Questions for the lesson: Diseases of the vascular tract. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
1. Iris. Anatomical and histological structure, functions of the iris. Features of blood supply, innervation. Physiological purpose of the iris. Photoreaction of the pupil in the diagnosis of lesions of the sympathetic, parasympathetic innervation, CNS, severe ocular pathology. 2. Ciliary body. Anatomical and histological structure (mesodermal and neuroectodermal parts), ciliary processes, their histological structure and role in the formation and outflow of intraocular fluid (indicators C, F, etc. ). The structure and functions of the ciliary muscle (3 types of muscle fibers), participation in accommodation. Blood supply and innervation of the ciliary body. 3. Choroid. (actual choroid). Topographic anatomy, histological structure, blood supply and innervation. Connection with the retina. Functions of the choroid. The peculiarity of the blood supply to the choroid plays a role in the occurrence of inflammatory and degenerative processes. 4. Classification of uveitis, anterior uveitis (iridocyclitis), intermediate (median) uveitis, posterior (cyclitis). Posterior uveitis, choroiditis (focal, disseminated). 5. Neurouveitis, etiology, diagnosis, treatment. 6. Pathogenetic aspects of the development of uveitis, types of immunological response in various forms of uveitis. 7. Association of uveitis with antigens of the major histocompatibility system. Clinical picture of uveitis, subjective and objective symptoms. 8. Cellular reaction of moisture of the anterior chamber (hypopion), degree of cellular reaction, adhesive process (anterior and posterior synechiae). 9. The degree of cellular reaction of the vitreous body. Laboratory and clinical research methods. 10. Differential diagnosis of acute anterior uveitis and acute attack of glaucoma. 11. Complications of uveitis. 12. Principles of drug therapy. 13. Clinical manifestations of uveitis in viral infection (etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, differential diagnosis, therapy). 14. Clinical signs of uveitis in Behç et's disease (etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms). 15. Tuberculous uveitis, clinic, epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, methods of laboratory diagnostics and treatment. 16. Clinical manifestations of uveitis in syphilis and HIV infection (epidemiology, pathogenesis, methods of treatment). 17. Choroid dystrophies (primary, secondary; etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, methods of diagnosis and treatment).
1. Name the clinical signs of iridocyclitis. 1. Pain 2. Superficial injection of the vessels of the eyeball. 3. Pericorneal injection of the vessels of the eyeball. 4. Decreased visual acuity.
2. What types of inflammatory injection of the vessels of the eyeball can be observe with iridocyclitis? 1. Mixed 2. Surface. 3. Pericorneal. 4. Congestive.
3. What muscles are there in the iris? 1. Sphincter of the pupil. 2. Pupil dilator. 3. Ciliary muscle.
4. List the sections of the vascular tract of the eye. 1. Cornea. 2. Iris. 3. Ciliary body. 4. Actually choroid.
5. List the main functions of the ciliary body. 1. Energy function. 2. Participates in accommodation. 3. Absorbs intraocular fluid. 4. Produces intraocular fluid.
6. What vessels are involved in the blood supply of the vascular tract of the eye? 1. Anterior ciliary arteries. 2. Posterior long ciliary arteries. 3. Posterior short ciliary arteries. 4. Central retinal artery.
7. What is called a hyphema? 1. Pus in the anterior chamber. 2. Blood in the anterior chamber. 3. Separation of the iris at the root.
8. What causes the formation of posterior synechia in iridocyclitis
1. With fibrin deposits 2. With iris edema 3. Hemorrhage 4. With pseudo-exfoliation 5. With precipitates
9. What is the name of the anomaly of the iris, due to congenital absence pigment in the iris and retina? 1 Albinism 2. Hypochromia 3. Heterochromia 4. Dysplasia 5. Atrophy of the iris
10. For uveopathy characteristic 1. No signs of inflammation 2. Sluggish flow 3. Rampant progression of the disease 4. Damage to the ciliary body 5. All of the above are true
11. The main directions in the treatment of uveopathy 1. Anabolic steroids 2. Angioprotectors 3. Tissue therapy 4. Immunomodulators 5. All of the above are true
12. Name the syndrome, which is a kind of progressive mesodermal and dystrophy of the iris with mental disorders 1. Chandler's syndrome 2. Rieger's syndrome 3. Cogan-Rize syndrome 4. Kraup-Posner-Schlossmann syndrome 5. Tay-Sachs syndrome
13. What is the condition of the pupil in acute iridocyclitis? 1. Does not change 2. The pupil is dilated 3. The pupil is narrow 4. The pupil is slit-shaped 5. The pupil is oval
14. What are precipitates? 1. Deposits on the corneal endothelium of lymphocytes 2. Deposits on the endothelium of macrophages 3. All of the above is true
15. What does fresh focal inflammation look like in the choroid? 1. White focal with clear boundaries 2. Limited infiltrates with indistinct contours on a bright red background 3. White focal with a clear border and with pigmentation 4. Red focal with an indistinct contour 5. Pigmented focal on a red background
16. Features of the course of iridocyclitis during menopause 1. Sluggish course, tendency to relapse 2. Acute course 3. One-sided defeat 4. Fibrinous exudate, hypopyon 5. All of the above are true
17. What does focal inflammation look like at the end of choroiditis? 1. White focal with clear boundaries, limited by pigment 2. Gray focal with clear boundaries 3. Pigmented, focal on a red background 4. Light yellow patchy 5. Retinal blanching with fuzzy contours
18. For what acute disease of the anterior vascular tract characteristic: ciliary pain, discoloration of the iris, narrow pupil, little reactive to light? 1. Herpes zoster 2. Adenovirus keratoconjunctivitis 3. Iridocyclitis 4. Trachoma 5. Acute attack of glaucoma
19. What are the symptoms of uveitis in Behç et's syndrome? 1. Hypopion, uveitis, aphthous stomatitis, ulcerative lesions of the skin and mucous membranes external genitalia 2. Urethritis, joint damage, uveitis 3. Corneal dystrophy, uveitis, joint damage 4. Complicated cataract, hearing loss, meningoencephalitis, uveitis 5. Joint damage, nest-like alopecia, uveitis
20. What are the clinical symptoms of uveitis in Reiter's syndrome? 1. Clouding of the cornea, precipitation 2. Keratitis, iridocyclitis, conjunctivitis, tenonitis, gonitis and urethritis 3. Dacryoadenitis, choroiditis, conjunctivitis 4. Aphthous stomatitis 5. Rubeosis of the iris