28. She is two years older than I. I am two years younger than my sister. house-wife домашняя хозяйка naughty непослушный, шаловливый to be fond of smth; to like любить, нравиться to be eager очень хотеть to be against быть против peace покой; сравни: piece кусок
TOPICAL VOCABULARY Relations by Birth: parents, father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, grandchildren, grandparents, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, great-grandchildren, uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece Relations by Marriage: husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepmother, stepfather, stepchildren, stepbrother (sister, son, daughter) People's Age What's your age? (How old are you? ) I am seventeen. I am seventeen years old. I am under seventeen. I am over seventeen. I am nearly eighteen. She is in her (early, late) thirties (i. e. between 29 and 40). She is a middle-aged person. She is an elderly person.
Animals and birds {domestic): horse, cow, dog, cat, goat, pig, swine, ass, rabbit, hen, cock, goose (geese), duck, turkey
Animals and birds (wild): lion, tiger, wolf (wolves), bear, fox, hare, elephant, mouse (mice), monkey, hedgehog, eagle, swan, sparrow, swallow, parrot, pigeon, donkey
CONVERSATIONAL PHRASES Agreement: Sure. Why, yes of course. By all means. That'd be lovely. I'd be glad to. How nice of you. It (certainly) is.
Disagreement: By no means. Far from it. I'm afraid I don't agree. I think you're mistaken. Just the other way round. I'd like to say yes, but... I'm awfully sorry but you see...
the room of my sister — my sister's [z] room the son of my friend — my friend's [z] son the answer of the student — the student's [s] answer the works of Marx — Marx's [iz] works the books of the students — the students' books the flat of my mother-in-law — my mother-in-law's [z] flat
e. g. My brother's flat is large. The girl's lace is pretty. These are Byron' s poems. The students' answers are correct. My daughter-in-law's room is small.