Answer the questions ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5
Bitter tears are dropping from her bright blue eyes. Sitti When she met him, a young, good-looking man, almost a boy, she was charmed. He seemed so lonely, so unhappy. First, she acted as a mother, she gave him advice. But time went by and they become lovers. She couldn't believe that she, an elderly woman had that chance to be loved by this charming man. She was in heaven and so was he. They swore not to leave each other never more. Every day they became closer, their souls mingled, they were one. Then came the phone call from the hospital. Her beloved mother had had a heart attack. As she was an only child, it was her duty to take care of her mother, to assist her in her last moments. She couldn't turn her back to this duty. She had to go. " And Anthony, she is thinking now. How can I tell him? He needs me too. Shall I lose my happiness to make my mother happy? Shall I care about my own happiness and Anthony's? " Looking out of the large window she takes the pen to write but the right words won't come. Everything seems so shallow, so common. She tears the paper several times. " Impossible, I can't. I'll go away without a word. He'll search for me for a while and eventually he will forget me and that will be all right". Pen in her hand, she tries once more and suddenly the words flow:
No tears, no fears, remember there is always tomorrow So, what if we have to part We will be together Your kiss, your smile Our memories I'll treasure forever.
Answer the questions 1. Has the lady travelled around? 2. Why is she crying? 3. How was their relationship at the beginning? 4. Why was it difficult for her to believe in the boy’s love? 5. How did a phone call change the whole situation? 6. Why did she think that she had to go back to her mother? 7. Was it easy to write the letter? 8. In what way did the mentioned poem inspire the lady? 9. Have you ever written a good-bye letter? To whom? 10. Was it easy for you to write the letter?
Now, you are going to write a text inspired by the following lyrics " Some day, when I'm awfully low, when the world is cold, I will feel a glow just thinking of you and the way you look tonight. "